course information of 103 - 1 | 2785 Physical Factors in Architecture(建築物理(一))

Taught In English2785 - 建築物理(一) Physical Factors in Architecture

教育目標 Course Target

為因應地球氣候急遽變遷與環境資源匱乏現象,本課程除了期望建築系學生對於基本建築物理環境之音、光、溫熱、空氣……等物理因子調控,需具備基本之認識與瞭解,並可依據其控制原理針對不同類型建築物提出最適化之規劃、設計原則外,同時亦著重人與大環境共生共榮的設計觀之觀念養成,同時從生活環境中體驗對建築物理環境控制之認知與瞭解,並具備生態、健康及永續設計之應用知識,進而幫助學生在建築設計中能關注到使用者舒適、健康需求及永續發展特性,使其建築設計儘可能符合永續建築環境之要求。In response to the rapid changes in the earth's climate and the shortage of environmental resources, this course expects architecture students to have a basic knowledge and understanding of the basic building physical environment such as sound, light, heat, air... and other physical factors control, and be able to In addition to proposing optimal planning and design principles for different types of buildings based on its control principles, it also focuses on cultivating the design concept of symbiosis and co-prosperity between people and the environment, and at the same time experiences the understanding and control of the physical environment of buildings from the living environment. Understand and have applied knowledge of ecology, health and sustainable design, thereby helping students pay attention to user comfort, health needs and sustainable development characteristics in architectural design, so that their architectural design meets the requirements of a sustainable built environment as much as possible .

課程概述 Course Description

In response to the rapid changes in the earth's climate and the shortage of environmental resources, this course expects architecture students to have a basic knowledge and understanding of the basic building physical environment such as sound, light, heat, air... and other physical factors control, and be able to In addition to proposing optimal planning and design principles for different types of buildings based on its control principles, it also focuses on cultivating the design concept of symbiosis and co-prosperity between people and the environment, and at the same time experiences the understanding and control of the physical environment of buildings from the living environment. Understand and have applied knowledge of ecology, health and sustainable design, thereby helping students pay attention to user comfort, health needs and sustainable development characteristics in architectural design, so that their architectural design meets the requirements of a sustainable built environment as much as possible .

參考書目 Reference Books

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評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Classwork results

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[C101]
授課教師 Teacher:劉建志
修課班級 Class:建築2,碩1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 53 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 53 人。

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