course information of 103 - 1 | 2158 Agriculture and Society(農業與社會)

Taught In English2158 - 農業與社會 Agriculture and Society

教育目標 Course Target

在這門課程中,我將從「農業、農地、農村與農民」四個面向,來探討農業與人類社會的關聯。經過審慎思考(以及一番掙扎),我忍痛放棄了許多精采的國外案例與故事,將教材範圍限制在台灣農業上。理由如前所述,取法他人之前,應先知道自己的歷史與特色。在課程設計上,透過理論與不同的個案研究(case study),我希望讓學生對許多緊密相連的相關議題與研究有基本的認識。在這一學期中‚我們會特別關注以下的問題: � 台灣農業是在何種歷史脈絡與環境下發展的?台灣的農業與農地受到何種國內、國外、制度性或結構性的因素影響? � 台灣農業的興衰,透露出怎樣的社會變遷歷程? � 國家與市場如何影響不同的農業選擇? � 不同的農糧體系會對環境與社區帶來何種影響? � 就其與自然環境和人類社區的關係而言,我們如何評估不同農糧體系的永續性? � 我們可以運用哪些理論與方法的工具來研究不同的農糧體系? � 台灣與世界農糧體系中有哪些新的發展趨勢? 簡言之,透過對特定個案及理論的討論,我希望讓學生能夠深入理解台灣農業中不同的發展面向;明白在地與全球食物系統中生產及消費的連結;探討這一過程中的社會意義及其中的權力結構;以及了解農業究竟是如何和社會產生關聯與互動。同學們也將會學習一些基本的社會學的概念、理論及方法,知道如何應用這些工具來對相關議題做深入的研究,進而培養社會課題的比較及分析能力。In this course, I will explore the relationship between agriculture and human society from four aspects: "agriculture, farmland, rural areas and farmers". After careful thinking (and some struggle), I reluctantly gave up many wonderful foreign cases and stories and limited the scope of the teaching materials to Taiwanese agriculture. The reason is as mentioned above. Before taking others’ example, you should first know your own history and characteristics. In terms of course design, through theory and different case studies, I hope to provide students with a basic understanding of many closely related related issues and research. During this semester, we will pay special attention to the following issues: � In what historical context and environment did Taiwan’s agriculture develop? What domestic, foreign, institutional or structural factors affect Taiwan's agriculture and farmland? � What kind of social changes does the rise and fall of Taiwan's agriculture reveal? � How do the state and markets influence different agricultural choices? � What impact will different agri-food systems have on the environment and communities? � How do we assess the sustainability of different agri-food systems in terms of their relationship to the natural environment and human communities? � What theoretical and methodological tools can we use to study different agri-food systems? � What are the new development trends in Taiwan and the world’s agri-food system? In short, through discussions of specific cases and theories, I hope that students can gain a deep understanding of the different development aspects of Taiwan's agriculture; understand the connection between production and consumption in local and global food systems; and explore the social significance of this process. and the power structure within it; and understand how agriculture relates to and interacts with society. Students will also learn some basic sociological concepts, theories and methods, know how to apply these tools to conduct in-depth research on related issues, and then develop their comparative and analytical skills on social issues.

參考書目 Reference Books


Wu Yinning, 2007, "Where Are the Jianghu?" --Taiwan Agriculture Observer". Taipei County: INK Publishing.

※There is also a designated reading text, the details will be explained in class.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance & In-class ParticipationAttendance & In-class Participation
Attendance & In-class Participation
Group-led Discussion(小組課堂報告)Group-led Discussion(小組課堂報告)
Group-led Discussion (group class report)
10 視修課人數全班分成10組,抽籤決定報告順序。於老師指定週次時,該週負責小組必須協助老師帶領同學討論。
Weekly Assignments(個人作業)Weekly Assignments(個人作業)
Weekly Assignments (Individual Assignments)
40 在每週討論之前,老師會公佈與該週主題有關的1-3個問題。這些問題沒有標準答案,我鼓勵同學自行蒐集額外的延伸閱讀資料,用批判、謹慎、求證的態度來回答問題,在答案中提出自己的想法。為了鼓勵同學發揮創意,深入思考,除了書面答案之外,也可繳交影像或數位照片形式的補充答案。但請注意:為了訓練同學們的寫作表達能力,僅有影像的答案不予接受。作業需打字,12字體,1.5行高,上課時交紙本,並請上傳至教學平台以為備份。遲交作業者不予計分,僅交作業但無故上課缺席者,該篇作業得分將打六折計算。
Team Creative AssignmentTeam Creative Assignment
Team Creative Assignment

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9[C220]
授課教師 Teacher:陳正慧
修課班級 Class:社會系1,2
選課備註 Memo:限1.2年級,不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 57 人。

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