course information of 103 - 1 | 1577 Accounting Information Systems(會計資訊系統)

Taught In English1577 - 會計資訊系統 Accounting Information Systems

教育目標 Course Target

整合會計專業 與資訊科技(IT) , 經由基礎瞭解與實際操作,學習會計資訊系統(AIS): 專業: 瞭解AIS 的目的,組成,應用與會計制度的精神(治理與內控) IT : 探討 AIS , 資料庫的開發,與 網路的應用 學習會計專業文具編製之工具與技術與會計資訊系統的開發 實際操作 Access DBMS “你/妳若對資訊科技並不感到興趣,但你/妳是無法逃脫會計與資訊的[自然婚姻結合](natural marriage),因為這兩個領域的界限是愈來愈模糊.” ( Gelinas /Dull ,資深會計學者)Integrate accounting major and information technology (IT), and learn accounting information system (AIS) through basic understanding and practical operation: Major: Understand the purpose, composition, application and spirit of the accounting system (governance and internal control) of AIS IT: Discuss AIS, database development, and network applications Learn the tools and techniques for accounting professional stationery preparation and the development of accounting information systems Hands-on Access DBMS "If you are not interested in information technology, you cannot escape the [natural marriage] between accounting and information, because the boundaries between the two fields are becoming increasingly blurred." ( Gelinas /Dull, senior accounting scholar)

課程概述 Course Description

整合會計專業 與資訊科技(IT) , 經由基礎瞭解與實際操作,學習會計資訊系統(AIS): � 專業: 瞭解AIS 的目的,組成,應用與會計制度的精神(治理與內控) � IT : 探討 AIS , 資料庫的開發,與 網路的應用 � 學習會計專業文具編製之工具與技術與會計資訊系統的開發 � 實際操作 Access DBMS
Integrate accounting major and information technology (IT), and learn accounting information system (AIS) through basic understanding and practical operation: � Major: Understand the purpose, composition, application and spirit of the accounting system (governance and internal control) of AIS � IT: Discuss AIS, database development, and network applications � Learn the tools and techniques for accounting professional stationery preparation and the development of accounting information systems � Practical Access DBMS

參考書目 Reference Books

1. <本課程所有資料在網路上> FTP:\\ Port:1277帳號: ais 密碼: ais

1. FTP:\\ Port:1277Account: ais Password: ais

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily computer work
34 二次
midterm exam
33 筆試
Semester exam
33 筆試

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[M025]
授課教師 Teacher:耿 晴
修課班級 Class:會計系3A
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 78 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 78 人。

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