course information of 103 - 1 | 2790 History of Architecture : China (I)(中國建築史(一))

Taught In English2790 - 中國建築史(一) History of Architecture : China (I)

教育目標 Course Target

1. 耙梳中國建築史發展、演變的脈絡,著重人文思考、從行為理解人與空間的互動、重構生活史,使學生具備基本但紮實的中國建築史知識。 2. 從空間營造的歷史經驗啓發學生對建築設計的思考,培養解決空間問題、提升環境品質的能力。 3. 反省性地重思建築史應涵納的多元面向,奠定學生未來進一步深化空間歷史研究的基礎。1. To comb the development and evolution of Chinese architectural history, focusing on humanistic thinking, understanding the interaction between people and space from behavior, and reconstructing life history, so that students can have basic but solid knowledge of Chinese architectural history. 2. Inspire students to think about architectural design from the historical experience of space creation, and cultivate the ability to solve spatial problems and improve environmental quality. 3. Reflectively rethink the diverse aspects that architectural history should include, laying the foundation for students to further deepen the study of spatial history in the future.

課程概述 Course Description

China has a long history and a vast territory. The content of Chinese architectural history can be roughly divided into two ways of discussion: contextual and thematic. The contextual narrative focuses on the evolution of the historical process of architecture; thematic narrative focuses on specific architectural themes. be discussed. History of Chinese Architecture (1) takes traditional Chinese architecture as the teaching object, uses the theme as the framework, and provides context-based teaching on specific architectural themes. It is hoped that through the introduction and discussion of physical objects, it will not only deepen students' understanding of traditional architecture. In addition, we hope to increase the appreciation of traditional architecture: starting from architectural appreciation, through the observation of architectural landscape, scale control, artistic style, etc., we can cultivate personal appreciation and design capabilities, and start caring for and researching interests in traditional architecture.

參考書目 Reference Books

雷德侯(Lothar Ledderose)原著、張總等中譯(2005)《萬物:藝術中的模件和規模化生產(Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art)》。北京:生活•讀書•新知三聯書店。
Editor-in-chief Liu Dunzhen (1980) "History of Ancient Chinese Architecture". Beijing: China Construction Industry Press.
Liu Xujie et al. (2003) "Ancient Chinese Architecture". Taipei: Trojan Publishing House.
Editor-in-chief Liu Xujie (2003) "History of Ancient Chinese Architecture·Volume 1·Architecture of Primitive Society, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han". Beijing: China Construction Industry Press.
Fu Xinian, editor-in-chief (2003) "History of Ancient Chinese Architecture·Volume 2·Architecture of the Three Kingdoms, Two Jins, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, and Five Dynasties". Beijing: China Construction Industry Press.
Chief editor Guo Daiheng (2003) "History of Ancient Chinese Architecture·Volume 3·Architecture of Song, Liao, Jin and Xixia". Beijing: China Construction Industry Press.
Pan Guxi, editor-in-chief (2001) "History of Ancient Chinese Architecture·Volume 4·Architecture of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties". Beijing: China Construction Industry Press.
Editor-in-Chief Sun Dazhang (2002) "History of Ancient Chinese Architecture·Volume 5·Architecture of the Qing Dynasty". Beijing: China Construction Industry Press.
Editor-in-chief of Beijing Science Press (1993) "History of Ancient Chinese Architectural Technology". Taipei: Boyuan Publishing House.
Liang Sicheng (1991) "Illustrated History of Chinese Architecture". Taipei: Chongzhi International Culture.
Liang Sicheng (1981) "History of Chinese Architecture". Taipei: Mingwen Publishing House.
Zhao Chen (2007) "Misunderstanding of "Facade" - Architecture·Theory·History". Beijing: Life·Reading·New Knowledge Sanlian Bookstore.
Yang Hongxun (1987) "Collected Papers on Architectural Archeology". Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House.
Zhao Guangchao (2000) "Not Only Chinese Wooden Architecture". Hong Kong: Joint Publishing House.
Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art, originally written by Lothar Ledderose and translated into Chinese by Zhang et al. (2005). Beijing: Life·Reading·New Knowledge Sanlian Bookstore.
Li Yunhe (1990) "Chinese Craftsmanship: Analysis of Chinese Classical Architectural Design Principles". Taipei: Mingwen Publishing House.
Han Baode (2004) "Architecture and Culture in China". Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House.
Li Qianlang (2007) "The Master's Work". Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing House.
Hou Youbin (2009) "Chinese Architectural Aesthetics". Beijing: China Construction Industry Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend and interact with class
10 每週簽到,全勤者得10分,缺課一次扣1分、依此類推至10分扣完為止。
Special report
midterm exam
final exam
Extra points questions
10 自選構築模型(請先與授課教師討論)或隨堂筆記。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[C207]
授課教師 Teacher:薛孟琪
修課班級 Class:建築3,碩1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 73 人。

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