course information of 103 - 1 | 2852 Digital Video Design(錄影媒體表達設計)

Taught In English2852 - 錄影媒體表達設計 Digital Video Design

教育目標 Course Target

學會聲音媒體錄製、處理、應用 學會攝影機的使用操作、攝影技巧、節目拍攝 學會影像編輯、剪接、配音、配樂並組合以表達一件事件 了解數位媒體的各種格式,轉換與使用時機Learn to record, process and apply sound media Learn how to use a camera, photography skills, and program shooting Learn to edit, edit, dub, score and combine images to express an event Understand the various formats, conversion and usage of digital media

課程概述 Course Description

錄影媒體表達並非設計系必修課程,跟設計系的平面製圖設計或產品開發設計,也沒有絕對的關係,這是一個媒體素養的課程,任何學生,不管設計系或其他系所,都應有此涉獵與認識,習得媒體應用技術,並能運用此知識,表達行銷自己或自己設計的產品。但是話說回來,錄影媒體表達製作方式與表達方法,本身就是一種影像設計(Video design)。 學生要能運用錄影媒體表達及設計,必須了解媒體的基本常識。錄影媒體主要包含影(video)、音(audio) 兩部分, Video 影部要學會認識、操作攝影機、攝影方法與技巧、數位非線性剪接,媒體運用的格式等,Audio聲音方面要學會認識麥克風、混音機、錄音方法及旁白配樂。更重要的要學會影片的製作設計,讓一個計劃,從無中生有做出影片。 第一章 Sound音訊媒體的製作與應用 第一節 認識麥克風,混音機,及各式錄音器材 第二節 錄音及錄音環境 第三節 旁白配樂的實習製作 ACID, SmartSound 的使用 第四節 數位錄音與錄音剪輯應用軟體 Adobe Audition 的使用 第五節 CD的製作 第二章 Video 視訊媒體的製作與應用 第一節 視訊概論 第二節 一個電視節目是如何做成的? 第三節 認識與使用電視攝錄影機,攝影方法與技巧 第四節 非線性數位剪接與應用軟體的使用 (Premiere, Sony Vegas等) 第五節 視訊轉場特效,字幕,旁白,音效,影音結合等 第六節 視訊輸出:影像光碟(DVD, VCD, Mjpg 4) 與網路串流媒體的製作 本課程的教學目標,要讓學生能自行創作影片。學生修畢此課程後,都具備有媒體的素養,會使用攝錄影機,剪接影片並做旁白配樂,將拍攝到的素材,整理出可以讓人觀看的一部作品。
Video media expression is not a required course in the Department of Design, and it has no absolute relationship with the graphic design or product development design of the Department of Design. This is a media literacy course that any student, regardless of the Department of Design or other departments, should have. Browse and understand, acquire media application techniques, and be able to use this knowledge to express and market yourself or the products you design. But having said that, video media expresses production methods and expression methods, which itself is a kind of video design. To be able to express and design using video media, students must understand the basic knowledge of media. Video media mainly includes two parts: video and audio. The video department must learn to understand and operate cameras, photography methods and techniques, digital non-linear editing, media application formats, etc. In terms of audio sound, they must learn to understand microphones, Mixers, recording methods and narration soundtracks. What's more important is to learn film production design and make a film out of nothing based on a plan. Chapter 1 Production and Application of Sound Audio Media Section 1: Get to know microphones, mixers, and various recording equipment Section 2 Recording and Recording Environment Section 3: Internship production of narration soundtrack and use of ACID and SmartSound Section 4: Use of digital recording and recording editing application software Adobe Audition Section 5 CD Production Chapter 2 Video Production and Application of Video Media Section 1 Introduction to Video Section 2 How is a TV show made? Section 3: Understanding and using television cameras, photography methods and techniques Section 4: Non-linear digital editing and the use of application software (Premiere, Sony Vegas, etc.) Section 5: Video transition special effects, subtitles, narration, sound effects, audio-visual combination, etc. Section 6 Video Output: Production of Video Discs (DVD, VCD, Mjpg 4) and Internet Streaming Media The teaching goal of this course is to enable students to create videos on their own. After completing this course, students will have media literacy and will be able to use a video camera, edit videos and make narration and soundtrack, and organize the captured materials into a work that can be watched.

參考書目 Reference Books

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評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:林宗貴
修課班級 Class:工設系2
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者 (限5名),請至工設系登記。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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