本課程介紹鴉片戰爭至清末新政時期的中國外交,引介中外各家研究成果、解釋架構,試圖跳脫出過去民族主義史觀的限制,以較宏觀的視野,將清末外交置於東亞與世界外交的發展中考察。希望能藉此課程幫助學生較全面的理解清末中國由傳統天朝體系進入西方為中心的近代世界體系歷程中,遭受到的衝擊、挫敗,以及所做的努力與成就。This course introduces Chinese diplomacy from the Douluo Film War to the New Deal of the late Qing Dynasty, introduces research results from various Chinese and foreign countries, explains the structure, and tries to break out the limitations of the historical view of the past nationalism, and place diplomacy in the late Qing Dynasty in East Asia and the world with a more grand vision. In the development of the investigation. I hope this course can help students to fully understand the impacts, setbacks, efforts and achievements that China suffered in the course of entering the modern world system centered in the late Qing Dynasty from the traditional Chinese dynasty system into the West.
H. B. Morse, The International Relations of the Chinese Empire, 1910, 1918.
"Modern History of China"
Mao Haijian's "The Collapse of the Heavenly Dynasty" and "The Standard of Modern Times".
Yang Gongsu's "History of Diplomacy in the Late Qing Dynasty" (Beijing University, 1991).
Wang Zengcai's "Collected History of Diplomacy in the Qing Dynasty" (Taipei: Business, 1972).
"History of the Late Qing Dynasty of the Little Bridge" (Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences, 1993).
Masato Sakano, and Chen Yuren and others translated "History of Political and Diplomacy in Modern China" (Taiwan Business, 2005)
Written by Ma Shi, Zhang Yunwen and others translated "History of Foreign Relations between the Chinese Empire" (Shanghai Bookstore, 2000).
H. B. Morse, The International Relations of the Chinese Empire, 1910, 1918.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
40 | 申論題 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
40 | 申論題 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 依據上課出席與討論情況評分 |