course information of 103 - 1 | 2164 Gender, Body and Society(性別、身體與社會)

Taught In English2164 - 性別、身體與社會 Gender, Body and Society

教育目標 Course Target

性別研究是一門很深的學問。看似簡單、人人可談,但在簡單的性別議題背後,卻牽涉到深層社會結構的影響與個人的性別認同形成過程。作為學術知識的性別研究,其興起與社會運動、個人政治、生活經驗緊密相關。學術上的性別研究具有跨學科對話的特色,深化、挑戰與豐富了傳統男性為主導的社會學理論與觀點。早期女性主義者對於父權社會結構的反省,如今已經演變為更多元、複雜的問題化,例如,性別、種族與文化差異、異性戀機制、同志/酷兒運動、科技與醫療、性別與消費文化等。我們可以發現,性別問題無所不在:家庭/私領域中每個家庭的性別空間配置、婆媳與妯娌衝突、外籍新娘、到女性與國家、哲學、性騷擾或者是女性工作職場單身條款與性別、減肥、廣告與女體、色情刊物與情色等等,都是性別研究的範疇。 從日常生活與活用的知識來看,研讀性別使兩性都瞭解到自己所成長的環境對自身思考的影響以及限制。在固定化的性別規範與觀念下,有許多我們視為理所當然的想法,其實相當的束縛兩性的身體與心靈。因此,本課程旨在鬆動許多傳統與固定化、本質主義的性別規範,深刻推動兩性權力的平等意識。結合理論與經驗,並且使經驗豐富理論,理論強化反省,是掌握性別研究非常重要的精神。Gender studies is a very deep subject. It seems simple and can be discussed by everyone, but behind the simple gender issue, it involves the influence of deep social structures and the formation process of personal gender identity. As academic knowledge, the rise of gender studies is closely related to social movements, personal politics, and life experiences. Academic gender studies are characterized by interdisciplinary dialogue, which deepens, challenges and enriches traditional male-dominated sociological theories and perspectives. Early feminists' reflections on patriarchal social structures have now evolved into more diverse and complex problematizations, such as gender, racial and cultural differences, heterosexual mechanisms, gay/queer movements, technology and medicine, gender and consumer culture etc. We can find that gender issues are everywhere: the gender space configuration of each family in the family/private sphere, conflicts between mother-in-law and sister-in-law, foreign brides, women and the country, philosophy, sexual harassment or single terms and gender in the workplace for women, weight loss, Advertising and female bodies, pornographic publications and erotica, etc. are all areas of gender studies. From the perspective of daily life and practical knowledge, studying gender allows both genders to understand the impact and limitations of the environment in which they grew up on their own thinking. Under the fixed gender norms and concepts, there are many ideas that we take for granted, which actually constrain the bodies and minds of both genders. Therefore, this course aims to loosen many traditional and fixed, essentialist gender norms and deeply promote the equal awareness of gender power. Combining theory and experience, enriching theory with experience, and strengthening reflection with theory is a very important spirit for mastering gender studies.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 亞倫˙強森著,成令方譯,(2008),《性別打結:拆除父權違建》。群學出版。

2. 鍾佩怡著,2002,《我把羅曼史變教材了》。女書文化。

3. 顧燕翎、鄭至慧主編(1999)。《女性主義經典:十八世紀歐洲啟蒙,二十世紀本土反思》。女書系列。(以下簡稱「經典」)
4. 周華山(2000),《性別越界在中國》。香港同志研究社。
5. Bordo, Susan著,綦亮、趙育春譯,《不能承受之重:女性主義、西方文化與身體》。江蘇人民出版社。(「作為意識型態的飢餓」(p. 113--158))
6. Young, Marion I.著,何定照譯(2007)。《像女孩那樣丟球:論女性身體經驗》,第五章,〈乳房經驗:外觀與感覺〉、第六章,〈月經冥想〉。(p. 129-165; 167-212)
7. 楊幸真,2012,《性別好好玩:流行文化與情慾教學》。巨流圖書公司。

Pamela Abbott, Claire Wallace, and Melissa Tyler著,鄭玉菁譯,《女性主義社會學》。巨流。
1. Written by Aaron Johnson, translated by Cheng Lingfang, (2008), "Gender Knots: Dismantling Patriarchal Illegal Constructions". Qunxue Publishing.

2. Zhong Peiyi, 2002, "I Turned Romance into a Textbook". Nushu culture.

3. Edited by Gu Yanling and Zheng Zhihui (1999). "The Feminist Classic: European Enlightenment in the Eighteenth Century, Native Reflections in the Twentieth Century." Nüshu series. (hereinafter referred to as "classic")
4. Zhou Huashan (2000), "Gender Transgression in China". Hong Kong Gay and Lesbian Research Society.
5. Bordo, Susan, translated by Qi Liang and Zhao Yuchun, "The Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body". Jiangsu People's Publishing House. ("Hunger as Ideology" (p. 113--158))
6. Young, Marion I., translated by He Dingzhao (2007). "Throwing the Ball Like a Girl: On the Female Body Experience", Chapter 5, "Breast Experience: Looks and Feels", Chapter 6, "Menstrual Meditation". (p. 129-165; 167-212)
7. Yang Xingzhen, 2012, "Gender is Fun: Popular Culture and the Teaching of Erotica". Juliu Books.

Recommended reading and advancement:
"Feminist Sociology" by Pamela Abbott, Claire Wallace, and Melissa Tyler, translated by Zheng Yujing. Giant current.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class reading notes, five articles in total, 2 pages A4
Group reports and daily results
Final group report (hard copy)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭斐文
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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