培養工程學生基本數學能力,認識並熟悉基本線性代數和常微分方程的原理和應用,包括工程系統模擬,方程求解,以及相關物理意義的闡明。Cultivate the basic mathematical abilities of engineering students, understand and be familiar with the principles and applications of basic linear aging and ordinary differential equations, including engineering system simulation, equation solving, and the clarification of related physical meanings.
Course Objective: This engineering mathematics course is designed for 2nd to 4th-year college students having previous knowledge in calculus (passing grade only). Students enrolled in this course should expect to learn the definition and solution techniques to ordinary differential equations (ODE), Laplace transform, and numerical methods.
Course Objective: This engineering mathematics course is designed for 2nd to 4th-year college students having previous knowledge in calculation (passing grade only). Students enrolled in this course should expect to learn the definition and solution techniques to ordinary differential equations (ODE), Laplace transform, and numerical methods.
課 本: 書名:Advanced Engineering Mathematics Sixth Edition
作者:Peter V. ONeil
Course: Book name: Advanced Engineering Mathematics Sixth Edition
Author: Peter V. ONeil
Book dealer: THOMSON
Year: 2007
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 120min |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 | 120min |
習題討論習題討論 Question discussion |
20 | please see activities |
電腦習題與上機考電腦習題與上機考 Computer topics and computer exams |
10 | please see activities |
上課印象加分上課印象加分 Extra points for impressions in the previous class |
5 | extra credit |
段考2次段考2次 2 times |
30 |