course information of 103 - 1 | 2704 Piano Accompanying(鋼琴伴奏法)

Taught In English2704 - 鋼琴伴奏法 Piano Accompanying

教育目標 Course Target

鋼琴伴奏法是為期一學年的課程,上學期之課程著重(1)視奏能力的加強:視奏能力是鋼琴伴奏的首要條件,其精確度與反應速度深刻影響著伴奏與練習的效率(2)Rehersal的紀律培養:討論伴奏者應有的態度與精神,練習方法與過程(3)各類型聲樂曲之認識與分析:區分歌劇伴奏與藝術歌曲伴奏的差異,並認識各個時代與作曲家的風格(4)器樂曲之伴奏:加強節奏之訓練(5)分組音樂會之演出:實際的演出才是鋼琴伴奏課的實踐,因此修課的同學都必須在本學期的分組音樂會中伴奏演出,由練習及演奏中獲得經驗與成就Piano accompaniment is a one-year course. The last semester's course focused on (1) strengthening sight-reading ability: sight-reading ability is the primary condition for piano accompaniment, and its accuracy and response speed profoundly affect the efficiency of accompaniment and practice (2) ) Discipline cultivation of Rehersal: Discuss the attitude and spirit, practice methods and processes that accompanists should have (3) Understanding and analysis of various types of vocal music: distinguish the differences between opera accompaniment and art song accompaniment, and understand the differences between each era and composer Style (4) Accompaniment of instrumental music: Strengthening rhythm training (5) Performance of group concerts: Actual performances are the practice of piano accompaniment classes, so students taking the course must accompany performances in group concerts this semester , gain experience and achievements from practicing and playing

課程概述 Course Description

All students taking this course are piano majors. Based on the students' existing piano skills, they will enhance their experience and ability in cooperating with musical instruments and vocal music, expand the instrumental and vocal repertoire, understand the processing of styles of different eras, and increase the actual performance of the ensemble. experience, with the goal of improving students' accompaniment skills and achieving professional capabilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

四手聯彈Brahms Hungarian dances for four hands, no.1-10

書籍:(1) Unshamed Accompanist (無愧的伴奏家)by Gerald Moore,世界文物出版社
(2)The Art of Instrumental Accompanying by Heasook Rhee

(1)Bartok mikrokosmos:no.140自由變奏; no.148-153六首保加利亞舞曲
(2)Mozart: piano concerto, K. 488,k. 503;
(3) Mozart piano k. 448 for 2 pianos;
(1)Debussy: Proses Lyriques/De Reve; De Greve; De Fleurs; Dr Soir;
(2)Schumann: Im Rhein, im heiligen trome; Mondnacht
(3)Schubert; Halt
(4)E. Paladilhe:Psyche

(三)器樂曲介紹:(1)Beethoven: Violin Sonata no. 5, Spring
Brahms Hungarian dances for four hands, no.1-10

Books: (1) Unshamed Accompanist by Gerald Moore, World Heritage Press
(2)The Art of Instrumental Accompanying by Heasook Rhee

Related information:
(1) Sight-reading:
(1) Bartok mikrokosmos: no.140 Free Variations; no.148-153 Six Bulgarian Dances
(2)Mozart: piano concerto, K. 488,k. 503;
(3) Mozart piano k. 448 for 2 pianos;
(2) Introduction to vocal music:
(1)Debussy: Proses Lyriques/De Reve; De Greve; De Fleurs; Dr Soir;
(2)Schumann: Im Rhein, im heiligen trome; Mondnacht
(3)Schubert; Halt
(4)E. Paladilhe:Psyche

(3) Introduction to instrumental music: (1)Beethoven: Violin Sonata no. 5, Spring

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily performance (attendance/absence/class performance/course preparation)
Group concert performance (midterm exam)
Final concert (final exam)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-1
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[MU125]
授課教師 Teacher:陳敏華
修課班級 Class:音樂系2
選課備註 Memo:鍵盤組必修;不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 12 人。

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