course information of 103 - 1 | 2273 Self Exploring and Development(自我探索與成長)

Taught In English2273 - 自我探索與成長 Self Exploring and Development

教育目標 Course Target

1. 協助個人從不同的面向探索自我,包括自我的人格特質、情緒、溝通模式、成長經驗、 價值觀與正向資源等; 增進自我認識、自我肯定/接納、與自我負責的態度。 2. 探索個人與群體 (如家庭, 學校, 社會環境)之間的互動關係與影響。 3. 透過團體經驗,培養對他人及環境的覺察與認識; 並增進學習傾聽、表達、分享, 尊重與接納彼此差異的知能。1. Assist individuals to explore themselves from different aspects, including their personality traits, emotions, communication patterns, growth experiences, values ​​and positive resources, etc.; enhance self-understanding, self-affirmation/acceptance, and self-responsible attitude. 2. Explore the interaction and influence between individuals and groups (such as family, school, social environment). 3. Through group experiences, cultivate awareness and understanding of others and the environment; and enhance the ability to learn to listen, express, share, respect and accept each other's differences.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程為大一的選修課程,目的為協助大一同學有瞭解自己之機會,能藉由課程內外之設計,來探索本身生理、心理的「健康、身體形貌、價值、認知、情感」各部分,以及環境的「家庭、學校、社會」各方面對己之影響,期待能讓學生在瞭解自己後,增加自我肯定、自我調適等成長的能力,以作為未來成熟的社會工作者之預備。 社會工作專業人員在協助案主時,常不免碰觸自身的觀點、價值、情緒、生命議題、框架等等,社會工作者若不能察覺自我、或是防衛以對,常常不但不能協助案主、還妨害了案主的權益;在工作中我們常提醒、解決別人的問題,卻忽略了察覺、改善自身的盲點,這樣的服務是很難提升品質的,因此,能自我瞭解、自我肯定、自我接納與自我控制,常是助人開始的第一步。 在本課程內容上,包括了:個人生命經驗的回顧、家庭關係影響的分析,使同學開始瞭解自己如何成為現在的自己,並學習面對自己的優缺點與特質個性,在嘗試分享中,逐漸練習自我開放與接納,進而發展正面的自我概念。 另外,也藉由討論生命中各種不同議題如人際、兩性、親密、疏離、死亡、失落、壓力、生涯、休閒、宗教等,來察覺自身與他人觀點,並學習反思與彈性、尊重他人與多元的文化。最後,也學習情緒的察覺與壓力的管理,以及抉擇和問題解決的能力,增加自己未來生涯的適應力、與協助他人的能力、和持續探索自己的興趣。 課程進行方式為:課程討論、資料閱讀、課外作業、小組分享、電影賞析等,並依實際情形調整。
This course is an elective course for first-year students. The purpose is to help first-year students have the opportunity to understand themselves and explore their own physiological and psychological "health, body appearance, values, cognition, and emotions" through the design of the course and beyond. It is expected that after understanding themselves, students can increase their self-affirmation, self-adjustment and other growth abilities as preparation for mature social workers in the future. . When social work professionals assist clients, they often come into contact with their own opinions, values, emotions, life issues, frameworks, etc. If social workers cannot detect themselves or defend themselves, they often not only fail to assist clients, It also harms the rights and interests of clients; at work, we often remind and solve other people's problems, but neglect to detect and improve our own blind spots. It is difficult to improve the quality of such services. Therefore, we can self-understand, self-affirm, and self- Acceptance and self-control are often the first steps to helping others. The content of this course includes: review of personal life experience and analysis of the impact of family relationships, so that students can begin to understand how they became who they are now, and learn to face their own strengths, weaknesses, and personalities. In the process of trying to share, they gradually Practice self-openness and acceptance to develop a positive self-concept. In addition, by discussing various issues in life such as relationships, gender, intimacy, alienation, death, loss, stress, life, leisure, religion, etc., students can become aware of their own and other people's perspectives, and learn to reflect and be flexible, respect others and diversity. culture. Finally, students also learn emotional awareness and stress management, as well as decision-making and problem-solving abilities, to increase their adaptability in future careers, their ability to help others, and their continued exploration of their interests. The course is conducted in the following ways: course discussion, material reading, extracurricular assignments, group sharing, movie appreciation, etc., and will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

參考書目 Reference Books

Gerold Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey 原著; 陳嘉鳳總校閱(2013二刷) --生命抉擇與個人成長 二版:
I Never Knew I Had A Choice –Explorations in Personal Growth 9E。雙葉書廊。
Original work by Gerold Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey; edited by Chen Jiafeng (2nd edition, 2013) -- Life Choices and Personal Growth, 2nd Edition:
I Never Knew I Had A Choice –Explorations in Personal Growth 9E. Double leaf book gallery.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
40 *出席情形:3次無故不到就無法及格,遲到20分鐘列為1次不到。*口頭報告: 影片欣賞與分組活動討論的報告情形。*主動參與團體互動、主動發言、分享或提問的頻率。
Beginning/Interim Report
30 * ”寫給十八歲的自己的一封信”*“我的生命故事” 報告
Final report
30 “主題活動參與體驗”報告 “自我探索與成長” 心得

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-2274 Self Exploring and Development / 自我探索與成長 (社工系1B,授課教師:龐文磊,二/3,4[SS213])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7[SS324]
授課教師 Teacher:黨一馨
修課班級 Class:社工系1A
選課備註 Memo:限一年級A班; 不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 65 人。

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