Taught In English1584 - 中會專題 Seminar on Intermediate Accounting
教育目標 Course Target
- 企業經濟實質的進階瞭解
- 分析、判斷能力的培養
- 細心與耐性的養成
- Advanced understanding of corporate economic practices
Academic Program (II) mainly focuses on general corporate economic practices. The Chinese Association will further introduce investment, rental, pension, income tax and newborns. Financial commodities, etc. are more complex economic realities and activities.
- Cultivate the ability to analyze and judge
After understanding the reality of corporate transactions, the next step is to use the principles and principles of the project to record and express transactions in a realistic manner. How to apply the principles and principles of the program to specific transactions is an excellent time for students to cultivate analysis and judgment abilities.
- The cultivation of carefulness and patience
After understanding the essence of corporate transactions and the application of principles and principles, students still need to keep a clear head, patient, and carefully calculate the transaction matters. The impact of each subject is to avoid the ability to achieve one's own strength. Students can cultivate their mentality and patience.
課程概述 Course Description
The Chinese Association’s special topic is a three-part selection course, aiming to continue the course of the conference program (II) and further introduce some advanced topics. This course will introduce issues such as investment, rental, pension, income tax and derivative commodities and related accounting treatments.
參考書目 Reference Books
- Stice, J. and , Stice E. 2014, Intermediate Accounting, 19th edition, South-Western Publishing.
- 國際會計準則(IFRSs)
- 統一超商年報
- Stice, J. and , Stice E. 2014, Intermediate Accounting, 19th edition, South-Western Publishing.
- International Conference Measurement Sites (IFRSs)
- Standard Supermarket Annual Report
評分方式 Grading
評分項目 Grading Method |
配分比例 Grading percentage |
說明 Description |
課程參與課程參與 Course Participation |
15 |
老師之隨堂測驗 |
課程小考課程小考 Course exam |
20 |
助教之隨堂測驗 |
課程筆記課程筆記 Course Notes |
15 |
由老師對兩次課程筆記及一次個案評分 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 |
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Course Plan
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Seminar on Intermediate Accounting / 中會專題 (會計系3A,授課教師:廖述忠,一/5,6,7,8[M233])