course information of 103 - 1 | 1086 Sustainable System Engineering(永續環境系統工程)

Taught In English1086 - 永續環境系統工程 Sustainable System Engineering

教育目標 Course Target

系統理論認為真實世界是由物件(Object)、事件(Event)與關連(Relation)所組成,透過系統理論的協助可以有效的解構複雜環境問題的時間與空間架構以及互動關係,因此藉由系統思維與數學工具的協助,各種複雜的環境決策與環境管理問題將可被有效解決。本課程介紹環境系統工程的各項決策工具,並以書報閱讀、分組討論與專題實習的方式,使同學了解這些系統決策工具的應用方式,以及如何系統性的解決環境工程與管理問題。Systems theory believes that the real world is composed of objects, events and relationships. With the help of systems theory, the time and space structure and interactive relationships of complex environmental problems can be effectively deconstructed. Therefore, through systems thinking With the assistance of mathematical tools, various complex environmental decision-making and environmental management problems can be effectively solved. This course introduces various decision-making tools in environmental systems engineering, and uses book and newspaper reading, group discussions and special internships to enable students to understand the application of these system decision-making tools and how to systematically solve environmental engineering and management problems.

參考書目 Reference Books

張云濤、龔玲,資料探勘原理與技術, 五南, 2007
羅華強, 類神經網路-MATLAB 的應用, 高立, 2011
陳彥升、吳文濱, 人工智慧:智慧型系統導論(第二版), 全華圖書, 2007
Zhang Yuntao and Gong Ling, Data Exploration Principles and Technology, Wunan, 2007
Luo Huaqiang, Neural Network-Application of MATLAB, Gao Li, 2011
Chen Yansheng and Wu Wenbin, Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to Intelligent Systems (Second Edition), Quanhua Books, 2007

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4
授課教師 Teacher:陳鶴文
修課班級 Class:環工系4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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