course information of 103 - 1 | 2643 Painting Creative Works Seminar (I)(西畫創作專題(一))

Taught In English2643 - 西畫創作專題(一) Painting Creative Works Seminar (I)

教育目標 Course Target

透過課程單元的安排,共同討論發展出兼具時代與個人性的繪畫形式和內容,在引導學生表現自我創作的部份,能創作出繪畫主題、內容與形式之間的緊密關係,藉由造形原理、繪畫思想及造型語彙的綜合運用,表現出個人風格的繪畫創作。Through the arrangement of course units, we jointly discuss and develop painting forms and contents that are both contemporary and personal. In the part that guides students to express their own creation, they can create a close relationship between the painting theme, content and form, and through shaping The comprehensive application of principles, painting ideas and modeling vocabulary shows the painting creation of personal style.

課程概述 Course Description

Be familiar with the development process of Western aesthetics conveyed by painting, understand the relationship between the theme content and form of painting and use it in creation, and be proficient in using oil paints; and through the guidance of theme creation, explore the appearance and techniques of painting media in modern times.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Michel Foucaul傅柯 著/謝強 馬月 譯;《馬奈的繪畫 La peinture de Manet 》Suivi de MichelFoucault, un regard ; 湖南教育出版社;長沙;2009.6;ISBN978-7- 5355-6138-1
2.Eddie Wolfram 著/傅嘉琿 譯《拼貼藝術之歷史》/遠流出版,1992
3. Herschel Chipp,余珊珊譯,《現代藝術理論》台北: 遠流出版社,1996。
4. 高千惠 著,《叛逆的捉影- 當代藝術家的新迷思》;遠流圖書公司出版;2006。 ISBN 957325784-x。
5. 《保羅克利 著/周群超 譯《保羅克利教學手記》;藝術家出版;1999。
6. Heinrich Wölfflin 著/曾雅雲 譯;《藝術史的原則》;雄獅圖書公司出版。
7. 《西洋巨匠美術》 錦繡出版社
8. 《新編近代世界名畫全集 》光復書局
9. 貝蒂.艾德華著,張索娃譯,《像藝術家一樣反轉思考 》2005時報出版
10. 約翰 義庭 著/王秀雄 譯;《造形藝術的基礎》;大陸書店出版;1989
11. Anna Moszynska著/黃麗絹 譯;《抽象藝術》;遠流圖書公司出版; ISBN9573237806。
12.Susan Sontag(1997)。《論攝影》(黃翰荻譯)。臺北市:唐山出版社。
13. David Sylvester著,陳品秀譯《培根訪談錄 》,遠流,1995
14.John Berger(2005)。《觀看的方式》(吳莉君譯)。臺北市:麥田。
1. Written by Michel Foucaul/Translated by Xie Qiang and Mayue; "Manet's Painting La peinture de Manet" Suivi de MichelFoucault, un regard; Hunan Education Press; Changsha; 2009.6; ISBN978-7- 5355-6138-1< br /> 2. "The History of Collage Art" written by Eddie Wolfram/translated by Fu Jiahun/Yuanliu Publishing, 1992
3. Herschel Chipp, translated by Yu Shanshan, "Modern Art Theory" Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing House, 1996.
4. Gao Qianhui, "Rebellious Capturing Shadows - New Myths of Contemporary Artists"; published by Yuanliu Book Company; 2006. ISBN 957325784-x.
5. "Paul Klee's Teaching Notes" written by Paul Klee/translated by Zhou Qunchao; published by the artist; 1999.
6. Written by Heinrich Wölfflin/Translated by Zeng Yayun; "Principles of Art History"; published by Lion Books.
7. "The Art of Western Masters" Jinxiu Publishing House
8. "New Collection of Famous Paintings from the Modern World" Guangfu Bookstore
9. Betty. Written by Ed Hua, translated by Zhang Suowa, "Thinking Like an Artist", published by The Times in 2005
10. Written by John Yiting/Translated by Wang Xiuxiong; "The Foundation of Plastic Arts"; published by Continental Bookstore; 1989
11. Written by Anna Moszynska/Translated by Huang Lijuan; "Abstract Art"; published by Yuanliu Book Company; ISBN9573237806.
12. Susan Sontag (1997). "On Photography" (translated by Huang Handi). Taipei City: Tangshan Publishing House.
13. "Interviews with Bacon" by David Sylvester, translated by Chen Pinxiu, Yuanliu, 1995
14. John Berger (2005). "Ways of Seeing" (translated by Wu Lijun). Taipei City: Wheatfield.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Mid-term evaluation
50 含平時出席率及上課態度,完成50號主題作品以上作業(單件或系列),無重大原因不得請假亦不得請同學代交,未出席者該項以0分計。
Final review
50 含平時出席率及上課態度,三分之一以上無故曠課扣考,期末評量含上課速寫、草稿等,期末主題原則參考50號(單件或系列)以上作品,不得延交、補交,無重大原因不得請假亦不得請同學代交,未出席者該項以0分計。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[FA101]
授課教師 Teacher:張惠蘭
修課班級 Class:美術系4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 22 人。

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