course information of 103 - 1 | 1148 Introduction to Embedded Systems(嵌入式系統導論)

Taught In English1148 - 嵌入式系統導論 Introduction to Embedded Systems

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之目標在於培養學生具備嵌入式系統相關的基礎技術內容,並將能瞭解嵌入式系統軟、硬體設計之創新技術,修習完本課程後,學生除了具備嵌入式系統的各項基礎技術外,對於如何以嵌入式系統為核心的相關軟硬體設計出應用設備與程式等技術更應有深入之認識。本課程採用之教材為除了採用教科書與參考資料外,也要求參與課程的學生進行各項嵌入式系統程式設計。本課程主要以課堂講義講解為主實驗實作為輔,期末以Team work 或獨立開發的方式開發 term project,其重點是令資工系學生可以瞭解嵌入式系統之工作原理。主要的評量方式有口頭與書面報告的呈現,並由專案執行中評定程式語言能力、團隊合作精神。The goal of this course is to train students to have the basic technical content related to embedded systems and to understand the innovative technologies of embedded system software and hardware design. After completing this course, students will not only have the basic technologies of embedded systems In addition, students should have an in-depth understanding of how to design application devices and programs based on related software and hardware with embedded systems as the core. The teaching materials used in this course are not only textbooks and reference materials, but also require students participating in the course to perform various embedded system programming. This course mainly uses classroom lectures as the main method and is supplemented by experimental implementation. At the end of the semester, a term project will be developed through team work or independent development. The focus is to enable students in the engineering department to understand the working principles of embedded systems. The main evaluation methods include the presentation of oral and written reports, and the evaluation of programming language skills and teamwork spirit during project execution.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程之目標在於培養學生具備嵌入式系統相關的基礎技術內容,並將能瞭解嵌入式系統軟、硬體設計之創新技術,修習完本課程後,學生除了具備嵌入式系統的各項基礎技術外,對於如何以嵌入式系統為核心的相關軟硬體設計出應用設備與程式等技術更應有深入之認識。本課程採用之教材為除了採用教科書與參考資料外,也要求參與課程的學生進行各項嵌入式系統程式設計。本課程主要以課堂講義講解為主實驗實作為輔,期末以Team work 或獨立開發的方式開發 term project,其重點是令資工系學生可以瞭解嵌入式系統之工作原理。主要的評量方式有口頭與書面報告的呈現,並由專案執行中評定程式語言能力、團隊合作精神。
The goal of this course is to train students to have the basic technical content related to embedded systems and to understand the innovative technologies of embedded system software and hardware design. After completing this course, students will not only have the basic technologies of embedded systems In addition, students should have an in-depth understanding of how to design application devices and programs based on related software and hardware with embedded systems as the core. The teaching materials used in this course are not only textbooks and reference materials, but also require students participating in the course to perform various embedded system programming. This course mainly uses classroom lectures as the main method and is supplemented by experimental implementation. At the end of the semester, a term project will be developed through team work or independent development. The focus is to enable students in the engineering department to understand the working principles of embedded systems. The main evaluation methods include the presentation of oral and written reports, and the evaluation of programming language skills and teamwork spirit during project execution.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.書名 行動網路應用:JAVA手機程式設計
出版社 出版社:松崗
作者 作者:黃志泰、李勁
出版年 出版日期:2009年11月30日
2.書名 精通Java手機遊戲與應用程式設計 出版社 出版社:文魁
作者 作者:陳立傳,張克飛,黎秀江
出版年 出版日期:2009年11月24日

1. Book title Mobile Internet Application: JAVA Mobile Programming
Publisher: Songgang
ISBN: 9789866382840
Author Author: Huang Zhitai, Li Jin
Publication year Publication date: November 30, 2009
2. Title of the book Mastering Java Mobile Games and Application Design Publisher: Wen Kui
ISBN: 9789861257433
Author Author: Chen Lichuan, Zhang Kefei, Li Xiujiang
Publication year Publication date: November 24, 2009

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
five exams
five assignments

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-1144 Introduction to Embedded Systems / 嵌入式系統導論 (資工系資電組2,授課教師:林正基,二/6,五/3,4[AG106])
必修-8111 Introduction to Embedded Systems / 嵌入式系統導論 (資工系3,授課教師:林正基,六/2,3,4[A105])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,Friday/3,4[AG106]
授課教師 Teacher:林正基
修課班級 Class:資工系數創組2
選課備註 Memo:與資電組合班上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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