本課程為大三必修英文課程, 使學生在課堂上學習英文聽說讀寫四個技巧, 尤重寫作技巧之訓練, 上課方式以藉由觀看CNN英文報導, 聽ICRT廣播, 閱讀當週英文報章(China Post, Taipei Times) 觀看電影, 來增進學生對英文學習之興趣, 使學生對時事用英文口語和寫作來進行表達, 此外, 課程也會針對多益語言測驗之訓練幫助同學通過英文畢業門檻This course is a compulsory English course for junior high school students, allowing students to learn four skills in English listening and reading in the classroom, especially the training of writing skills. The course is to watch CNN English reports, listen to ICRT broadcasts, and read the English reports of the week by watching the English reports of the same week. (China Post, Taipei Times) Watch movies to increase students' interest in English learning, so that students can express their current affairs in English speaking and writing, and, The course will also help students pass the English graduation gate for training on Tatsui language tests.
The teacher printed and wrote a lecture and focused on the English newspapers that week.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
報告報告 report |
20 | 每位同學這學期會上台報告一次 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 | |
小考一小考一 A small test |
10 | 多益內容為主 |