本課程與 基礎化學數學 共同的目的是要建立除了 微積分 以外,修習化學組學士學位所必需的數學基礎.The common purpose of this course and Mathematics of Basic Chemistry is to establish the mathematical foundation necessary for bachelor's degree in chemistry, in addition to microscores.
In addition to "microscore" and "basic chemistry mathematics", we establish the mathematical foundations necessary for bachelor's degree in chemistry, including partial differential and multiple fractions of multiple variable functions, operators and differential equations.
教科書:(1) E. Steiner, The Chemistry Maths Book 2/e 2008
(1) C. L. Perrin, Mathematics for Chemists 1970
(2) J. B. Dence, Mathematical Techniques in Chemistry 1975
(3) S. L .Ross, Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations 1980
(4) R. G. Mortimer, Mathematics for Physical Chemistry 2/e 1999
Textbook: (1) E. Steiner, The Chemistry Maths Book 2/e 2008
Reference book:
(1) C. L. Perrin, Mathematics for Chemists 1970
(2) J. B. Dence, Mathematical Techniques in Chemistry 1975
(3) S. L.Ross, Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations 1980
(4) R. G. Mortimer, Mathematics for Physical Chemistry 2/e 1999
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
10 | 出席及上課狀況 |
Test 1Test 1 test 1 |
20 | 第5週 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | 第9週 |
Test 2Test 2 test 2 |
20 | 第14週 |