course information of 103 - 1 | 0246 China Plebeian Life History(中國庶民生活史)

Taught In English0246 - 中國庶民生活史 China Plebeian Life History

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為教育學程科目,主要提供有志從事中學教育工作者修習之用。對於傳統庶民生活課題有興趣者,亦可以選修本課程。This course is an education course subject, mainly for those who wish to engage in secondary school education. Those who are interested in traditional common people’s life issues can also take this course as an elective.

課程概述 Course Description

This course explores traditional common people’s life issues. The life history of the common people is the subject that is closest to the individual and the most empathetic. However, traditional official history has always focused on the description of the rulers, and the records of the common people often rely on unofficial documents to be explored and constructed. This course takes the six subjects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment as the basic main axis, and adds two subjects of spirituality and charity that are closely related to people's lives, leading practitioners to enter the history closest to life, and thereby understand the tradition The evolution of ordinary people’s lives.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 陳元朋《粥的歷史》(三民書局,2005)
2. 陳慈玉《生津解渴-中國茶葉的全球化》(三民書局,2008)
3. 巫仁恕《奢侈的女人:明清時期江南婦女的消費文化》(三民書局,2005)
4. 林富士《疾病終結者:中國早期的道教醫學》(三民書局,2003)
5. 劉淑芬《慈悲清淨:佛教與中古社會生活》(三民書局,2001)
6. 王章偉《文明世界的魔法師:宋代的巫覡與巫術》(三民書局,2006)
7. 康樂《佛教與素食》(三民書局,2003)
8. 劉修明《中國古代飲茶與茶館》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
9. 吳剛《中國古代城市生活》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
10. 張仁善《中國古代民間娛樂》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
11. 王子今《中國古代行旅生活》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
12. 雷家宏《中國古代鄉里生活》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
13. 劉軍《中國古代的酒與飲酒》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
14. 劉瞱原《中國古代祭祀》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
15. 丁長清《中國古代市場與貿易》(台灣商務印書館,1999)
16. 王兆祥《中國古代廟會》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
17. 趙榮光《中國庶民飲食生活》(台灣商務印書館,1998)
18. 朱啟新《中國古代漢族節日風情》(台灣商務印書館,1994)
19. 王煒民《中國古代禮俗》(台灣商務印書館,1994)
20. 郭齊家《中國古代學校》(台灣商務印書館,1994)
21. 閻崇年《中國都市生活史》(文津出版社,1997)
22. 馮佐哲、李富華《中國民間宗教史》(文津出版社,2005)
23. 李永匡、王熹《中國節令史》(文津出版社,2006)
24. 程方平、畢誠《中國教育史》(文津出版社,2007)
25. 周秋光、曾桂林《中國慈善簡史》(人民出版社,2006)
26. 王俊秋《中國慈善與救濟》(中國社會科學出版社,2008)
27. 許嘉璐《中國古代衣食住行》(香港中華書局,2002)

1. Chen Yuanpeng's "The History of Porridge" (Sanmin Bookstore, 2005)
2. Chen Ciyu's "Producing fluids and quenching thirst - the globalization of Chinese tea" (Sanmin Book Company, 2008)
3. Wu Renshu, "Luxurious Women: The Consumer Culture of Jiangnan Women in the Ming and Qing Dynasties" (Sanmin Book Company, 2005)
4. Lin Fuji, "The Terminator of Disease: Taoist Medicine in Early China" (Sanmin Bookstore, 2003)
5. Liu Shufen, "Compassion and Purity: Buddhism and Social Life in Medieval Times" (Sanmin Bookstore, 2001)
6. Wang Zhangwei "Magicians in the Civilized World: Witchcraft and Witchcraft in the Song Dynasty" (Sanmin Bookstore, 2006)
7. Kang Le's "Buddhism and Vegetarian Food" (Sanmin Book Company, 2003)
8. Liu Xiuming, "Tea Drinking and Teahouses in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
9. Wu Gang "Urban Life in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
10. Zhang Renshan's "Ancient Chinese Folk Entertainment" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
11. Wang Zijin's "Travel Life in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
12. Lei Jiahong's "Rural Life in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
13. Liu Jun "Wine and Drinking in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
14. Liu Xianyuan's "Sacrifice in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
15. Ding Changqing, "Market and Trade in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1999)
16. Wang Zhaoxiang "Temple Fairs in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
17. Zhao Rongguang, "The Dietary Life of Chinese People" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998)
18. Zhu Qixin's "Festival Customs of the Han Nationality in Ancient China" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1994)
19. Wang Weimin's "Ancient Chinese Etiquette and Customs" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1994)
20. Guo Qijia's "Ancient Chinese School" (Taiwan Commercial Press, 1994)
21. Yan Chongnian "History of Urban Life in China" (Wenjin Publishing House, 1997)
22. Feng Zuozhe and Li Fuhua "History of Chinese Folk Religion" (Wenjin Publishing House, 2005)
23. Li Yongkuang and Wang Xi "History of Chinese Festivals" (Wenjin Publishing House, 2006)
24. Cheng Fangping and Bi Cheng, "History of Chinese Education" (Wenjin Publishing House, 2007)
25. Zhou Qiuguang and Zeng Guilin "A Brief History of Chinese Charity" (People's Publishing House, 2006)
26. Wang Junqiu "Charity and Relief in China" (China Social Sciences Press, 2008)
27. Xu Jialu's "Essential Clothing, Food, Housing and Transportation in Ancient China" (Hong Kong Chung Hwa Book Company, 2002)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Attendance and Class Performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:翁育瑄
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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