course information of 103 - 1 | 2842 Introduction to Industrial Design(工業設計概論)

Taught In English2842 - 工業設計概論 Introduction to Industrial Design

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要建立學生對於現今工業設計專業領域之整體性的認識與了解。主要分為三個面向:第一、認識多元社會與文化、主流國家設計風格與大陸掘起之整體社會體系;第二、了解設計思想與設計史之形式發展,體認各種設計理念形成的背後影響因素與社會脈絡發展的重要性,建立學生良好的設計素養及理解設計者的社會責任使命。第三、建立設計在各領域之基本概念,設計在企業中扮演的角色、設計人物、設計美學及實踐。學生經由此課程能有效建立個人的設計生涯規劃,協助學生適性發展。This course mainly builds students' overall knowledge and understanding of the current professional field of industrial design. It is mainly divided into three aspects: first, understanding diverse societies and cultures, mainstream national design styles, and the overall social system emerging in mainland China; second, understanding the formal development of design ideas and design history, and understanding the behind-the-scenes formation of various design concepts. The importance of influencing factors and social context development, establishing students' good design literacy and understanding of designers' social responsibility mission. Third, establish the basic concepts of design in various fields, the role of design in enterprises, design characters, design aesthetics and practice. Through this course, students can effectively establish personal design career plans and assist students in their adaptive development.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程為工業設計領域的基礎必修學科,旨在引導初進工業設計系就讀之大一學生,在習得設計實踐必備之理論知識與技法之前,先建立有關設計、美學、創意、行銷、企畫等基本概念。不僅從工業設計發展的歷史脈絡中理解各種設計思想理論的內涵,並透過產品案例探討的過程,培養自身對工業設計的詮釋能力,建立良好的設計觀念,並對身為工業設計者的責任與使命有初步的認識,以協助自我找到未來在工業設計領域的學習方向。   本課程授課方式以課堂講義為主,授課中會以圖文穿插的簡報檔案解說課程內容。主題包括:工業設計的定義、範疇、理念;設計的起源、發展、趨勢;設計的理論與實踐;國內外工業設計產品賞析;設計與美學;設計管理與創意行銷;設計系學生的未來等。另外,亦配合授課之主題內容,播放國內外相關影片讓學生觀賞,以提高學習動機,同時透過觀後心得的討論與分享,加深學生的學習印象。   成績考核方面,除了以指定教科書內容為考試範圍進行一般筆試,以培養學生長期閱讀的習慣之外,亦有口頭﹧書面報告,希望藉由指定主題方向,內容細節由學生自定之開放式課題型態,鼓勵學生自主思考,培養組織、規劃、邏輯性書面表達等基礎能力。
This course is a basic compulsory subject in the field of industrial design. It is designed to guide first-year students entering the industrial design department to first establish relevant knowledge and skills related to design, aesthetics, creativity, marketing, and planning before acquiring the theoretical knowledge and techniques necessary for design practice. and other basic concepts. Not only do students understand the connotations of various design ideas and theories from the historical context of industrial design development, but through the process of product case discussion, they develop their own ability to interpret industrial design, establish good design concepts, and understand the responsibilities and responsibilities of industrial designers. Have a preliminary understanding of the mission to help you find your future learning direction in the field of industrial design. The teaching method of this course is mainly based on classroom lectures. During the teaching, the course content will be explained through briefing files interspersed with pictures and texts. Topics include: the definition, scope and concept of industrial design; the origin, development and trend of design; the theory and practice of design; appreciation of domestic and foreign industrial design products; design and aesthetics; design management and creative marketing; the future of design students, etc. In addition, in accordance with the theme content of the lecture, relevant domestic and foreign videos are played for students to watch to improve their learning motivation. At the same time, students' learning impressions are deepened through discussion and sharing of post-viewing experiences. In terms of performance assessment, in addition to conducting general written tests based on the content of designated textbooks to cultivate students' long-term reading habits, there are also oral and written reports. It is hoped that through the designated topic direction, the content details can be customized by the students. It encourages students to think independently and develop basic abilities such as organization, planning, and logical written expression.

參考書目 Reference Books


Lin Minghuang (2012). Design trends. Quanhua Books.
Qiu Zongcheng(207). Introduction to design. Dingmao Books.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
30 考試
Published at the end of term
30 報告
usual results
40 含作業、出席與服務。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[AG106]
授課教師 Teacher:呂佳珍
修課班級 Class:工設系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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