course information of 103 - 1 | 2625 Application of Ink Monochrome Media(I)(水墨媒材運用(一))

Taught In English2625 - 水墨媒材運用(一) Application of Ink Monochrome Media(I)

教育目標 Course Target

林詮居 老師 一、 教學目的: (一)認識傳統繪畫的起源、水墨繪畫的發展歷史與名作賞析。 (二)認識水墨畫材質特性、練習水墨畫的基本技法。解析水墨畫的筆法、構圖、情境等審美特色。 (三)傳統繪畫的臨摹與實景寫生,為日後水墨創作奠定基礎。 (四)兩岸水墨繪畫的研究與比較。 (五)異材質的使用:提供逆向的水墨畫學習思維。 ■授課內容: (一)漢魏石刻拓本、晉唐五代高古繪畫欣賞,宋代至明清以來諸家風格、流派的作品賞析。 (二)民國以後水墨繪畫諸家風格、流派的作品分析。兩岸水墨繪畫的發展、賞析與比較。 (三)紙張、筆與墨等材料的認識與應用,筆法、墨法、皴法的基礎訓練。 (四)選擇宋元兩代的作品加以臨摹,著重筆法、線條、設色技巧的研究與運用。 (四)結合傳統基本技法,作實際風景寫生、靜物人物寫生、或造境創作。 (五)集中介紹姚瑞中、陳浚豪、許雨仁、于彭(台灣部分)與劉慶和、李津、鄔一名、武藝(大陸部分)等人的水墨畫變革,引導學生從異材質的臨摹入手,進而激發應用傳統資源、打破傳統束縛的創作潛力。 鄭志揚 老師 培養學生對工筆的鑑賞和創造能力,並創造出具備現代特徵的現代工筆繪畫Lin Quanju Teacher 1. Teaching purposes: (1) Understand the origin of traditional painting, the development history of ink painting and appreciation of masterpieces. (2) Understand the material characteristics of ink painting and practice the basic techniques of ink painting. Analyze the aesthetic characteristics of ink painting such as brushwork, composition, and situation. (3) Copying and realistic sketching of traditional paintings lay the foundation for future ink painting creations. (4) Research and comparison of ink paintings on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. (5) The use of different materials: Provide reverse thinking for learning ink painting. ■Teaching content: (1) Appreciation of stone rubbings from the Han and Wei dynasties, ancient paintings of the Jin, Tang and Five Dynasties, and appreciation of works of various styles and schools from the Song Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. (2) Analysis of the works of various styles and schools of ink painting after the Republic of China. The development, appreciation and comparison of ink painting on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. (3) Understanding and application of materials such as paper, pens and ink, and basic training in penmanship, ink and calligraphy. (4) Select works from the Song and Yuan dynasties to copy, focusing on the research and application of brushwork, lines, and coloring techniques. (4) Combine traditional basic techniques to make actual landscape sketches, still life sketches, or environment creations. (5) Focus on introducing the changes in ink painting by Yao Ruizhong, Chen Junhao, Xu Yuren, Yu Peng (Taiwan part), Liu Qinghe, Li Jin, Wu Yiming, Wu Yi (mainland part) and others, guiding students to start with copying of different materials, and then Stimulate the creative potential of applying traditional resources and breaking the constraints of tradition. Teacher Zheng Zhiyang Cultivate students' appreciation and creative ability of gongbi and create modern gongbi paintings with modern characteristics

課程概述 Course Description

The course focuses on the application skills of ink media, and allows students to understand the characteristics and expressiveness of ink through creative ideas and material research.

參考書目 Reference Books

林銓居 老師


鄭志揚 老師
羅寒蕾 ,《羅寒蕾講工筆人物.等待》 安徽/安徽美術出版社,2013
楊 新 ,《明清肖像畫》 香港/商務印書館,2008
何家英 ,《中國當代名家 何家英最品精粹》 北京/江西美術出版社,2010
樊波 ,《中國藝術專史 人物卷》 南昌/江西美術出版社,2008
《現代日本美人畫全集》 東京都/集英社/昭和52[1977]
Teacher Lin Quanju

1. Li Tang's "Pine Wind in Ten Thousand Valleys", National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1988
2. "Complete Collection of Chinese Art·Painting", Jinxiu Publishing House, 1990
3. "Gong Xian's Disciple Drawing", Rongbaozhai, Beijing, 1985
4. "Collection of Five Thousand Years of Chinese Cultural Relics·Paintings", Taipei National Palace Museum, 1985
5. "Yao Ruizhong", Garden City, 2008
6. "Li Jin", Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004
7. "Martial Arts", Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2006
8. "Liu Qinghe", Red Gate Gallery, 2006
9. "Wu Mingming", ShanghART Gallery, 2006
10. "Landscape with Mosquito Nails", Future Gallery, 2011
11. "Lin Quanju·The Resurrection", Art and Literature Center of Central University, 2009
12. "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book", Huazheng Publishing House, 1982

Teacher Zheng Zhiyang
Luo Hanlei, "Luo Hanlei talks about meticulous characters." Waiting" Anhui/Anhui Fine Arts Publishing House, 2013
Yang Xin, "Portraits of the Ming and Qing Dynasties" Hong Kong/Commercial Press, 2008
He Jiaying, "Chinese Contemporary Famous Masters: The Best of He Jiaying" Beijing/Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2010
Fan Bo, "History of Chinese Art Figures Volume" Nanchang/Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2008
"Complete Collection of Modern Japanese Beauty Paintings" Tokyo/Shueisha/Showa 52[1977]

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[FA208]
授課教師 Teacher:林銓居/鄭志揚
修課班級 Class:美術系2-4
選課備註 Memo:需先修過水墨基本技法。不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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