course information of 103 - 1 | 2162 Population, Health and Social Security(人口健康與社會安全:趨勢與制度)

Taught In English2162 - 人口健康與社會安全:趨勢與制度 Population, Health and Social Security

教育目標 Course Target

人口結構是影響社會發展或形構社會問題的重要背景機制,且人口結構的變遷更常讓這些社會問題呈現持續性與跨世代性的動態後果,高齡化趨勢下萌生的健康不平等即是一例。因此以人口角度來觀察與探究社會議題有其重要性,這也是為何人口學乃是社會學門裡的傳統領域之一。 此外,考量社會學的研究取向著重於對社會問題的背景、模式與趨勢進行通盤性的描繪與剖析,而社會工作的研究取向則強調社會問題之解決方案的發展、服務與執行後,本課程將結合兩學門之所長,針對台灣百年來的人口變遷趨勢(尤其是高齡化議題)以及其帶動的社會問題進行討論。一方面以社會人口學的視野對其建立基礎性的實證認識,另一方面則結合社會工作的視角來瞭解國內外因應人口變遷趨勢之應對政策的方向與實施現況,以期培養同學獲得對台灣人口問題之理論面與實務面的雙重訓練,並發掘可能解決高齡化持續趨勢下衍生之社會問題的策略。 本課是「高齡化社會與產業」跨科際課程群組的基礎課程,預計培養同學: 1. 具備社會人口學的基本概念。 2. 對台灣百年來的人口組成與變遷趨勢有清楚認識。 3. 瞭解高齡化、少子化、與青年世代議題間的串聯關係。 4. 能發掘人口趨勢下衍生的社會問題。 5. 瞭解面對人口趨勢之應對政策的精神、實施現況與優劣之處。 雖然本課程屬於「高齡化社會與產業」學程,但基於各年齡/世代群體所各自面對的人口脈絡常互有連動影響,繼而共譜人口趨勢(如少子化加劇高齡化、青壯年之工作環境造成少子化與影響對高齡化社會的負擔能力等),本課程所討論的人口議題故不僅止於高齡化現象,而希冀兼顧各階段的人口議題,以期培養同學對整體人口現象與其互動關係的完整視野與背景知識。Population structure is an important background mechanism that affects social development or shapes social problems, and changes in population structure often cause these social problems to have lasting and cross-generational dynamic consequences. The health inequalities that arise under the trend of aging are one example. . Therefore, it is important to observe and explore social issues from a population perspective, which is why demography is one of the traditional fields in sociology. In addition, after considering that the research orientation of sociology focuses on the comprehensive description and analysis of the background, patterns and trends of social problems, while the research orientation of social work emphasizes the development, service and implementation of solutions to social problems, this course Combining the strengths of the two disciplines, we will discuss Taiwan's demographic change trends over the past century (especially the issue of aging) and the social problems it has caused. On the one hand, we use the perspective of social demography to establish basic empirical understanding of it, and on the other hand, we combine the perspective of social work to understand the direction and implementation status of domestic and foreign policies responding to population change trends, in order to cultivate students' understanding of Taiwan's population. Dual training in the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem, and the exploration of possible strategies to solve social problems derived from the continuing trend of aging. This course is the basic course of the "Aging Society and Industry" interdisciplinary course group. It is expected to train students to: 1. Have basic concepts of social demography. 2. Have a clear understanding of Taiwan’s population composition and changing trends over the past century. 3. Understand the connection between aging population, declining birthrate, and issues of the young generation. 4. Ability to explore social problems derived from population trends. 5. Understand the spirit, implementation status, advantages and disadvantages of policies in response to population trends. Although this course belongs to the "Aging Society and Industry" course, the demographic contexts faced by each age/generation group often have interlocking influences, and then jointly create demographic trends (such as declining birthrate, aggravating aging, and the aging of young and middle-aged people). The working environment causes a declining birthrate and affects the affordability of an aging society, etc.). The population issues discussed in this course are not limited to the aging phenomenon. We hope to take into account population issues at all stages, in order to cultivate students' understanding of the overall population phenomenon and its interaction. A complete view and background knowledge of relationships.

參考書目 Reference Books

Lecture notes for each week of class will be placed on the teaching platform. Please see the weekly class schedule for the bibliography.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm assignment
Final written and oral reports
Visit experience
Video experience

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[C219]
授課教師 Teacher:王維邦/陳琇惠
修課班級 Class:共選2-4(社會系開)
選課備註 Memo:高齡化學程選修課,不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 52 人。

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