course information of 103 - 1 | 2613 Color Theory(色彩理論與應用)

Taught In English2613 - 色彩理論與應用 Color Theory

教育目標 Course Target

色彩在自然環境與人為環境中佔有重要視覺與知覺地位,其涵蓋範圍相當廣泛,另因其又為生活中之必要元素介面,在食、衣、住、行、育、樂中,包括視覺藝術、工業產品、商業設計、視覺傳達,乃至建築物與空間設計…等,均與色彩息息相關。 期望透過本課程對於色彩與材料、生活美學之關係尤涉及視覺原理、色彩理論以及色彩意象之分析與應用,除了藝術創作外也可應用於設計的創作與生活賞析。Color occupies an important visual and perceptual position in the natural environment and man-made environment. It covers a wide range. In addition, it is an essential element interface in life, including food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment, including visual arts. , industrial products, commercial design, visual communication, and even building and space design... are all closely related to color. It is expected that through this course, the relationship between color, materials, and life aesthetics will involve the analysis and application of visual principles, color theory, and color imagery. In addition to artistic creation, it can also be applied to design creation and life appreciation.

課程概述 Course Description

The course focuses on basic basic color theory courses, introducing visual principles and color theory, and then applying them to the appreciation and creation of art and design.

參考書目 Reference Books

S. Kobayashi(1987), A book of Color,Tokyo.New York.London: KodanshaInternational.
J.P. Lenclos(1990), Couleurs de la France, Paris: Moniteur.
Shigenobu Kobayashi(1991), Color Image Scale, Tokyo.New York.London:Kodansha International.
J. Itten(1993), Art de la Couleur,Paris : edition abregée
張惠蘭(2013) 著,八斗子 流動的島嶼色彩,國立海洋科技博物館出版
張惠蘭(2011)著,《寶藏巖 流動的色彩密碼》公館水岸環境色彩計畫,台北:台北市政府文化局
賴一輝 著,色彩計畫 ,北星圖書公司
J.P. Lenclos(1995) Couleurs del'Europe, Moniteur, Paris.
歐秀明 著(1994),《應用色彩學》,雄師圖書股份有限公司
賴瓊琦(1997) 《設計的色彩心理-色彩的意象與色彩文化》。台北:視傳文化事業有限公司。
山中俊夫 著,《色彩學的基礎》,黃書倩譯,2003,台北:六合出版社。
Shigenobu Kobayashi(1998)COLORIST—A Practical Handbook for Personal and Profssional Use。 Kodansha。
J.P. Lenclos (1999), Couleurs du monde, Paris: Moniteur.
山中俊夫 著,黃書倩譯 (2003),《色彩學的基礎》,台北:六合出版社。
貝蒂.愛德華(Betty Edwards)著,朱民 譯(2006),時報文化出版社
小林重順(Shigenobu Kobayashi)著,南開大學色彩與公共藝術研究中心 譯(2006),《形象配色藝術》
(Art of Color Combinations),北京:人民美術出版社
S. Kobayashi (1987), A book of Color, Tokyo. New York. London: KodanshaInternational.
J.P. Lenclos (1990), Couleurs de la France, Paris: Moniteur.
Shigenobu Kobayashi (1991), Color Image Scale, Tokyo. New York. London:Kodansha International.
J. Itten (1993), Art de la Couleur, Paris : edition abregée
Zhang Huilan (2013), Badouzi Flowing Island Colors, published by the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology
Zhang Huilan (2011), "Treasure Rock: Flow Color Code" Mansion Waterfront Environmental Color Plan, Taipei: Taipei City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau
Written by Lai Yihui, Color Project, North Star Book Company
J.P. Lenclos (1995) Couleurs del'Europe, Moniteur, Paris.
Written by Ou Xiuming (1994), "Applied Color Science", Xiongshi Book Co., Ltd.
Lai Qiongqi (1997) "Color Psychology of Design-Color Imagery and Color Culture". Taipei: Visual Communication Culture Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Toshio Yamanaka, "Basics of Color Science", translated by Huang Shuqian, 2003, Taipei: Liuhe Publishing House.
Shigenobu Kobayashi (1998) COLORIST—A Practical Handbook for Personal and Profssional Use. Kodansha.
J.P. Lenclos (1999), Couleurs du monde, Paris: Moniteur.
Written by Yoshio Nakai and Hideaki Kawasaki, translated by Lin Kunfan and Ke Kairen (1999), "Modern Colorology", Taipei: Quanhua Books.
Written by Toshio Yamanaka, translated by Huang Shuqian (2003), "Basics of Color Science", Taipei: Liuhe Publishing House.
Betty. Written by Betty Edwards, translated by Zhu Min (2006), Times Culture Publishing House
Written by Shigenobu Kobayashi, translated by Color and Public Art Research Center of Nankai University (2006), "Image Color Matching Art"
(Art of Color Combinations), Beijing: People's Fine Arts Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
normal grades
90 各項指定作業的成績與上課出席狀況為評分標準(達三分之一課程無故缺席者扣考)
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[FA208]
授課教師 Teacher:張惠蘭
修課班級 Class:美術系1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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