course information of 103 - 1 | 2246 Community Work(社區工作)

Taught In English2246 - 社區工作 Community Work

教育目標 Course Target

基於民主參與的社區工作,被視為是一種共同生活方式的相互學習與教育,本課程將詳細探討各種社區工作技巧與方法;並以近年來台灣重要的社區實例作為參照,透過實際的民主參與,學習社區工作之方法及核心價值。進而瞭解社會工作者在社區工作中扮演之特殊角色與任務,培養關心共同生活的社區之能力與專業社區工作技術。Community work based on democratic participation is regarded as a mutual learning and education of a common way of life. This course will explore various community work skills and methods in detail; and use important community examples in Taiwan in recent years as a reference, through actual democratic participation , learn the methods and core values ​​of community work. Then understand the special roles and tasks that social workers play in community work, and cultivate the ability to care about the community where they live together and the professional community work skills.

課程概述 Course Description

社區工作是「社區組織與社區發展」之進階課程,旨在培養學生進入社區實作的專業能力。社區工作課程內容包括社區工作新涵義、社區工作者的角色與知識基礎、社區工作的模型、社區工作與福利社區化及世界各國的社區工作新趨勢。 本課程教學的重點在於社區工作之應用與實踐,特別是將運用青年學子參與社區行動的策略,以實地參與的方式,讓學生充分體會與暸解社區實踐的過程,並期望以參與行動創造出社區改變的力量,營造社區的新風貌,以體驗、參與、學習三位一體的教學方式,期使社區工作的理論與實踐,能讓學生有充分的了解與深刻的體驗。
Community work is an advanced course in "Community Organization and Community Development", aiming to cultivate students' professional abilities to enter the community. The content of the community work course includes the new meaning of community work, the role and knowledge base of community workers, models of community work, community work and welfare communityization, and new trends in community work in various countries around the world. The focus of this course is on the application and practice of community work. In particular, the strategies for young students to participate in community actions will be used to enable students to fully experience and understand the process of community practice through on-the-spot participation, and hope to create communities through participating actions. The power of change creates a new look for the community, and uses the trinity of teaching methods of experience, participation, and learning to enable students to have a full understanding and profound experience of the theory and practice of community work.

參考書目 Reference Books

陶蕃瀛 譯(1996)。組織結社─基層組織領導者手冊(Si Kahn著)。台北:心理。
Translated by Tao Fanying (1996). Organizing: A Handbook for Grassroots Leaders (by Si Kahn). Taipei: Psychology.
Oxfam (2004). Not Ubang---Community Economic Theory and Practice. Hong Kong: Oxfam.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance and participation
midterm exam
final exam
written report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[SS213]
授課教師 Teacher:方 昱
修課班級 Class:社工系3A
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 63 人。

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