一、談雕塑與空間的關係。二、比較傳統、現代及當代雕塑的異同。 三、雕塑新材質的運用與表現。 四、指導學生現場立體雕塑製作。1. Discuss the relationship between sculpture and space. 2. Compare the similarities and differences between traditional, modern and contemporary sculptures. 3. The use and expression of new materials in sculpture. 4. Instruct students to make on-site three-dimensional sculptures.
Explore the relationship between shape and structure in sculpture creation, pay attention to the use of sculpture materials and technical expressions, and gradually establish the three-dimensional shaping capabilities and development direction of three-dimensional space works from the interactive application of points, lines, surfaces, and bodies.
1. 造形原理 呂清夫著 雄獅圖書有限公司出版。
2. : The Language of Sculpture William Tucker Thames and Hudson Ltd ,
London 1974
1. Principles of Shaping, written by Lu Qingfu and published by Lion Books Co., Ltd.
2. : The Language of Sculpture William Tucker Thames and Hudson Ltd ,
London 1974
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
國內外雕塑家閱讀蒐集心得報告國內外雕塑家閱讀蒐集心得報告 Reports on reading and collection experience of sculptors at home and abroad |
30 | 期中考試(前半學期考核) |
期末實作作品考核期末實作作品考核 Final assessment of practical works |
40 | 後半學期階段性考核 |
平常出席考核平常出席考核 Attend assessment regularly |
30 | 依出席,課中作業,三次以上缺席扣考 |