course information of 103 - 1 | 2859 Internship(企業實習)

Taught In English2859 - 企業實習 Internship

教育目標 Course Target

本課程係針對大三、大四同學,利用暑期時間投入實務工作環境,有系統運用在校習得之設計知識與技巧於職場實習工作中,體驗知識與行動之整合。 藉此機會體會專業倫理之實踐與專業服務態度之養成。 並透過課堂發表與討論,澄清與確認設計專業之價值觀念,培養團隊人際關係及敬業精神。進而發掘個人設計專業領域之興趣與取向,強化領域學習深度,奠定就業或升學基礎。This course is designed for junior and senior students to use their summer time to immerse themselves in a practical work environment, systematically apply the design knowledge and skills acquired in school in workplace internships, and experience the integration of knowledge and action. Take this opportunity to experience the practice of professional ethics and the development of professional service attitude. Through classroom presentations and discussions, we clarify and confirm the values ​​of the design profession, and cultivate team interpersonal relationships and professionalism. Then explore personal interests and orientations in the professional field of design, strengthen the depth of learning in the field, and lay the foundation for employment or further study.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程係針對大三、大四同學,利用暑期時間投入實務工作環境,有系統運 用在校習得之設計知識與技巧於職場實習工作中,體驗知識與行動之整合。 藉此機會體會專業倫理之實踐與專業服務態度之養成。並透過課堂發表與討 論,澄清與確認設計專業之價值觀念,培養團隊人際關係及敬業精神。進而 發掘個人設計專業領域之興趣與取向,強化領域學習深度,奠定就業或升學 基礎。
This course is aimed at junior and senior students who use their summer time to invest in a practical work environment and systematically operate Use the design knowledge and skills acquired in school in workplace internships to experience the integration of knowledge and action. Take this opportunity to experience the practice of professional ethics and the development of professional service attitude. and publish and discuss in class Discussion, clarify and confirm the values ​​of the design profession, and cultivate team interpersonal relationships and professionalism. further Discover personal interests and orientations in the professional field of design, strengthen the depth of learning in the field, and lay the foundation for employment or further education. Basics.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Christine Fanthome 原著,羅竹君譯,在畢業前起跑:學生職前實習手冊(Work Placements:A Survival
Guide for Students),深思文化,2008 年
2. 「大專畢業生至企業職場實習方案」,http://www.ejob.gov.tw/2009_ToGenJob/index.html?
1. Original work by Christine Fanthome, translated by Luo Zhujun, Work Placements: A Survival
Guide for Students), Thinking About Culture, 2008
2. "Workplace Internship Program for College Graduates to Enterprises", http://www.ejob.gov.tw/2009_ToGenJob/index.html?

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Workplace internship results
50 由實習職場主管考核
Workplace internship presentation (PPT) presentation and experience sharing results
50 由課程指導老師考核

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相似課程 Related Course

必選-1069 Corporate Internship / 企業實習 (環工系3A,3B,授課教師:陳維燁,四/7,8[H103])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/10,11[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳進富
修課班級 Class:工設系3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 10 人。

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