course information of 103 - 1 | 2702 Histrory of Chinese Music(中國音樂史)

Taught In English2702 - 中國音樂史 Histrory of Chinese Music

教育目標 Course Target

中國音樂史是以華夏為中心的中國文化,以漢族為中心,同時兼容並蓄於鄰近族群的涵容。「音樂」是它主要的載體,「時間」是其發展的重要動脈,如同一幅綿延不斷的歷史卷軸,環環相互扣連,每一個朝代的音樂形式與風格,皆相互的傳承與影響;音樂史的課程分成兩種形式,一類是以時間的段代為鋪陳,敘述音樂風格與型態的各類發展,「史觀」為其著重的方向,另一類則以音樂型態為分類,論述在時間洪流中的分段衍化與歷史脈絡,「形式觀」則是課程重點,本學期將以這兩種方法論,交叉驗證於中國音樂的形式與風格。The history of Chinese music is Chinese culture centered on Huaxia, centered on the Han people, and at the same time inclusive and inclusive of neighboring ethnic groups. "Music" is its main carrier, and "time" is an important artery for its development. It is like a continuous historical scroll, linked to each other. The musical forms and styles of each dynasty are inherited and influenced by each other; Music history courses are divided into two forms. One is based on time periods and describes the various developments of music styles and forms, with "historical perspective" as its emphasis. The other is based on musical forms as a classification and discusses. In the segmented evolution and historical context in the flow of time, "Form Concept" is the focus of the course. This semester, these two methodologies will be used to cross-check the form and style of Chinese music.

課程概述 Course Description

中國音樂文化是東亞地區非常重要且影響深遠的音樂文化,與台灣的傳統音樂也有十分密切的關係。本課程介紹中國音樂自遠古至近代的發展歷史,使同學認識此一音樂文化遺產,增進對世界音樂和東亞音樂的了解,對臺灣傳統音樂的源流脈絡也能有更進一步的認識。 此外,本課程透過實際音樂範例的解說和聆賞,使同學領略中國音樂獨特的審美觀,培養更多元寬廣的音樂欣賞能力及視野。 課程進度: 本課程為一學年課程,分為上、下學期講授,上學期講授範圍為遠古至唐宋時期的宮廷音樂,下學期講授範圍為宋元明清的戲曲至近代。課程中並將配合相關主題介紹台灣的傳統音樂與近代西式新音樂的發展。
Chinese music culture is a very important and far-reaching music culture in East Asia, and it is also closely related to Taiwan's traditional music. This course introduces the development history of Chinese music from ancient times to modern times, allowing students to understand this musical cultural heritage, enhance their understanding of world music and East Asian music, and gain a better understanding of the origins and context of Taiwan's traditional music. In addition, through the explanation and listening of actual music examples, this course enables students to appreciate the unique aesthetics of Chinese music and cultivate a more diverse and broad music appreciation ability and vision. Course Progress: This course is a one-year course, divided into upper and lower semesters. The first semester covers court music from ancient times to the Tang and Song Dynasties, and the second semester covers opera from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties to modern times. The course will introduce Taiwan's traditional music and the development of modern Western-style new music in conjunction with related themes.

參考書目 Reference Books


中國大百科全書音樂舞蹈編輯委員會,《中國大百科全書 音樂 舞蹈》。臺北縣:錦繡,1993(正體字版)。


Wang Guangqi, "History of Chinese Music". Taipei: Chung Hwa Book Company, 1981 (Taiwan Seventh Edition).
Wu Zhao and Liu Dongsheng, "A Brief History of Chinese Music". Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 1983.
Wang Yuhe, "History of Modern Chinese Music" (Second Revised Edition). Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 2002.
Yang Yinliu, "History of Ancient Chinese Music." Taipei: Dahong (Danqing), 1985.
Yang Yinliu, "Outline of the History of Chinese Music". Taipei: Le Yun, 1996 (first edition in Taipei).
Liu Zaisheng, "A Brief Introduction to the History of Ancient Chinese Music". Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 2006.
Compiled by Liu Dongsheng and Yuan Quanyou, "Illustrated Book of Chinese Music History". Beijing: People's Music, 1988.
Xue Zongming, "History of Chinese Music·Instrumental Instruments". Taipei: The Commercial Press, 1983.
Xue Zongming, "History of Chinese Music·Music Score". Taipei: The Commercial Press, 1981.
Huang Xiangpeng, "History of Ancient Chinese Music: Periodic Research and Related New Materials and New Issues". Taipei: Han and Tang Yuefu, 1997.
Zhang Geng and Guo Hancheng, "General History of Chinese Opera". Taipei: Danqing Books, 1985.
Xu Jian, "The First Edition of the History of Qin". Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 1982.
Fu Lei, "Fu Lei Family Letter". Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 2006 (updated edition).
Liao Ben and Liu Yanjun, "History of the Development of Chinese Opera". Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press, 2003.
Cai Zhongde, "History of Chinese Musical Aesthetics". Beijing: People's Music Publishing House, 1995.
Yu Jiafang, "History of Ancient Chinese Music". Shanghai: People's Music Publishing House, 2003.
Yu Jiafang, "History of Modern Chinese Music". Shanghai: People's Music Publishing House, 2006.

Reference books
Encyclopedia of China Music and Dance Editorial Committee, "Encyclopedia of China Music and Dance". Taipei County: Jinxiu, 1993 (traditional Chinese version).
"Chinese Music Dictionary" edited by Zhang Lexui and Dai Anlin, edited by Dong Rongsen. Taipei: Changchun Shufang, 1985.
Xue Zongming, "Chronology of Major Events in Chinese and Foreign Music". Taipei: Taiwan Business, 1989.

Historical materials
Translated by Ji Liankang, "Music Historical Materials of Qin and Han Dynasties". Shanghai: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, 1981.
Translated by Ji Liankang, "Music Historical Materials of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties". Shanghai: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, 1982.
Translated by Ji Liankang, "Music Historical Materials of Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties". Shanghai: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, 1986.
Translated by Ji Liankang, "Music Historical Materials of Song and Ming Dynasties". Shanghai: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, 1986.

Multimedia and audio-visual materials
"Appreciation of Chinese Classical Music - Pre-Qin, Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing" (6 music CDs). ACD-033-038. Beijing: Beijing Zhongshang Times Audio and Video Co., Ltd., 1998.
Edited by Wang Zichu, "Chinese Music History Teaching Reference Library" (CD-ROM). Beijing: People's Music and Audiovisual Publishing House.
National Guoguang Theater Company, "Pai An Jingqi (Introduction)" (DVD). Taipei: National Guoguang Theater Company, 2006.
Produced by Yang Jincong, "Inheritance - Yang Yinliu's 100th Birthday Commemorative Album" (2 music CDs). TCD-1023. Taipei: Feng Chao Audio Publishing Company, 2000.
Guan Pinghu, "Guan Pinghu Guqin Music Collection" (2 music CDs, with manual). RB-951005-2C. Hong Kong: Longyin Production Co., Ltd., 1995.
Guan Pinghu and others, "Encyclopedia of Chinese Music·Guqin Volume" (8 music CDs). CCD-94/342─9. China Record Corporation, 1994.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/1,2[MU319]
授課教師 Teacher:魏心怡
修課班級 Class:音樂系2
選課備註 Memo:外系可選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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