course information of 103 - 1 | 1308 (綠色與永續發展導論)

Taught In English1308 - 綠色與永續發展導論

教育目標 Course Target

隨著全球環保意識高漲,落實綠色思維的永續發展策略已成為世界潮流,更是影響企業創新與獲利的重要因素,如何提升企業的綠色競爭力更是目前管理領域的關鍵議題。有鑑於此,本課程作為企管系綠色與永續發展組的第一門課,我們希望能夠透過課程講授、小組討論、個案教學、分組報告、演講與參訪等多元的課程設計,幫助同學了解綠色管理與永許發展的核心概念,並能夠就綠色生產與消費、綠色城市與交通、綠色創新、高齡化社會與產業、永續資源規劃與企業競爭力、企業社會責任等主題,分別加以探討。透過本課程,我們希望能夠培養同學跨領域與團隊合作的能力,並有能力自主學習,因應未來綠色產業的興起,有機會成為協助企業進行綠色管理之高階管理人才。With the rise of global environmental awareness, the implementation of sustainable development strategies with green thinking has become a world trend, and it is an important factor affecting corporate innovation and profitability. How to enhance the green competitiveness of enterprises is a key issue in the current management field. In view of this, this course is the first course of the Green and Sustainable Development Group of the Department of Business Administration. We hope to help students understand this through a variety of course designs such as lectures, group discussions, case teaching, group reports, lectures and visits. The core concepts of green management and sustainable development, and can be discussed separately on topics such as green production and consumption, green cities and transportation, green innovation, aging society and industry, sustainable resource planning and corporate competitiveness, and corporate social responsibility. . Through this course, we hope to cultivate students' ability to work across fields and in teams, as well as the ability to learn independently. In response to the rise of the green industry in the future, we hope to have the opportunity to become high-level management talents who assist enterprises in green management.

參考書目 Reference Books

Teachers prepare teaching materials themselves

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class discussion
30 同學須參與指定閱讀材料,上課參與討論
15 視課程需要,搭配指定教材的閱讀與討論,進行1-2次小考
Personal experience report
15 同學們在這學期參與3次演講,每次繳交2頁心得報告
interim report
20 各組選定一個綠色相關產業,針對此一產業之特性進行分析,並探討未來畢業後如欲進入此一產業所需的各項準備
Final report
20 各組針對本學期所探討之主題,選定一家代表性企業,進行個案探討

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[M119]
授課教師 Teacher:黃開義/王本正/曾俊堯/黃志璿/陳永瑞
修課班級 Class:企管系1
選課備註 Memo:鼓勵綠色與永續發展組選修,亦歡迎跨組修課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 62 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 62 人。

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