course information of 103 - 1 | 2916 Landscape Design Studio (I): Sophomore(景觀設計(一))

Taught In English2916 - 景觀設計(一) Landscape Design Studio (I): Sophomore

教育目標 Course Target

(一) 培養大二同學在景觀設計方法與流程上的能力。 (二) 培養單項景觀設施的設計原則的了解與設計能力。 (三) 加強景觀空間形塑的感知與空間串連的操作能力。 (四) 訓練學生對圖面與簡報等景觀規劃設計之專業表達能力。上學期以手繪圖為主,表現法以線條圖、灰階色彩為主。(I) Cultivate the ability of sophomore students in landscape design methods and processes. (II) Cultivate the understanding and design ability of the design principles of the single landscape facilities. (III) Strengthen the perception and operational ability of space shaping in the landscape. (IV) Training students' professional expression abilities in landscape planning and design such as screening and briefing. During the last period, the hand-drawn pictures were mainly used, while the expression method was mainly based on line drawings and gray colors.

課程概述 Course Description

「大二景觀設計」,係為期一年的課程,上、下二學期〈即分別為“景觀設計一”和“景觀設計二”〉各佔4學分。 要修讀本課,必須先修過大一的基本設計。在本系有關景觀設計系列課程之規劃架構中,同學應該在大一基本設計,先學習對環境設計元素之基本認知與探索。當進入大二景觀設計之後,各個階段訓練重點,亦必須相對地向前推進,思考層次也需要變得較廣、較深,藉此來逐步加強學生之專業知識與能力。 「大二景觀設計」課程之階段任務〈課程內容〉,主要為: 1.讓學生瞭解在作一個景觀設計案時,需要考慮那些條件?如何進行?亦即,學生在大二階段,必須養成對「設計流程」(design process)之基本概念。 2.在執行「設計流程」中,讓學生學習如何界定和處理複雜的環境設計問題,並研擬出對環境和使用者均有助益的設計對策,進而能發展出良好的基地配置及細部設計。 3.在設計技能方面,讓學生學習如何整合他們在大二修讀全部課程之所學者,作好進入大三進階課程之準備。
"Soul Landscape Design" is a one-year course, with 4 points in the first and second grades (i.e., "Scenery Design One" and "Scenery Design Two" respectively). To study this course, you must first learn the basic design of your freshman year. In the planning structure of this department's series of courses on landscape design, students should first learn the basic knowledge and exploration of environmental design elements in their freshman year. After entering the sophomore landscape design, the training points of each stage must also be pushed forward in a relatively large and deep manner, so as to gradually strengthen students' professional knowledge and abilities. The semi-department of the course "Soul Landscape Design" is mainly: 1. Let students understand what conditions need to be considered when making a landscape design? How to do it? That is, students must develop the basic concept of the design process in their sophomore year. 2. In the implementation of the "Design Process", students can learn how to define and deal with complex environment design problems, and develop design solutions that are helpful to the environment and users, so as to develop good base configuration and detailed design. 3. In terms of design skills, students can learn how to integrate the students in their sophomore study and prepare for entering the junior year's advanced course.

參考書目 Reference Books

本課程依據需要,備有Course Pack,摘錄相關研究報告、期刊、和文獻等提供學生精讀之用。另外,各設計題目亦會依其老師出題之特殊需求,再額外建議參考書目。至於本課程一般性參考書籍之建議名單,列示如下:

� 設計圖表現方面
1.Walker, Theodore D.; and Davis, David A. 1990. Plan Graphics.
Van Nonstrand Reinhold. New York.
2.Nadia Amoroso. 2012. Representing Landscapes: A Visual Collection of Landscape Architectural Drawings. Routledge. London and New York.

� 景觀設計理念方面
3.Hannebaum, Leroy. 1990. Landscape Design: A Practical Approach. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
4.Harris, Charles W.; and Dines, Nicholas T. 1988. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York.
5.Laurie, Michael. 1990. An Introduction to Landscape Architecture , Chapter 8: Design , pp.152-171. Elsevier. New York.
6.Motlock, John L. 1991. Introduction to Landscape Design. Van
Nostrand Reinhold. New York.
7.Simonds, John Ormsbee. 1978. Earthscape: A Manual of Environmental Planning. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.
8.中國古典園林分析。 彭一剛 1989 博遠.
9.Harris, Charles W.; and Dines, Nicholas T. 1988. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York.
10.台灣園林之美。 板橋林家花園 2009 聯經
This course is based on needs, with Course Packs, and excerpts related research reports, journals, and literature for students to read carefully. In addition, each design topic will also be based on the special needs of the questions given by his teacher, and additionally recommended reference books. As for the suggestions list for general reference books in this course, it is listed as follows:
� Design diagram performance aspects
1.Walker, Theodore D.; and Davis, David A. 1990. Plan Graphics.
Van Nonstrand Reinhold. New York.
2.Nadia Amoroso. 2012. Representing Landscapes: A Visual Collection of Landscape Architectural Drawings. Routledge. London and New York.

� Following design concept
3.Hannebaum, Leroy. 1990. Landscape Design: A Practical Approach. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
4. Harris, Charles W.; and Dines, Nicholas T. 1988. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York.
5. Laurie, Michael. 1990. An Introduction to Landscape Architecture , Chapter 8: Design , pp.152-171. Elsevier. New York.
6.Motlock, John L. 1991. Introduction to Landscape Design. Van
Nostrand Reinhold. New York.
7.Simonds, John Ormsbee. 1978. Earthscape: A Manual of Environmental Planning. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.
8. Analysis of Chinese classical garden forests. Peng Yishou 1989 Bo Far.
9. Harris, Charles W.; and Dines, Nicholas T. 1988. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New York.
10. The beauty of Taiwan’s garden forests. Banqiao Linjia Garden 2009 Joint

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Design unit (1) + classroom operation
Design unit (two) + classroom operation
Design unit (three) + classroom operation
Normal achievements

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Course Information


學分 Credit:4-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6,7,8,Wednesday/5,6,7,8,9,10[景觀系館]
授課教師 Teacher:李瑞�/蔡淑美/陳昭志/尤俊雄/柯秀鳳/蘇弘
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:基本設計不及格者不得修習
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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