course information of 103 - 1 | 2282 The Labor Relations and Labor Problems(勞資關係與勞工問題)

Taught In English2282 - 勞資關係與勞工問題 The Labor Relations and Labor Problems

教育目標 Course Target

1.探討工作(work)與就業(employment)的本質及異同,引導學生思考資本主義經濟體系運作下勞動的本質與勞動者的位置。 2.介紹我國勞資關係制度,解析勞動者所面臨的就業、工作安全、勞動條件與失業相關議題,充實社工系學生勞動法規相關知能。 3.透過課程及延伸閱讀,探討特殊勞動族群的勞動處境及相關的就業與福利服務,反思社會工作的功能與角色。 4.討論社會工作人員的勞動性質與環境,從勞動者的角度進一步深思社會工作者的需求與權益。1. Discuss the nature, similarities and differences between work and employment, and guide students to think about the nature of labor and the position of workers under the operation of the capitalist economic system. 2. Introduce my country's labor relations system, analyze issues related to employment, work safety, working conditions and unemployment faced by workers, and enrich the knowledge of social work students on labor regulations. 3. Through courses and extended reading, explore the labor situation of special working groups and related employment and welfare services, and reflect on the functions and roles of social work. 4. Discuss the labor nature and environment of social workers, and further reflect on the needs and rights of social workers from the perspective of workers.

課程概述 Course Description

The main purpose of this course is to guide future social workers to understand labor issues, labor relations and institutional changes under the operation of the modern capitalist system, as well as the related services and knowledge that social workers need in the labor field. In particular, we will discuss the employment issues of special workers and the employment situations faced by disadvantaged workers, including those injured in occupational disasters, foreign labor immigrants, young workers, and employment discrimination, to broaden the academic and practical perspectives of social work students. thinking, equipping social workers with employment opportunities in the labor field. This course also further examines the labor situation and special labor needs of social workers, and through self-exploration and repeated examination in the real world, prepares the body, mind, and abilities.

參考書目 Reference Books


1.衛民、許繼峰(2011)(三版) 勞資關係:平衡效率與公平。 新北市:前程文化事業有限公司。
2.6.Waterman, P. & Wills, J. (2001) (edited) Place, Space and the New Labour Internationalism.
MA: Blackwell Publishers.
3.吳秀照 (2006) 層層控制下的不自由勞動者:外及家戶勞動者勞動條件、勞雇關係及管理政策析論。社會政策
4.吳秀照 (2007) 台中縣身心障礙者就業需求:排除社會障礙的就業政策探討。社會政策與社會工作學刊,11
5.吳秀照(2012) 在市場夾縫中尋找生活出路—女性單親尋求創業契機的奮鬥之旅。國科會研究計畫。2012年5
6.行政院勞工委員會 (2011)。 部分工時勞工就業實況調查報告:100年。 台北:行政院勞工委員會。


1.顏湘如譯,Aubenas, F.著 (2011) 資深記者化身底層階級180天。 新北市:野人文化股份有限公司。
2.顧玉玲 (2008) 我們:移動與勞動的生命記事。 台北:印刻文學。
3.樂施會 (2004) 誰賣掉勞工權利?--全球供應鍊的採購模式與工人生活。 香港:樂施會。
4.Ciulla, J. B.著,簡淑雯譯(2002) 工作、承諾與背叛 (The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal
of Modern Work)。 台北:天下遠見出版有限公司。
5.Dorkin, R.著,張美惠譯(2001) 血汗與淚水:人類工作的演化(Blood, Sweat & Tears: The Evolution of
Work)。 台北:時報出版社。
6.逃/逃跑外勞者;四方編輯 (2012)。 逃:我們的寶島,他們的牢。 台北:時報文化。
7.藍佩嘉 (2011)。 跨國灰姑娘:當東南亞幫傭遇上台灣新富家庭。 台北:行人出版社。
8.陳信行編 (2010)。 工人開基祖(電子書,可選擇專篇閱讀)。 台北:台灣社會研究雜誌社。

Designated textbooks and materials:

1. Wei Min, Xu Jifeng (2011) (3rd edition) Industrial Relations: Balancing Efficiency and Fairness. New Taipei City: Qiancheng Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.
2.6.Waterman, P. & Wills, J. (2001) (edited) Place, Space and the New Labor Internationalism.
MA: Blackwell Publishers.
3. Wu Xiuzhao (2006) Unfree workers under layers of control: Analysis of working conditions, labor-employer relations and management policies for outside and household workers. Social Policy
and Journal of Social Work, 10(2), 1-48.
4. Wu Xiuzhao (2007) Employment needs of people with disabilities in Taichung County: Discussion on employment policies to eliminate social barriers. Journal of Social Policy and Social Work, 11
(2), 149-198.
5. Wu Xiuzhao (2012) Finding a way out of life in the cracks of the market—the struggle of a single female parent seeking entrepreneurial opportunities. National Science Council Research Program. 2012 5
Published at the Urban Sociology Workshop of the Institute of Sociology of Fu Jen Catholic University on March 19: Institutions and the New Poverty Culture. Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University Loyola Building SL117
6. Executive Yuan Labor Committee (2011). Fact-finding report on part-time labor employment: 100 years. Taipei: Labor Committee, Executive Yuan.

Reference reading books:

1. Translated by Yan Xiangru, written by Aubenas, F. (2011) A senior reporter became the underclass for 180 days. New Taipei City: Savage Culture Co., Ltd.
2. Gu Yuling (2008) Us: Life Chronicles of Movement and Labor. Taipei: Imprint Literature.
3. Oxfam (2004) Who sold labor rights? --Procurement models and workers’ lives in global supply chains. Hong Kong: Oxfam.
4.Ciulla, J. B., translated by Jian Shuwen (2002) The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal
of Modern Work). Taipei: Tianxia Vision Publishing Co., Ltd.
5. Dorkin, R., translated by Zhang Meihui (2001) Blood, Sweat & Tears: The Evolution of
Work). Taipei: Times Publishing House.
6. Fleeing/escaping foreign workers; Sifang Editor (2012). Escape: Our treasure island, their prison. Taipei: Times Culture.
7. Ram, P. J. (2011). Transnational Cinderella: When a Southeast Asian domestic helper meets Taiwan's newly wealthy family. Taipei: Pingren Publishing House.
8. Edited by Chen Xinxing (2010). Worker Kaiji Zu (e-book, you can choose to read the special article). Taipei: Taiwan Social Research Journal.
9. Handouts reading is also provided in conjunction with the course.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend classes and participate in discussions
midterm exam
Final report
25 期末報告必須在2015年1月14日前繳交,逾期不收。
Reading experience report
20 閱讀心得報告請在第12週前上傳教學平台,回應他組報告必須在13週前
Reading feedback

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS108]
授課教師 Teacher:吳秀照
修課班級 Class:社工系3
選課備註 Memo:預選限三年級;不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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