course information of 103 - 1 | 2710 Woodwinds Literature(樂曲研究:木管)

Taught In English2710 - 樂曲研究:木管 Woodwinds Literature

教育目標 Course Target

本學期課程的教學目標如下 1. 了解完整而清晰的現代音樂在木管樂器史上的觀念。 2. .明悉木管樂器的現代音樂「發展史」與浪漫「曲目演變性」相互影響之認知。 3. 建立木管音樂在浪漫及現代時期的風格特色與發展The teaching objectives of this semester’s course are as follows 1. Understand the complete and clear concept of modern music in the history of woodwind instruments. 2. Understand the mutual influence between the "development history" of modern music of woodwind instruments and the "evolution of repertoire" of romance. 3. Establish the style, characteristics and development of woodwind music in the romantic and modern periods

參考書目 Reference Books

1 My complete story of the flute :the instrument, the performer, the music /Leonardo De Lorenzo
2 The literature of the French flute school, 1800-1880 :style characteristics, sociological influences, and pedagogical applications /by Rhea B. Jacobus.
3 An analysis of the oboe concertos dedicated to Leon Goossens composed by Malcolm Arnold, Eugene Goossens, and Ralph Vaughan Williams /by Alice Lee Saunders Biggar
4 Oboe unbound :contemporary techniques /Libby Van Cleve
5 New directions for clarinet /Phillip Rehfeldt
6 Original twentieth century works for solo clarinet and wind ensemble by American composers :an analytical and stylistic study /Edward Carl Harris.
7. 150 years of music for saxophone :bibliographical index of music and educational literature for the saxophone, 1844-1994
8 A selected and partially annotated listing of periodical articles relating to the clarinet from 1979-1990 /by Rebecca A. Chappell
9. An annotated bibliography of trios for clarinet, one string instrument, and piano, composed between 1978 and 1990 by composers active in the United States /by Karen L. Dannessa
10. Celebrating double reeds :a festschrift for William Waterhouse and Philip Bate /edited by Terry B. Ewell.
11. An annotated bibliography of music for unaccompanied solo bassoon /by Jon P. Beebe.
1 My complete story of the flute :the instrument, the performer, the music /Leonardo De Lorenzo
2 The literature of the French flute school, 1800-1880 :style characteristics, sociological influences, and pedagogical applications /by Rhea B. Jacobus.
3 An analysis of the oboe concertos dedicated to Leon Goossens composed by Malcolm Arnold, Eugene Goossens, and Ralph Vaughan Williams /by Alice Lee Saunders Biggar
4 Oboe unbound :contemporary techniques /Libby Van Cleve
5 New directions for clarinet /Phillip Rehfeldt
6 Original twentieth century works for solo clarinet and wind ensemble by American composers :an analytical and stylistic study /Edward Carl Harris.
7. 150 years of music for the saxophone :bibliographical index of music and educational literature for the saxophone, 1844-1994
8 A selected and partially annotated listing of periodical articles relating to the clarinet from 1979-1990 /by Rebecca A. Chappell
9. An annotated bibliography of trios for clarinet, one string instrument, and piano, composed between 1978 and 1990 by composers active in the United States /by Karen L. Dannessa
10. Celebrating double reeds: a festschrift for William Waterhouse and Philip Bate /edited by Terry B. Ewell.
11. An annotated bibliography of music for unaccompanied solo bassoon /by Jon P. Beebe.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
40 課程參與及報告解說一首樂曲
midterm exam
30 考試題型:申論題、聽音
final exam
30 考試題型:申論題、聽音等

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[MU319]
授課教師 Teacher:鍾慧萍
修課班級 Class:音樂系3,4
選課備註 Memo:木管組必修(隔年開),不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 18 人。

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