course information of 103 - 1 | 2288 Elderly Community Organizations(高齡社區組織與社區營造)

Taught In English2288 - 高齡社區組織與社區營造 Elderly Community Organizations

教育目標 Course Target

1.提高修課學生對高齡社會、高齡參與社區的認識,並能透過與高齡者社區參與,達到活力老化的目標。 2.培養學生社會關懷的素養,並對投入解決高齡者社會問題有更為正向的態度 3.培養學生具備關心共同生活之社區之能力與專業社區工作技術。 4.培養學生透過實地參與學習,具備協助高齡者從事社區工作之基本能力。 5.增強學生跨領域整合與多元適應能力知能,具備高齡社會問題與分析、評估社會政策的學識。1. Improve students’ understanding of the aging society and the elderly’s participation in the community, and enable them to achieve the goal of active aging through community participation with the elderly. 2. Cultivate students' social care literacy and have a more positive attitude towards investing in solving social problems of the elderly. 3. Cultivate students with the ability to care about the community in which they live together and professional community work skills. 4. Cultivate students to have the basic ability to assist the elderly in community work through on-site participation in learning. 5. Enhance students’ cross-field integration and diverse adaptive abilities, and equip them with knowledge of social issues of the elderly and analysis and evaluation of social policies.

課程概述 Course Description

This course mainly combines the perspectives of space design and landscape planning in the design field, as well as community work analysis, social welfare research and other courses in the social field, and applies it to the analysis of the elderly's participation in community organizations and community creation. From a social perspective, the increasing elderly population is a demographic issue, a medical and health issue, and a social welfare issue; from an economic perspective, if you can have a deeper understanding of the needs of the elderly population and see future development trends, you will have the opportunity to grasp them. There are huge business opportunities in the aging society in the future; and the integration and complementarity between the two perspectives are the important thinking directions for solving the problems of aging society in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books

陳錦煌 等(2006)。幸福之夢:社區照顧概念篇;同心編織幸福網---社區照顧系列教材(I)。台北:內政部。
甘炳光 等(1996)。社區工作:理論與實踐。台北:五南。
Twelvetrees, Alan(2002). Commmunity Work (3rd.).New York: Palgrave.
Weil, Marie(ed.)(2005).Handbook of Community Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage
Peat, K.(2007).’The Ideal of a Sustainable Community’ , in C. J. Clay, M. Madden and L. Potts(eds.), Towards Understanding Community: People and Place, London: Plagrave  
Gamble, D. N. and Hoff, M. D.(2005).’Sustainable Community Development’, in M. Weil
  (ed.), The Handbook of community Practice, London: Sage.
Li, Yijun (2011). Contemporary community work: planning and development practice. Taipei: Futaba.
Huang Yuanxie and Xiao Wengao co-authored (2010) Community Work, National Air University Book.
Su Jinghui (2003). Community work---theory and practice. Taipei: Juliu.
Xu Zhen (2007). On community work. Taipei: Songhui.
Oxfam (2004). Not Ubang---Community Economic Theory and Practice. Hong Kong: Oxfam.
Chen Jinhuang et al. (2006). The Dream of Happiness: The Concept of Community Care; Weaving the Web of Happiness Together---Community Care Series Textbooks (I). Taipei: Ministry of Interior.
Gan Bingguang et al. (1996). Community work: theory and practice. Taipei: Wunan.
Yoshino Masaharu, Chen Xiangqin, (2008), Overall community construction for the general public, Taipei: Zhanshi.
Twelvetrees, Alan(2002). Community Work (3rd.). New York: Palgrave.
Weil, Marie(ed.)(2005).Handbook of Community Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage
Peat, K. (2007). ‘The Ideal of a Sustainable Community’, in C. J. Clay, M. Madden and L. Potts(eds.), Towards Understanding Community: People and Place, London: Plagrave  
Gamble, D. N. and Hoff, M. D. (2005). ‘Sustainable Community Development’, in M. Weil
(ed.), The Handbook of community Practice, London: Sage.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participation in class on weekdays
20 以上課出席率及參與率為準。
homework report
interim report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[C309]
授課教師 Teacher:陳琇惠/黃章展
修課班級 Class:共選3-4(社工系開)
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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