course information of 103 - 1 | 2181 Economics of Aging Society(高齡社會與經濟)

Taught In English2181 - 高齡社會與經濟 Economics of Aging Society

教育目標 Course Target

「高齡社會與經濟」(週四2-4節),分別從經濟學和政治經濟學的角度對話、探索高齡社會的經濟問題(或高齡產業的社會問題),並與不同科系的修課同學一起探討「自經區」對台灣高齡照顧的可能影響。歡迎不同領域的同學能夠走出自己的專業領域一同選修,接受不同的觀點,開啟不同的視野。同時,也能夠透過課程所設計議題的探討,增加同學對高齡社會樣貌與相關的經濟議題的想像與了解。"Aging society and economy" (Thursday, sessions 2-4), dialogues from the perspectives of economics and political economy, exploring the economic issues of the aging society (or the social issues of the aging industry), and interacting with courses from different departments Students discussed together the possible impact of the "Self Economic Zone" on elderly care in Taiwan. Students from different fields are welcome to take electives together outside of their own professional fields, accept different viewpoints, and open up different horizons. At the same time, students can also increase their imagination and understanding of the appearance of an aging society and related economic issues through the discussion of topics designed in the course.

參考書目 Reference Books

1 弘兼憲史(2010)《馬克斯經濟學入門》晨星出版社。
2 基本經濟學
3 柯爾著,李樸良譯(2014)《被賣掉的未來》好優文化。
4 王釗洪,2012,《熟齡經濟學淺釋》台北:活石文化。
5 楊倍昌主編,《資本主義與當代醫療》。巨流圖書
6 Hendricks J and Leedham CA. (1992) “Toward a political and moral economy of aging: an alternative perspective.” Int J Health Serv. 22(1):125-37.htwald,
7 大前研一,《形朔生活者大國》。
8 Dychtwald, K., 洪慧芳譯,2013,《熟年力》大塊文化。
9 Dychtwald, K.,et. al.,劉怡女譯,2007,《老將當家》高寶書版。
10 邱花妹(2012)〈倫理消費:用消費力展現你的價值觀?〉上下游News&Market(http://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/22275/)。
11 胡哲生、梁瓊丹、卓秀足、吳宗昇等著,台灣社會企業創新創業學會策畫(2014)《我們的小幸福、小經濟:9個社會企業的熱血.追夢實戰故事》新自然主義出版社。
12 克林南伯格著,洪世民譯,2013,獨居時代,漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司。
1 Hirokane Kenshi (2010) "Introduction to Marxian Economics" Morningstar Publishing House.
2 Basic Economics
3 "The Sold Future" written by Cole and translated by Li Puliang (2014) Haoyou Culture.
4 Wang Zhaohong, 2012, "A Brief Explanation of the Economics of Mature Aging" Taipei: Living Stone Culture.
5 Editor-in-Chief Yang Beichang, "Capitalism and Contemporary Medical Care". Juliu Books
6 Hendricks J and Leedham CA. (1992) “Toward a political and moral economy of aging: an alternative perspective.” Int J Health Serv. 22(1):125-37.htwald,
7 Omae Kenichi, "Shakeshuo Seiju Daguo".
8 Dychtwald, K., translated by Hong Huifang, 2013, Chun Nian Li Chun Chu Culture.
9 Dychtwald, K., et. al., translated by Liu Yinu, 2007, "The Veteran Heads the House" Gaobao Books Edition.
10 Qiu Huamei (2012) "Ethical Consumption: Use your consumption power to show your values?" 〉Upstream and downstream News&Market (http://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/22275/).
11 Hu Zhisheng, Liang Qiongdan, Zhuo Xiuzu, Wu Zongsheng, etc., planned by Taiwan Society of Social Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2014) "Our Little Happiness, Small Economy: The Passion of 9 Social Enterprises." Practical Stories of Dream Chasing" New Naturalism Publishing House.
12 Written by Klinenberg, translated by Hong Shimin, 2013, The Era of Living Alone, Wanderer Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
written report
class report
course participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[C309]
授課教師 Teacher:許甘霖/陳佩綺
修課班級 Class:共選2-4(社會系開)
選課備註 Memo:高齡化學程選修課,不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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