course information of 103 - 1 | 2858 Branding(品牌形象設計)

Taught In English2858 - 品牌形象設計 Branding

教育目標 Course Target

自行銷學演進歷史觀之,從早期的推銷(Selling),轉變到行銷(Marketing),最終來到品牌打造(Branding)。品牌策略包含:品牌願景、品牌承諾、品牌識別、品牌定位、品牌架構、品牌形象。From the perspective of the history of the evolution of marketing, it has changed from early selling to marketing and finally to branding. Brand strategy includes: brand vision, brand promise, brand identity, brand positioning, brand architecture, and brand image.

課程概述 Course Description

自行銷學演進歷史觀之,從早期的推銷(Selling),轉變到行銷(Marketing),最 終來到品牌打造(Branding)。品牌策略包含:品牌願景、品牌承諾、品牌識 別、品牌定位、品牌架構、品牌形象。本課程將闡述品牌建構之三大區塊: 品牌策略(建構品牌價值、願景、承諾、基因等內在意識與差異化、優勢、 弱勢、機會、 威脅等外在因素的分析)、品牌識別 (形象)(設計品牌的標識、 產品、溝通文宣、網站、賣場、廣告等識別形象設計)、 品牌管理(品牌的 管理策略、人員行為、公關、成效、溝通等維護與督導)。以讓習者瞭解, 行銷的新顯學,即為打造品牌的藝術。
From a historical perspective on the evolution of marketing, from early selling to marketing, and finally Finally, we come to branding. Brand strategy includes: brand vision, brand promise, brand awareness Identification, brand positioning, brand architecture, and brand image. This course will explain the three major areas of brand building: Brand strategy (constructing brand value, vision, commitment, genes and other internal awareness and differentiation, advantages, Analysis of external factors such as weaknesses, opportunities, threats, etc.), brand identity (image) (designing the brand’s logo, Identity image design of products, communication materials, websites, stores, advertisements, etc.), brand management (brand Maintenance and supervision of management strategies, personnel behavior, public relations, effectiveness, communication, etc.). In order to let practitioners understand, The new science of marketing is the art of building a brand.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Idris Mootee原著,呂奕欣譯,60分鐘品牌戰略,晨星出版有限公司,2009年。
2. 施振榮著,全球品牌大戰略,天下雜誌,2005年。
3. Martin Lindstrom原著,李振昌譯,收買感官,信仰品牌,商智文化,2005年。
4. Mike Moser原著,陳柏蒼譯,品牌地圖 (United We Brand:How to creat a cohesive brand that's
seen, heard and remember,2003),經典傳訊文化股份有限公司,2005年。
5. Matt Haig原著,陳筱黠譯,品牌這樣搞就對了──100種創造、管理、重振成功品牌的神奇公
式(Brand Royalty:How the World's Top 100 Brands Thrive & Survive,2004),臉譜出版,2005年。
6. Marc Gobe原著,辛巴譯,高感性品牌行銷(Emotional Branding,2001),藍鯨出版有限公司,2001
7. Duane E. Knapp原著,袁世珮譯,品牌思維(The Brand Mindset):打造優勢品牌的五大策略,麥
8. Lynn B. Upshaw原著,奧美識別管理顧問公司譯,,建立品牌識別(Building Brand Identity),台
9. 錢大慧,沈昭良,李永清,Brand 9:全球9大暢銷品牌廣告創意解析,滾石文化,1998年。
1. Original work by Idris Mootee, translated by Lu Yixin, 60 Minutes Brand Strategy, Morning Star Publishing Co., Ltd., 2009.
2. Shi Zhenrong, Global Brand Strategy, World Magazine, 2005.
3. Original work by Martin Lindstrom, translated by Li Zhenchang, Bribing the Senses, Believing in Brands, Shangzhi Culture, 2005.
4. Original work by Mike Moser, translated by Chen Baicang, Brand Map (United We Brand: How to create a cohesive brand that’s
seen, heard and remembered, 2003), Classic Communication Culture Co., Ltd., 2005.
5. Original work by Matt Haig, translated by Chen Xiaoxiao, This is the Right Way to Do Brands—100 Magical Companies to Create, Manage, and Revitalize Successful Brands
Formula (Brand Royalty: How the World's Top 100 Brands Thrive & Survive, 2004), Facebook Publishing, 2005.
6. Original work by Marc Gobe, translated by Simba, Emotional Branding (2001), Blue Whale Publishing Co., Ltd., 2001
7. Original work by Duane E. Knapp, translated by Yuan Shipei, The Brand Mindset: Five Strategies for Building Advantageous Brands, Mai
Glo Hill International Holdings, 2001.
8. Originally written by Lynn B. Upshaw, translated by Ogilvy Identity Management Consulting Company, Building Brand Identity, Taiwan
Visual Culture, 2000.
9. Qian Dahui, Shen Zhaoliang, Li Yongqing, Brand 9: Analysis of advertising creativity of the world's top 9 best-selling brands, Rolling Stone Culture, 1998.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm report results
Final report results
Daily homework scores
class attendance score
10 ※上課缺席乙次扣總分二分,遲到乙次扣總分一分。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳進富
修課班級 Class:工設系3
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者 (限5名),請至工設系登記。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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