course information of 103 - 1 | 1354 Human Resource Recruitment and(人力招募與甄選)

Taught In English1354 - 人力招募與甄選 Human Resource Recruitment and

教育目標 Course Target

1. 了解企業招募甄選功能在企業營運與人力資源管理中扮演的角色,認識完整的招募與甄選流程,以及操作目的與內涵 2. 認識重要的理論觀點與精神,試著融入並應用於日常見聞之中 3. 認識常見的招募管道與甄選工具,初步了解其功能與操作,學習理論與實務的結合 4. 於面談實作活動中,學習面談技巧,可直接應用於未來求職或升學中的面談情境 5. 鼓勵學生於互動討論過程中發言,培養意見表達及獨力思考的能力1. Understand the role of corporate recruitment and selection functions in corporate operations and human resources management, and understand the complete recruitment and selection process, as well as the purpose and connotation of the operation 2. Understand important theoretical viewpoints and spirit, and try to integrate them into daily news and apply them to daily news. 3. Understand common recruitment channels and selection tools, have a preliminary understanding of their functions and operations, and learn the combination of theory and practice 4. Learn interviewing skills during the interview practice activities, which can be directly applied to future interview situations in job hunting or further education. 5. Encourage students to speak during interactive discussions and develop their ability to express opinions and think independently.

課程概述 Course Description

Manpower recruitment and selection are part of the human resources management function. This course aims to help students understand the role of the recruitment and selection subsystem in business operations, fully understand its process and importance, and approach it from both the perspectives of business owners and applicants, in line with the spirit that recruitment and selection are two aspects of one body. . In addition, common tools and operating methods for recruitment and selection will also be introduced, in the hope that students will not only learn theories and principles, but also be helpful to their future job hunting.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 李誠 等 著《人力資源管理的12堂課》,四版(天下文化)-第三課:員工招募甄選與安置
2. 黃良志、黃家齊、溫金豐、廖文志、韓志翔 著《人力資源管理:理論與實務》,三版(華泰文化)-第5章:工作分析與人力招募活動 & 第6章:人力甄選與測試面談作業
1. "12 Lessons on Human Resource Management" by Li Cheng et al., 4th Edition (Tianxia Culture) - Lesson 3: Employee Recruitment, Selection and Placement
2. Huang Liangzhi, Huang Jiaqi, Wen Jinfeng, Liao Wenzhi, Han Zhixiang, "Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice", third edition (Huatai Culture) - Chapter 5: Job Analysis and Manpower Recruitment Activities & Chapter 6: Manpower Selection and Test Interview Assignment

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
personal opinion
midterm exam
Implementation work
final exam
Attendance and course participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[M103]
授課教師 Teacher:吳祉芸
修課班級 Class:企管系3-4
選課備註 Memo:學群選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 86 人。

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