本課程將以線性代數為主軸,培養學生對於線性代數有更深入的了解。並透過此一課程,加強學生對於數理邏輯的思考以及書寫證明的完整性。以期學生在修習其他數理相關科目或是未來從事研究及進修能有更紮實的基礎。也非常歡迎外系同學旁聽或選修。This course will focus on linear generations, and train students to have a deeper understanding of linear generations. And through this course, students' thinking on mathematical logic and the integrity of writing certificates. In order to achieve a more solid foundation in studying other mathematics-related subjects or studying in the future. We are also very welcome to listen to or choose from foreign students.
Independent thinking ability
(1)Linear Algebra, 4/e by Stephen H. Friedberg
(1)Linear Algebra, 4/e by Stephen H. Friedberg
(2) Su's linear agenda explanation of Teacher Shan's line
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
兩次小考及期中期末考兩次小考及期中期末考 Two minor exams and mid-term final exams |
60 | |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
40 | 包含作業、上台演示及課堂表現 |