course information of 103 - 1 | 2103 Local Government and Self-Government(地方政府與自治)

Taught In English2103 - 地方政府與自治 Local Government and Self-Government

教育目標 Course Target

為因應我國中央及地方政府二級制的改革,包括一系列的精簡台灣省政府組織、自治區劃及直轄市改制,地方制度法做了大幅度的修改:而且地方政府近年來大量應用公共管理及行政學相關領域的理論,使得地方政府與自治趨向地方治理、跨域治理、多層次治理、網絡治理及全局治理的理論去發展。本課程重點除增強地方制度基礎實務的認識之外,更加強對修法部分的介紹,使學習者確實掌握當前地方政府與自治運作與瞭解未來發展。 ■ 課程目標 (Course Objectives) 一、瞭解地方政府與自治的意涵、理論基礎、自治監督及地方民主與治理的相互關係。 二、認識中央與地方權責劃分,府際關係與跨域治理,以及都會治理的理論與實務。 三、瞭解地方自治組織,包括地方政府行政與立法機關組織與功能。 四、學習地方治理的方法,包括行政區劃、地方財政、社區總體營造、地方產業及經濟發展。 五、瞭解地方政府與自治的運作,包括地方選舉、派系、府會關係及地方民主與公民參與In response to the reform of the two-level system of central and local governments in my country, including a series of streamlining Taiwan provincial government organizations, autonomous divisions, and municipal restructuring, the local system law has been significantly revised: and local governments have made extensive use of public management and administration in recent years. Learning theories in related fields enables local government and autonomy to develop towards the theories of local governance, cross-domain governance, multi-level governance, network governance and global governance. This course focuses not only on enhancing the understanding of the basic practices of local systems, but also on the introduction of legal amendments, so that learners can truly grasp the current local government and autonomous operations and understand future development. ■Course Objectives 1. Understand the meaning, theoretical basis, autonomy supervision, and the relationship between local democracy and governance of local government and autonomy. 2. Understand the division of powers and responsibilities between central and local governments, intergovernmental relations and cross-domain governance, as well as the theory and practice of urban governance. 3. Understand local self-government organizations, including the organization and functions of local government administration and legislative bodies. 4. Learn the methods of local governance, including administrative divisions, local finance, overall community construction, local industry and economic development. 5. Understand the operation of local government and autonomy, including local elections, factions, government-client relations, local democracy and citizen participation

參考書目 Reference Books

Lin Qing, Local Government and Politics (including an outline of local autonomy), Taipei: Zhiguang, 102 years of the Republic of China.
Wang Baojian, Local Government and Autonomy, Dalonghai Culture, 103 years of the Republic of China.
Taiwan Provincial Government, Local Political and Administrative Development after the Constitutional Amendment - Records of the Provincial Government Business Seminar, 1988.
Constitution of the Republic of China (relevant parts of local systems).
Additional provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of China.
Local institutional law.
The method of dividing fiscal revenue and expenditure.
Law on the election and recall of public officials.
Organizational Guidelines for Local Administrative Agencies.
Guidelines for the Organization of Local Legislatures.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam or report
30 如校外參訪地方政府,則交心得報告
final exam
usual results
40 包括出缺席率、師生討論及上課秩序

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[SS202]
授課教師 Teacher:楊正寬
修課班級 Class:行政系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 60 人。

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