course information of 103 - 1 | 0253 (臺灣族群發展史)

Taught In English0253 - 臺灣族群發展史

教育目標 Course Target

本課程以臺灣各族群的發展與關係為軸線,連結臺灣歷史的進程。透過對臺灣各個族群的源起、發展、分佈及現況的介紹,促使學生對於族群議題有更深刻地認知。並且討論族群形成的客觀歷史背景與主觀人為操縱等因素,俾使學生在面對新聞報導與自身經歷的族群議題時,可不落於偏狹的觀念,從而對臺灣的族群議題有更為全面的體認。換言之,本課程可促使學生連結自身經驗與歷史脈絡,瞭解歷史其實就存在平日生活中,至今仍時時刻刻與我們的生活相連,進而提昇對歷史議題的研究熱情。This course takes the development and relationships of various ethnic groups in Taiwan as the axis and connects the process of Taiwan's history. Through the introduction of the origin, development, distribution and current situation of various ethnic groups in Taiwan, students can gain a deeper understanding of ethnic issues. It also discusses factors such as the objective historical background and subjective human manipulation of the formation of ethnic groups, so that students will not fall into intolerant ideas when facing ethnic issues reported in the news and their own experiences, and thus have a more comprehensive understanding of ethnic issues in Taiwan. Realize. In other words, this course can encourage students to connect their own experiences with historical context, understand that history actually exists in daily life, and is still connected to our lives all the time, thereby increasing their enthusiasm for research on historical issues.

參考書目 Reference Books


1.王明珂,〈第一章 當代社會人類學族群理論〉,收於王明珂著,《華夏邊緣-歷史記憶與族群認同》,臺北:允晨文化公司,2005。

2.詹素娟,〈族群歷史研究的「常」與「變」—以平埔研究為中心〉,《新史學》,6 卷 4 期(1995/12),頁 127-163。





2.林偉盛,《清代臺灣社會與分類械鬥 羅漢腳》,臺北:自立晚報,1993。





3.Eric Hobsbawm等著,陳思仁等譯,《被發明的傳統》,臺北:貓頭鷹,2002。

1.Benedict Anderson著,吳叡人譯,《想像的共同體:民族主義的起源與散布》,臺北:時報出版,2010。


Unit 1: Introduction to the course and introduction of relevant materials
1. Wang Mingke, "The Past, Collective Memory, and Ethnic Identity—Taiwan's Ethnic Experience," in "Identity and Country—A Comparative Essay on Modern Chinese and Western History," edited by the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei: Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History, 1994.
2. Li Guangjun, "What is ethnic identity?" —Proposition and discussion of three different approaches>, "Journal of Social Culture", Issue 9 (1999).

Unit 2: Interpretation and definition of concepts related to ethnicity, nation, and race
1. Wang Mingke, "Chapter 1: Ethnic Theory in Contemporary Social Anthropology", collected in Wang Mingke, "The Edge of China - Historical Memory and Ethnic Identity", Taipei: Yunchen Culture Company, 2005.
2. Mai Liufang, "Dialect Group Identity", Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 1985.

Unit 3: The formation and culture of Taiwan’s aboriginal ethnic groups
1. Editor-in-chief Huang Yinggui, "Collection of Research Papers on Taiwan's Aboriginal Social Culture", Taipei: Lianjing, 1986.
2. Zhan Sujuan, "Constant and Change in Ethnic History Research—Focusing on Pingpu Research", "New Historiography", Volume 6, Issue 4 (1995/12), pp. 127-163.

Unit 4: Han-Fan relations in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty
1. Shi Tianfu, "Red Line and Blue Line—Taiwan Boundary Map in the Middle Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty", "Field Research Newsletter on Taiwan History of Academia Sinica", Issue 19 (1991/06).
2. Chen Qiukun, "Taiwan's Aboriginal Land Rights in the Qing Dynasty: Land Changes among Bureaucrats, Han Tenants, and Shore People, 1700~1895" Taipei, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 1994.
3. Ke Zhiming, "Fantou Jia—Ethnic Politics and Land Rights in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty", Taipei: Institute of Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2001.

Unit 5: The formation of the Hokkien ethnic group in Taiwan
1. Chief editor Chen Yiyuan, "Proceedings of the 2011 National Cheng Kung University International Academic Symposium on Southern Fujian Culture", Taipei: Lexue, 2013.
2. Shi Tianfu, "The Ancestral Hometown and Native Lifestyle of the Han People in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty", Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University, 1987.

Unit 6: The formation of the Hakka community in Taiwan
1. Xu Zhengguang, "Ethnic Relations in Taiwan—A Discussion Focusing on Hakkas", in "Taiwan History and Taiwan Historical Materials" edited by Zhang Yanxian and others, Taipei: Wu Sanlian Taiwan Historical Materials Foundation, pp. 241-281.
2. Shi Zhengfeng, "Politics and Policies of Hakka Groups in Taiwan", Taipei: Hanlu Book Publishing Company, 2004.

Unit 7: Provincial consciousness in post-war Taiwan
1. Gao Gefu, "The Wind is Warm and the Sun is Warm: People from Other Provinces and the Transformation of National Identity", Taipei: Yunchen, 2004.
2. Lu Jianrong, "Divided National Identity (1975-1997)", Taipei: Maitian, 1999.

Unit 8: Religion, Occupation and Ethnicity
1. Chen Qinan, "Traditional Chinese Society in Taiwan", Taipei: Yunchen Culture, 1987.
2. Lin Weisheng, "Taiwanese Society and Classified Weapon Fighting in the Qing Dynasty - Arhat's Foot", Taipei: Zili Evening News, 1993.

Unit 9: Midterm Exam

Unit 10: Bloodline Groups: Family, Clan
1. Zhang Shu, "Research on the Civil Uprising in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty", Taipei: Economic Research Office of the Bank of Taiwan, 1970.
2. Chen Qinan, "Traditional Chinese Society in Taiwan", Taipei: Yunchen Culture, 1987.

Unit 11: Geographic Ethnicity: Inlandization and Indigenization in Local Identity and Ancestral Identity
1. Li Guoqi, "The Transformation of Taiwanese Society in the Qing Dynasty", "Journal of Chinese Studies", Volume 5, Issue 3 (1978).
2. Chen Qinan, "Traditional Chinese Society in Taiwan", Taipei: Yunchen Culture, 1987.
3. Chen Kongli, "The issue of the model of social development in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty - Comment on the debate between "indigenization" and "inlandization"", "Contemporary" 30 (1988/10)

Unit 12: Ethnic Groups and Regions
1. Shi Tianfu, "The Ancestral Home and Lifestyle of the Han People in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty", Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University, 1987.
2. Chen Shaoxin, "Demographic Change and Social Change in Taiwan", Taipei: Lianjing, 1979.

Unit 13: Historical memory and ethnic consciousness
1. Hong Liwan, "Shufan Social Network and Collective Consciousness: Historical Changes of the Pingpu Ethnic Group in Central Taiwan (1700-1900)", Taipei: Lianjing, 2009.
2. Wang Mingke, "Whose History—The Nature of Social Memory in Autobiography, Biography and Oral History", "Thought and Words", Volume 34, Issue 3 (1996/09).
3. Eric Hobsbawm et al., translated by Chen Siren et al., "Invented Tradition", Taipei: Owl, 2002.

Unit 14: National Identity and Ethnic Consciousness
1. Benedict Anderson, translated by Wu Ruiren, "Imagined Communities: The Origin and Spread of Nationalism", Taipei: Times Publishing, 2010.
2. Yin Zhangyi, "The Formation and Development of "Taiwan Consciousness" - A Historical Perspective", in: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, "Identity and Country - A Comparison of Modern Chinese and Western History", Taipei: Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History, 1994.
3. Shen Songqiao, "I Recommend Xuanyuan with My Blood - The Myth of the Yellow Emperor and the National Construction in the Late Qing Dynasty", "Taiwan Social Research Quarterly", Issue 28 (1997/12).

Unit 15: Ethnic Imagination in Contemporary Taiwan (1)
1. Wang Mingke, "The Past, Collective Memory, and Ethnic Identity—Taiwan's Ethnic Experience," in "Identity and Country—A Comparative Essay on Modern Chinese and Western History," edited by the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei: Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History, 1994.
2. Zhang Maogui, "Provincial Citizenship Issues and Nationalism", collected in Zhang Maogui, "Ethnic Relations and National Identity", Taipei: Yeqiang, 1993.

Unit 16: Ethnic Imagination in Contemporary Taiwan (2)
1. Wang Fuchang, "Ethnic Imagination in Contemporary Taiwanese Society", Taipei: Qunxue, 2003.
2. Lin Xinhua, "Order and Reconstruction of Taiwan's Ethnic Groups", Yilan: Foguang University

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:吳奇浩
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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