course information of 103 - 1 | 0641 Surface Chemistry(界面化學)

Taught In English0641 - 界面化學 Surface Chemistry

教育目標 Course Target

界面活性劑化學 先介紹界面現象,各種界面理論和各種界面現象的應用。再說明界面活性劑的化學及應用,說明界面活性劑如何改變表面張力和界面張力,及如何降低界面能量,由於界面能量的改變所發生的濕潤、滲透、乳化、分散、起泡、消泡、清潔作用、防腐蝕、防霧、抗靜電,各種現象的利用和問題解決。 一般的化學以研究物質的巨視性質為對象,但是界面化學以研究物質之表面或交界處的性質為研究對象,因為界面的分子處予較高能量的狀態,所以任何改變界面的變化都須考慮到能量的改變。界面活性劑的使用即是改變界面的能量,使很多改變界面的現象,呈為較可行、較安定,變成工業上的利用更方便、有效。所以針對界面活性劑和界面現象,說明界面化學的應用。Surfactant Chemistry First, we will introduce interface phenomena, various interface theories and applications of various interface phenomena. Then explain the chemistry and application of surfactants, explain how surfactants change surface tension and interfacial tension, and how to reduce interfacial energy. Wetting, penetration, emulsification, dispersion, foaming, defoaming, etc. occur due to changes in interfacial energy. Cleaning effect, anti-corrosion, anti-fog, anti-static, utilization of various phenomena and problem solving. General chemistry studies the macroscopic properties of matter, but interface chemistry studies the properties of the surface or interface of matter. Because the molecules at the interface are in a higher energy state, any changes that change the interface must be considered. to changes in energy. The use of surfactants changes the energy of the interface, making many interface-changing phenomena more feasible and stable, making industrial applications more convenient and effective. Therefore, the application of interface chemistry is explained for surfactants and interface phenomena.

課程概述 Course Description

Introduces interface phenomena, various interface theories and applications of various interface phenomena. Then explain the chemistry and application of surfactants, explain how surfactants change surface tension and interfacial tension, and how to reduce interfacial energy. Wetting, penetration, emulsification, dispersion, foaming, defoaming, etc. occur due to changes in interfacial energy. Cleaning effect, anti-corrosion, anti-fog, anti-static, utilization of various phenomena and problem solving.

參考書目 Reference Books

Interface Chemistry

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
usual results

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8[H204]
授課教師 Teacher:官常慶
修課班級 Class:化學系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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