course information of 103 - 1 | 2798 Architectural Design Studio (9)(建築設計習作(九))

Taught In English2798 - 建築設計習作(九) Architectural Design Studio (9)

教育目標 Course Target

「超級台中!」計劃中,將由Parametric/ Urbanism 兩方向同時進行。一方面由規劃歷史、土地分區、都市空間、建築模型、地景設計、居民使用等種種層面,分析呈現綠園道環帶的背景脈絡、建築現狀與空間層次。另一方面同時研究當代都市資訊與數位媒材的整理表現方法,視覺化呈現綠帶系統與都市空間的各種面向與關係。此設計題目將以資訊化的系統理解,Landscape/ Ecological Urbanism 的當代思維,結合資料運算、數位幾何、地景操作、系統置入、空間設計等方法,重新活化綠園道之系列地景,成為積極參與都市空間的超級系統。The "Super Taichung!" plan will be carried out simultaneously in two directions: Parametric/Urbanism. On the one hand, it analyzes and presents the background context, architectural status and spatial hierarchy of the greenway ring from various aspects such as planning history, land zoning, urban space, architectural models, landscape design, and residents’ use. On the other hand, we simultaneously study the organization and expression methods of contemporary urban information and digital media materials, and visually present the various aspects and relationships between the green belt system and urban space. This design topic will be understood through an information system and the contemporary thinking of Landscape/Ecological Urbanism, combined with methods such as data computing, digital geometry, landscape operation, system placement, and space design, to revitalize the series of landscapes along the Green Garden Road and become a series of landscapes. Active participation in the supersystem of urban space.

課程概述 Course Description

本設計課程係為五下之畢業設計作前置訓練而安排,主要目的在有效輔助學生從二至四年級之各項基礎訓練整合為一整體規劃設計之綜和表現。因此,各組老師雖出題內容或有差異,唯對於現存城鄉生活環境演變與空間規劃設計之議題探討,應為共同訓練之目標。特別是對現存議題之再辯證、重新定義與創意思考,是為共同之教學特色。 簡言之,本設計教學近似一有如準畢業設計之模擬訓練,以達引導學生順利銜接至完整畢業設計概念之目的。各組設計題目與探討主題,或涉及新都區都市設計、舊都區保存與再發展、可持續生態環境、未來生活趨勢之推衍設計、與集居住宅模式…等各類發展議題,學生應能從此學期設計訓練過程中,養成由議題研究導向(problem & research oriented)之設計發展概念。由此達到系定共同性目標中有關“強化分析與解決問題的能力”、“重視獨立思考和創意的表現” 與“關懷自然與人居環境”等教學理念。
This design course is arranged as preparatory training for the graduation project of the fifth grade. The main purpose is to effectively assist students in integrating various basic trainings from the second to fourth grade into a comprehensive and comprehensive performance of overall planning and design. Therefore, although the content of the questions set by each group of teachers may be different, the discussion of the evolution of the existing urban and rural living environment and spatial planning and design should be the goal of common training. In particular, re-dialectics, redefinition and creative thinking of existing issues are common teaching features. In short, this design teaching is similar to a simulation training for quasi-graduation projects, with the purpose of guiding students to smoothly connect to the complete graduation project concepts. The design topics and discussion themes of each group may involve various development issues such as urban design in new urban areas, preservation and redevelopment of old urban areas, sustainable ecological environment, derivation of future living trends, and collective housing models... etc., students Students should be able to develop a problem & research oriented design development concept from the design training process in this semester. This achieves the teaching concepts of "strengthening the ability to analyze and solve problems", "valuing the expression of independent thinking and creativity" and "caring for the natural and human living environment" among the common goals set by the system.

參考書目 Reference Books

Alexander, Christopher/ 1965/ A City Is Not A Tree
Allen, Stan/ 2000/ Notations and Diagrams: Mapping the Intangible
Kahn, Andrea/ 1998/ From the Ground Up: Programming the Urban Site
Klingmann, Anna/ 2007/ (M)arketing
Tufte, Edward R/ 1990/ Envisioning Information
Wall, Alex/ 1999/ Programming the Urban Surface
Alexander, Christopher/ 1965/ A City Is Not A Tree
Allen, Stan/ 2000/ Notations and Diagrams: Mapping the Intangible
Kahn, Andrea/ 1998/ From the Ground Up: Programming the Urban Site
Klingmann, Anna/ 2007/ (M)arketing
Tufte, Edward R/ 1990/ Envisioning Information
Wall, Alex/ 1999/ Programming the Urban Surface

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Usual classroom performance
Design work review and evaluation
Portfolio arrangement

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Course Information


學分 Credit:4-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8,9,Thursday/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8[系館]
授課教師 Teacher:謝佑祥/趙奕翔/凌 天/楊秀川
修課班級 Class:建築系5
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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