course information of 103 - 1 | 1695 Financial Topics(金融專題研討)

Taught In English1695 - 金融專題研討 Financial Topics

教育目標 Course Target

延續金融機構與市場的內容,但著重在將理論應用於解釋國內外之金融實事與現象,並透過期刊的閱讀與討論,以加深同學對於現今國際或國內金融局勢的了解。It continues the content of financial institutions and markets, but focuses on applying theory to explain financial facts and phenomena at home and abroad, and through reading and discussion of journals to deepen students' understanding of the current international or domestic financial situation.

課程概述 Course Description

It continues the content of financial institutions and markets, but focuses on applying theory to explain financial facts and phenomena at home and abroad, and through reading and discussion of journals to deepen students' understanding of the current international or domestic financial situation.

參考書目 Reference Books

Please go to the teaching platform before class to download the articles or papers expected to be discussed that week.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-6050 Financial Topics / 金融專題研討 (財金專班1,2,授課教師:王凱立/陳家偉/莊凱旭/傅郁芬/楊尚穎/張哲嘉,一/11,12,13)
選修-6050 Financial Topics / 金融專題研討 (財金專班1,2,授課教師:王凱立/陳家偉/莊凱旭/傅郁芬/楊尚穎/張哲嘉,一/11,12,13)
選修-6050 Financial Topics / 金融專題研討 (財金專班1,2,授課教師:王凱立/陳家偉/莊凱旭/傅郁芬/楊尚穎/張哲嘉,一/11,12,13)
選修-6050 Financial Topics / 金融專題研討 (財金專班1,2,授課教師:王凱立/陳家偉/莊凱旭/傅郁芬/楊尚穎/張哲嘉,一/11,12,13)
選修-6050 Financial Topics / 金融專題研討 (財金專班1,2,授課教師:王凱立/陳家偉/莊凱旭/傅郁芬/楊尚穎/張哲嘉,一/11,12,13)
選修-6050 Financial Topics / 金融專題研討 (財金專班1,2,授課教師:王凱立/陳家偉/莊凱旭/傅郁芬/楊尚穎/張哲嘉,一/11,12,13)

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6,7[研討室]
授課教師 Teacher:陳家偉
修課班級 Class:財金系3-4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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