3.熟悉相關台灣電子資料庫的操作與檢索。The main teaching objectives of this course are to enable students to systematically understand the literary data of relevant Taiwan history, and to cultivate students' ability to master problems and understand the cultural literature of Taiwan.
Therefore, the teaching objectives of this course have the following points:
1. Understand important Taiwan history and literature and related research results.
2. Cultivate the ability to study and use Taiwanese historical materials.
3. Familiar with the operation and search of relevant Taiwan electronic databases.
1. 《台南府城教會報》,1893年1月至1905年12月。
2. 《台南府教會報》,1892年1月至1893年12月。
3. 《台灣府志》:蔣志、高志、周志、劉志、范志、余志。
4. 《台灣府城教會報》,1885年6月至1891年12月。
5. 中央圖書館台灣分館編,《台灣文獻書目解題》,(方志類、地圖類、傳記類、公報類、語言類、族譜類),台北:中央圖書館台灣分館,1987-1992。
6. 王世慶,《台灣史料論文集》上、下冊,台北:稻鄉,2004。
7. 台灣銀行經濟研究室編,《法軍侵台檔》,第一至四冊,台灣文獻叢刊第192種,台北:台灣銀行,1964。
8. 台灣銀行經濟研究室編,《清代台灣大租調查書》,台灣文獻叢刊152種,台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,1963。
9. 江樹生主譯註,國史館臺灣文獻館主編,《荷蘭台灣長官致巴達維亞總督書信集(一)1622-1626》,台北:南天,2007。
10. 江樹生譯註,《熱蘭遮城日誌》,台南:台南市政府,2000。
11. 江樹生譯註,《鄭成功和荷蘭人在台灣的最後一戰及換文締和》,台北:漢聲雜誌社1992。
12. 吳密察、翁佳音、李文良、林欣宜編,《台灣史料集成提要》,台北:行政院文化建設委員會,2004。
13. 呂理政主編,《早期台灣歷史文獻研究書目》,台北:南天,2006。
14. 沈景鴻等編,《清宮月摺檔台灣史料》,台北:國立故宮博物院,1995年。
15. 周 璽,《彰化縣志》,台灣文獻叢刊156種,台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,1962。
16. 周鍾瑄,《諸羅縣志》,台灣文獻叢刊141種,台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,1962。
17. 張秀蓉編,《A Chronology of 19th Century Writings on Formosa》,台北:曹永和文教基金會,2008。
18. 張炎憲、陳美容編《台灣史與台灣史料:台灣史料評析講座紀錄(一)》台北,自立晚報文化出版部,1993。
19. 曹永和、包樂史、江樹生主編,《荷蘭東印度公司有關台灣檔案目錄》,台北:國立台灣大學,1997。
20. 淡新檔案校註出版編輯委員會編,《淡新檔案》,台北:國立台灣大學,1995。
21. 陳弱水編著,《台灣史英文資料類目》,台北:林本源中華文化教育基金會,1995。
22. 曾振名、童元昭主編,《噶瑪蘭西拉雅古文書》,台北:國立台灣大學人類學系,2000年9月。
23. 黃士旂編,《台灣研究要目(1945-1989)》,台北:幼捷出版社,2006。
24. 臨時台灣土地調查局編,《台灣土地慣行一斑》,台北:台灣日日新報社,1905。
25. 韓家寶、鄭維中譯著,《蘭時代臺灣告令集•婚姻與洗禮登錄簿》(Dutch Formosan Placard-book, Marriage, and Baptism Records),台北:曹永和文教基金會,2005。
26. Campbell, William,《台彎佈教之成功》,台南:教會公報社,2007。
27. Campbell, William. Formosa under the Dutch: Described from Contemporary Records, with Explanatory Notes and a Bibliography of the Island. London: Kegan Paul, 1903.
28. Campbell, William. Handbook of the English Presbyterian Mission in South Formosa. Hastings: F. J. Parsons, LTD. 1910. Reprint. 《台南教士會議事錄》,台南:教會公報社,2004。
29. Fernandez, Pablo. One Hundred Years of Dominican Apostolate in Formosa (1859-1958). Reprint. Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc. ed, 1994.
30. Jacobs, J. Bruce. Taiwan: A Comprehensive Bibliography of English-language Publications. New York: East Asian Institute, Columbia University, 1984.
31. Kees Zandvliet,《十七世紀荷蘭人繪製的台灣老地圖》(上、下),台北:漢
1. "Tainan Fucheng Church News", January 1893 to December 1905.
2. "Tainan Prefecture Church News", January 1892 to December 1893.
3. "Taiwan Prefecture Chronicles": Qi Zhi, Gao Zhi, Zhou Zhi, Liu Zhi, Fan Zhi, Yu Zhi.
4. "Taiwan Fucheng Church News", June 1885 to December 1891.
5. Editor of the Taiwan Branch of the Central Library, "Interpretation of Taiwan Cultural Books", (local chronicles, maps, transcripts, publications, languages, ethnic groups), Taipei: Taiwan Branch of the Central Library, 1987-1992.
6. Wang Shiqing, "Taiwan Historical Materials and Arts Collection", Taipei: Daozhuang, 2004.
7. Editor of the Economic Research Office of the Taiwan Bank, "French Army Invasion of Taiwan", 1st to 4th, Taiwan Literature Journal No. 192, Taipei: Taiwan Bank, 1964.
8. Editor of the Taiwan Bank Economic Research Office, "Taiwan Major Rental Investigation Book of the Qing Dynasty", 152 Taiwanese Literature Journals, Taipei: Taiwan Bank Economic Research Office, 1963.
9. Jiang Chusheng's main editor, editor of the Taiwan Cultural Center of the National History Museum, "Collected Letters from the Dutch Taiwan Chief to the General of the President of Badavia (I) 1622-1626", Taipei: Nantian, 2007.
10. Jiang Chusheng’s translation, "The Diary of the Hot Lan Chacheng", Tainan: Tainan Municipal Government, 2000.
11. Jiang Chusheng's translation, "The Last Battle between Zheng Chenggong and the Dutch in Taiwan and the Transformation of Literature", Taipei: Han Biography 1992.
12. Educated by Wu Micha, Weng Jiayin, Li Wenliang, and Lin Xinyi, "Integration of Taiwan Historical Materials", Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee, 2004.
13. Editor of the General Administration, "Catalogue of Research on History and Culture in Early Taiwan", Taipei: Nantian, 2006.
14. Edited by Shen Jing-dong et al., "Qingguan Yueli Archives of Taiwan Historical Materials", Taipei: National Palace Museum, 1995.
15. Zhou Xuan, "Changhua County Chronicle", 156 Taiwanese Literature Journals, Taipei: Taiwan Bank Economic Research Office, 1962.
16. Zhou Luoxuan, "Ruo County Chronicle", 141 Taiwanese Literature Journals, Taipei: Taiwan Bank Economic Research Office, 1962.
17. Educated by Zhang Xiurong, "A Chronology of 19th Century Writings on Formosa", Taipei: Cao Yonghe Cultural and Educational Foundation, 2008.
18. Zhang Yanqing and Chen Meishao edited "Taiwan History and Taiwan Historical Materials: A Review and Lecture Record of Taiwan Historical Materials (I)" in Taipei, independent evening newspaper culture Publishing Department, 1993.
19. Editorial by Cao Yonghe, Bao Leshi, and Jiang Zusheng, "Taiwan Files Catalog of the Netherlands East India Company", Taipei: National Taiwan University, 1997.
20. Editor of the Publishing and Editing Committee of the School of Danxin Files, "Danxin Files", Taipei: National Taiwan University, 1995.
21. Edited by Chen Ruoshui, "Taiwan History English Data Category", Taipei: Lin Benyuan Zhonghua Cultural Education Foundation, 1995.
22. Editor of Zeng Zhenming and Tong Yuanzhao, "Gamalan Siraya Ancient Literature Book", Taipei: Department of Humanities at National Taiwan University, September 2000.
23. Editor of Huang Shi, "Basic Study of Taiwan (1945-1989)", Taipei: Youjie Publishing House, 2006.
24. Editor of the Taiwan Land Survey Bureau, "A Look at Taiwan's Land Conduct", Taipei: Taiwan Daily News Agency, 1905.
25. Dutch Formosan Placard-book, Marriage, and Baptism Records, Taipei: Cao Yonghe Cultural and Educational Foundation, 2005.
26. Campbell, William, "The Success of Taichung", Tainan: Church Office, 2007.
27. Campbell, William. Formosa under the Dutch: Described from Contemporary Records, with Explanatory Notes and a Bibliography of the Island. London: Kegan Paul, 1903.
28. Campbell, William. Handbook of the English Presbyterian Mission in South Formosa. Hastings: F. J. Parsons, LTD. 1910. Reprint. Tainan: Church Office, 2004.
29. Fernandez, Pablo. One Hundred Years of Dominican Apostolate in Formosa (1859-1958). Reprint. Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc. ed, 1994.
30. Jacobs, J. Bruce. Taiwan: A Comprehensive Bibliography of English-language Publications. New York: East Asian Institute, Columbia University, 1984.
31. Kees Zandvliet, "Old Map of Taiwan by the Dutchman of the Seventeenth Century" (Part 1 and 2), Taipei: Han
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績 ︰依參與討論及出席情形評分、依規定曠課六次達期末扣考標準平時成績 ︰依參與討論及出席情形評分、依規定曠課六次達期末扣考標準 Regular results: ratings based on participation and discussion and attendance, and 6 final exam standards for the final exam according to regulations |
20 | |
學期報告學期報告 Study period report |
50 | |
考試考試 exam |
30 |