course information of 103 - 1 | 2279 Family Dynamic(家庭動力)

Taught In English2279 - 家庭動力 Family Dynamic

教育目標 Course Target

1.藉由家庭動力理論的教導與示範演練,培養學生於家庭社會工作中專業能力中的精進,以期未來於社會工作專業中發揮助人技巧與知能。 2.從家庭系統的基礎知識學習分析與評估未來處遇家庭 3.從課程授課中培養學生有階級、多元文化與性別等敏感度於未來家庭社會工作,提升專業效能。1. Through the teaching and demonstration exercises of family dynamics theory, students can be trained to improve their professional abilities in family social work, with a view to using their helping skills and knowledge in the social work profession in the future. 2. Learn to analyze and evaluate future family situations from the basic knowledge of family systems 3. Cultivate students' class, multicultural and gender sensitivities in future family and social work through course teaching, and improve professional effectiveness.

課程概述 Course Description

By teaching family dynamics theory and completing personal self-family dynamics analysis assignments, students are trained to have the ability to evaluate and analyze family dynamics in family social work. This course will also explore issues such as high-risk families and multicultural families to enhance professional effectiveness.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 翁樹澍、王大維(譯)(1999)。I. Goldenberg & H. Goldenberg著。家族治療理論與技術。台北:揚智。
2.李瑞玲(譯)(1991)。A. Y. Napier 著。熱鍋上的家庭。台北:張老師文化。
3.劉瓊瑛、黃漢耀、魯宓、馬英(譯)(2000)。 S. Minuchin & M. P. Nichols 著。回家:結構派大師說家庭治療的故事。台北:張老師文化。
7. 王慧玲、連雅慧譯(民91)家族治療的理論與方法。台北。洪葉文化。
9.沉明瑩、陳登義、楊蓓(譯)(1998)。The Satir Model-Family Therapy and Beyond. 薩提爾的家族治療模式。台北:張老師文化。
10.吳就君(譯)(2006)。V. Satir著。聯合家族治療。台北:張老師文化。
1. Weng Shushu and Wang Dawei (translated) (1999). By I. Goldenberg & H. Goldenberg. Family therapy theory and techniques. Taipei: ALi.
2. Li Ruiling (translated) (1991). By A. Y. Napier. Family on a hot plate. Taipei: Teacher Zhang Culture.
3. Liu Qiongying, Huang Hanyao, Lu Mi, Ma Ying (translated) (2000). By S. Minuchin & M. P. Nichols. Going Home: The Structuralist Master Tells the Story of Family Therapy. Taipei: Teacher Zhang Culture.
4. Translated by Wei Xisheng (2009). Family Social Work. Taipei: Hongye Publishing House.
5. Translated by Liu Qiongying (2007). The plight of disadvantaged families. Taipei: Psychology Press.
6. Wang Xing (2009). Family history and psychotherapy. Taipei: Psychology Press.
7. Translated by Wang Huiling and Lian Yahui (91) The theory and method of family therapy. Taipei. Hongye culture.
9. Shen Mingying, Chen Dengyi, Yang Bei (translated) (1998). The Satir Model-Family Therapy and Beyond. The Satir Model-Family Therapy and Beyond. Taipei: Teacher Zhang Culture.
10. Wu Jiujun (translated) (2006). By V. Satir. Joint family therapy. Taipei: Teacher Zhang Culture.
11. Lecture notes on periodicals and documents in class (omitted)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
25 筆試(是非 選擇 問答)
final exam
30 筆試(是非 選擇 問答)
usual results
30 觀察自我家庭動力為基礎分析自我家庭議題
Final report
10 以家庭動力理論評析社會工作之家庭
5 出席率

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS101]
授課教師 Teacher:游淑華
修課班級 Class:社工系2
選課備註 Memo:預選限二年級;不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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