course information of 103 - 1 | 0704 Genetics(遺傳學)

Taught In English0704 - 遺傳學 Genetics

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要探討遺傳在生命現象及在生物學的意義,課程將從遺傳學的基礎孟德爾理論與後續延伸的理論為起點,並進一步This course mainly discusses the significance of inheritance in life phenomena and biology. The course will start from the basic Mendelian theory of genetics and subsequent extended theories, and further

課程概述 Course Description

Genetics plays an extremely important role in the entire life phenomenon. Replication and evolution represent the endless generation and transmission of life from generation to generation. This science discusses the process of replication and the underlying genetic continuity and variability. Its main purpose is to teach the life phenomenon of inheritance in biology.

參考書目 Reference Books

Concepts of Genetics by Klug, Cummings, Spencer, and Palladino, 10th edition
Concepts of Genetics by Klug, Cummings, Spencer, and Palladino, 10th edition

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Teacher Liu Yiwen
50 含小考, 期中考及參與
Teacher Cai Yuzhen
50 含小考, 期末考及參與

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-0702 Genetics Lab. / 遺傳學實驗 (生科系生醫組2,授課教師:劉薏雯/蔡玉真,二/2,3,4[實驗室])
必修-0707 Genetics Lab. / 遺傳學實驗 (生科系生態組2,授課教師:劉薏雯/蔡玉真,五/2,3,4[實驗室])
必修-0707 Genetics Lab. / 遺傳學實驗 (生科系生態組2,授課教師:劉薏雯/蔡玉真,五/2,3,4[實驗室])
必修-2353 Genetics of Domestic Animal / 動物遺傳學 (畜產系2A,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,一/A,二/A)
必修-2353 Genetics of Domestic Animal / 動物遺傳學 (畜產系2A,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,一/A,二/A)
必修-2354 Lab. of Domestic Animal Genetics / 動物遺傳學實習 (畜產系2A,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,四/5,6,7[AG112])
必修-2354 Lab. of Domestic Animal Genetics / 動物遺傳學實習 (畜產系2A,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,四/5,6,7[AG112])
必修-2357 Genetics of Domestic Animal / 動物遺傳學 (畜產系2B,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,三/3,4[AG102])
必修-2357 Genetics of Domestic Animal / 動物遺傳學 (畜產系2B,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,三/3,4[AG102])
必修-2358 Lab. of Domestic Animal Genetics / 動物遺傳學實習 (畜產系2B,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,一/2,3,4[AG112])
必修-2358 Lab. of Domestic Animal Genetics / 動物遺傳學實習 (畜產系2B,授課教師:劉琳琳/陳怡蓁,一/2,3,4[AG112])
選修-5430 Special Topics on Zebrafish Molecular Genetics (IV) / 斑馬魚分子遺傳學特論(四) (生科博, 生醫碩,授課教師:劉薏雯,四/A)

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,Tuesday/1[LS114]
授課教師 Teacher:劉薏雯/蔡玉真
修課班級 Class:生醫組,生態組2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 98 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 98 人。

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