course information of 103 - 1 | 0352 Beginners Simultaneous Interpretation(日語口譯)

Taught In English0352 - 日語口譯 Beginners Simultaneous Interpretation

教育目標 Course Target

1. 延伸語言學習,增加可運用的日文詞彙、句型、常套語句。 2. 了解中日文之主要語言差異,增進兩者語言切換之速度。 3. 習得口譯基本技巧,著重「視譯」與「逐步口譯」之演練。 4. 擴展各領域知識。 上學期進度1. 各類型口譯特徵2. 公眾演說特徵3. 增進口語能力技巧: 跟述(shadowing)、複述(reproduction)、概述(retention)4. 視譯技巧: 書面語轉口語 5. 短逐步口譯技巧:句間銜接1. Extend language learning and increase applicable Japanese vocabulary, sentence patterns, and common expressions. 2. Understand the main language differences between Chinese and Japanese and increase the speed of language switching between the two. 3. Acquire basic interpretation skills, focusing on the practice of "sight translation" and "step-by-step interpretation". 4. Expand knowledge in various fields. Progress of last semester 1. Characteristics of various types of interpreting 2. Characteristics of public speaking 3. Tips for improving spoken language skills: Shadowing, reproduction, retention 4. Sight translation skills: Written to spoken language 5. Short step-by-step interpreting skills: sentence-to-sentence cohesion

課程概述 Course Description

This course hopes that students can understand the main language differences between Chinese and Japanese and increase the speed of language switching between the two. The educational goals focus on developing students’ Taiwanese-Japanese multicultural communication skills and their ability to discover and solve problems such as emergencies, cultural differences, language similarities and differences, and lack of knowledge during interpretation. Expand knowledge in various fields by learning basic interpreting skills and practicing sight translation and step-by-step interpreting.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Yang Chengshu and Yamada Kanami (1996) "Introductory Course in Chinese-Japanese Interpretation" Zhiliang Publishing House.
2. Tsukamoto Keiichi (2003) "Chinese Language Teaching" overhaul.
3. Chiharu Furukawa (2004) "Speaking Japanese in Department Stores and Restaurants" Kamizawa.
4. Su Dingdong (2009) "Introductory Classroom for Chinese-Japanese Interpreting Step by Step" Hongrutang.
5. Existing audio-visual teaching material resources such as news reports, interviews, speeches, etc.
Bibliography: 1. Yang Chengshu (2000) "Research on Interpretation Teaching: Theory and Practice" Fu Jen Catholic University Press.
2. Qiu Rongjin (2002) "Japanese-Chinese Translation Education Theory and Practice" Zhiliang Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
25 全班以錄音筆進行口譯口試。錄音筆由教師提供。
final exam
25 口譯口試。
daily performance
50 包括課堂參與、作業、小考、出席、學習態度等之平時成績。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/10,11[HT302]
授課教師 Teacher:林雅芬
修課班級 Class:日文系1-4
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 34 人。

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