course information of 103 - 1 | 2096 Urban Affair Management(都市事務管理)

Taught In English2096 - 都市事務管理 Urban Affair Management

教育目標 Course Target

在行政管理暨政策的學習領域中,指涉的實務場域非常廣泛,廣泛來說是「組織」的研究;以地域來說,則可以是地方政府或中央政府;以經濟發展程度來看,則是都會地區與非都會地區。當然除此之外,還有更多適合的描述與分類。但以目前人口集中化的現象,以及社會新鮮人偏好的生涯發展場域來看,「都會」應該會是最大的交集。但做為都會城市的一份子,我們有多瞭解自身所處的都會?這樣的探討動機,包括了生涯發展、生活需求、都會公共領域價值維護、都會政策期待與參與。 在「行政學」、「公共管理」、「地方政府管理」等課程的基礎之上,本課程聚焦於「都會」(metropolis)的管理發展與變革,從都會中各類公共事務議題出發,內容包括「環境、交通、衛生、食安、遊民、治安、經濟、社會、住宅、都發、地政、水利、財政、觀光」等議題。從市政規劃與運作機制的介紹出發,進而帶入「治理」(governance)的概念,以非營利組織研究的角度,分別選定代表案例及對應的民間團體或組織,探討在民間社會的眼中,「市政府的規劃與運作」到底有沒有任何改善空間?藉此希望達成的授課目的是:(1)增加學生對都會管理理論與實務的認識;(2)激勵同學針對特定都會議題深入瞭解、培養專業;(3)誘發同學參與市政經營的意願,思考未來的生涯發展定位;(4)鼓勵同學善用創新理念,提出市政改善構想;(5)讓同學更瞭解都會中各類非營利組織的角色、功能與貢獻。In the field of study of administrative management and policy, it refers to a very wide range of practical fields. Broadly speaking, it is the study of "organization"; in terms of region, it can be local government or central government; in terms of the degree of economic development, It is metropolitan areas and non-metropolitan areas. Of course, there are more suitable descriptions and classifications besides this. But judging from the current phenomenon of population concentration and the career development fields preferred by newcomers to society, "city" should be the biggest intersection. But as a member of a city, how well do we understand the city we live in? The motivations for such discussions include career development, life needs, value maintenance in the urban public realm, and urban policy expectations and participation. Based on courses such as "Administration", "Public Management", and "Local Government Management", this course focuses on the management development and transformation of "metropolis", starting from various public affairs issues in the city. Including "environment, transportation, sanitation, food safety, homeless, public security, economy, society, housing, urban development, land administration, water conservancy, finance, tourism" and other topics. Starting from the introduction of municipal planning and operation mechanisms, and then introducing the concept of "governance", from the perspective of non-profit organization research, we select representative cases and corresponding civil groups or organizations to explore " "Is there any room for improvement in the planning and operations of city government?" The purpose of teaching is to: (1) increase students’ understanding of urban management theory and practice; (2) encourage students to have in-depth understanding of specific urban issues and develop their expertise; (3) induce students’ willingness to participate in municipal management and think about Future career development orientation; (4) Encourage students to make good use of innovative ideas and propose municipal improvement ideas; (5) Let students better understand the roles, functions and contributions of various non-profit organizations in the city.

參考書目 Reference Books

CP Press (2013). Urban Issues. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
CP Press (2013). Urban Issues. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Group discussion
40 以小組為單位,選定特定都會政策,訪談相關機關與組織,為期末專題報告之提出預作準備。
Special reports and presentations
50 在第18週,提交小組專題報告及展示海報,進行簡報後公開展示。
Course participation and attendance
10 課堂服務、演講參與、平時出席等。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8,9[SS207]
授課教師 Teacher:陳秋政
修課班級 Class:行政系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 19 人。

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