course information of 103 - 1 | 0244 History of Taiwan (I): Dutch Arrival(台灣史(上))

Taught In English0244 - 台灣史(上) History of Taiwan (I): Dutch Arrival

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之教學目標在於促使學生瞭解臺灣各階段之歷史變遷,並導引學生思索臺灣史研究中的不同論點。首先,說明臺灣史研究的興起背景與具備特性。其次,依照臺灣各個歷史時期,介紹各個重要的歷史發展階段,並以研究議題中的不同觀點,引導學生對歷史問題進行思索。促使學生對歷史問題進行獨立思考,從而增加對歷史的認知與興趣。The teaching goal of this course is to enable students to understand the historical changes in various stages of Taiwan, and to guide students to think about different arguments in the study of Taiwan history. First, it explains the background and characteristics of the rise of Taiwan history research. Secondly, according to the various historical periods of Taiwan, various important historical development stages are introduced, and different viewpoints on the research topics are used to guide students to think about historical issues. Promote students to think independently about historical issues, thereby increasing their knowledge and interest in history.

課程概述 Course Description

屬於歷史系必修之基礎課程,著眼於建立對台灣本土以往歷史的認知,依序由史前文化、原住民文化、介紹到大航海時代的荷蘭、西班牙殖民統治時期、鄭氏抗清統治時期,直到清朝212年間的治理(收入版圖後至割讓予日本之際)。 主要以立足於這片土地,認同台灣的史觀,來反思以往當政者單向片面的詮釋。
It is a compulsory basic course for the Department of History. It focuses on establishing an understanding of Taiwan's past history. It introduces prehistoric culture, aboriginal culture, the Dutch Age of Discovery, the Spanish colonial rule, the Zheng family's anti-Qing rule, and so on. Governance during the 212 years of the Qing Dynasty (from the time it was included in the territory to the time it was ceded to Japan). Mainly based on this land, identifying with Taiwan's historical view, and reflecting on the one-sided and one-sided interpretations of past politicians.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. 吳密察,〈「歷史」的出現〉,收錄於黃富三等主編,《臺灣史研究一百年:回顧與展望》,臺北:中研院臺史所籌備處,1997,頁1-21。
2. 張炎憲,〈臺灣史研究與臺灣主體性〉,收於張炎憲等主編,《臺灣近百年史論文集》,臺北:吳三連文教基金會,1996,頁431-451。

1. 何傳坤,《臺灣的史前文化》,臺北:遠足出版社,2004。
2. 劉益昌,《臺灣的考古遺址》,臺北:臺北縣立文化中心,1992。

1. 李壬癸,《臺灣南島民族的族群與遷》,臺北:常民文化,1997。
2. 宋光宇編譯,〈從混沌邁向文明〉,《人類學導論》,臺北市:桂冠,1977,頁171-225。
3. 周婉窈,《臺灣歷史圖說(史前至1945)》,臺北:聯經,1998。

1. 許木柱,〈臺灣高山族史料介紹〉,收於李筱峰等編,《臺灣史論文精選(上)》,臺北:玉山社,1996,頁75-85。
2. 王嵩山,《臺灣原住民的社會與文化》,臺北:聯經,2001,頁181-210。
3. 莊雅仲,〈裨海紀遊—徘徊於自我與異己之間〉,收入盧建榮編,《文化與權力—臺灣新文化史》,臺北:麥田,2001。

1. 張隆志,〈追尋失落的福爾摩莎部落─臺灣平埔族群史研究的反思〉,收於黃富三、古偉瀛、蔡采秀編,《臺灣史研究一百年—回顧與研究》,臺北:中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,1997,頁257-272。
2. 潘英海,〈傳統文化?文化傳統? 關於「平埔族群傳統文化」的迷思〉,收於詹素娟、潘英海主編,《平埔族群與臺灣歷史文化論文集》,臺北:中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,1997,頁205-236。

1. 曹永和,〈環中國海域交流史上的臺灣和日本〉,收於李筱峰等編,《臺灣史論文精選(上)》,臺北:玉山社,頁103-134。
2. 曹永和,〈荷蘭與西班牙佔據時期的臺灣〉,收於曹永和,《臺灣早期歷史研究》,臺北:聯經,1979,頁25-44。
3. 陳宗仁,《雞籠山與淡水洋:東亞海域與臺灣早期史研究1400-1700》,臺北市:聯經,2005。

1. 村上直次郎等著、許賢瑤譯,《荷蘭時代臺灣史論文集》,宜蘭:佛光人文社會學院,2001。
2. 中村孝志著,吳密察、翁佳音編譯,《荷蘭時代臺灣史研究上卷-概說、產業》臺北:稻鄉,1997。
3. 中村孝志著,吳密察、翁佳音編譯,《荷蘭時代臺灣史研究下卷-社會、文化》臺北:稻鄉,2002。



1. 曹永和,〈鄭氏時代之臺灣墾殖〉,,收於曹永和,《臺灣早期歷史研究》,臺北:聯經,1979,頁155-193。
2. 鄭瑞明,〈臺灣明鄭與東南亞之貿易關係初探-發展東南亞貿易之動機、實務及外商之前來〉,《國立臺灣師範大學歷史學報》14(1986)。
3. 翁佳音,〈十七世紀的福佬海商〉,收於湯熙勇主編,《中國海洋發展史論文集》第七輯,臺北:中研院社科所,1999。

1. 湯熙勇,〈論康熙時期的納臺爭議與臺灣的開發政策〉,《臺北文獻》114,頁25-53,1995年12月。
2. 莊吉發,〈清初閩粵人口壓迫與偷渡臺灣〉,《大陸雜誌》,60卷1期(1970/01),頁25-33。
3. 黃秀政,〈清代治臺政策的再檢討〉,收於黃秀政著,《臺灣史研究》,臺北:學生書局,1992,頁145-173。

1. 高明士主編,洪麗完、張永楨、李力庸、王昭文編著,《臺灣史》,臺北:五南,2010。
2. 柯志明,《番頭家:清代臺灣族群政治與熟番地權》,臺北:中研院社科所,2000。

1. 蔡淵洯,〈清代臺灣社會領導階層性質之轉變〉,《史聯雜誌》,3期(1983/06),頁34-64。
2. 林偉盛,〈清代臺灣分類械鬥發生的原因〉,收於李筱峰等編,《臺灣史論文精選(上)》,臺北:玉山社),頁263-288。
3. 陳其南,《臺灣的傳統中國社會》,臺北:允晨,1987。
4. 陳世榮,〈清代北桃園的地方菁英及「公共空間」〉,《政大歷史學報》18(2001),頁 203-242。

1. 林滿紅,《茶、糖、樟腦與臺灣之社會經濟變遷,1860-1895》,臺北:聯經,1997。
2. 林
Week 1: Introduction to the course and introduction of relevant materials

Week 2: Characteristics of Taiwan’s History
1. Wu Micha, "The Emergence of "History"", collected in "One Hundred Years of Taiwan History Research: Review and Prospects" edited by Huang Fusan and others, Taipei: Preparatory Office of the Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 1997, pp. 1-21.
2. Zhang Yanxian, "Research on Taiwanese History and Taiwanese Subjectivity", in "Essays on the History of Taiwan in the Past Hundred Years", edited by Zhang Yanxian and others, Taipei: Wu Sanlian Cultural and Educational Foundation, 1996, pp. 431-451.

Week Three: Taiwan’s Prehistoric Culture (1)
1. He Chuankun, "Taiwan's Prehistoric Culture", Taipei: Hiking Press, 2004.
2. Liu Yichang, "Archaeological Sites in Taiwan", Taipei: Taipei County Cultural Center, 1992.

Week 4: Prehistoric Culture of Taiwan (2)
1. Li Rengui, "Ethnic Groups and Migration of Taiwan's Austronesian Ethnic Groups", Taipei: Common People Culture, 1997.
2. Compiled by Song Guangyu, "From Chaos to Civilization", "Introduction to Anthropology", Taipei: Guiguan, 1977, pp. 171-225.
3. Zhou Wanyao, "Illustrated History of Taiwan (Prehistory to 1945)", Taipei: Lianjing, 1998.

Week 5: Social Culture of Taiwan’s Aboriginal People (1)
1. Xu Muzhu, "Introduction to the Historical Materials of Taiwan's Gaoshan Tribe", in "Selected Essays on Taiwan History (Part 1)" edited by Li Xiaofeng and others, Taipei: Yushan Society, 1996, pp. 75-85.
2. Wang Songshan, "Society and Culture of Taiwan's Aboriginal People", Taipei: Lianjing, 2001, pp. 181-210.
3. Zhuang Yazhong, "Journey to Pi Hai - Wandering Between Self and Alien", edited by Lu Jianrong, "Culture and Power - Taiwan's New Cultural History", Taipei: Maitian, 2001.

Week Six: Social Culture of Taiwan’s Aboriginal People (2)
1. Zhang Longzhi, "In Search of the Lost Formosa Tribe - Reflections on the Historical Research of the Pingpu Ethnic Group in Taiwan", in Huang Fusan, Ku Weiying, and Cai Caixiu (eds.), "One Hundred Years of Taiwan Historical Research—Review and Research", Taipei : Preparatory Office of the Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 1997, pp. 257-272.
2. Pan Yinghai, "Traditional Culture?" Cultural traditions? "Myths About the Traditional Culture of the Pingpu Ethnic Group", in "Collected Essays on the Pingpu Ethnic Group and Taiwan's History and Culture" edited by Zhan Sujuan and Pan Yinghai, Taipei: Preparatory Office of the Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 1997, pp. 205-236 .

Week 7: Taiwan in the Age of Discovery (1)
1. Cao Yonghe, "Taiwan and Japan in the History of Exchanges in Maritime Rim of China", in "Selected Essays on Taiwan History (Part 1)" edited by Li Xiaofeng and others, Taipei: Yushan Society, pp. 103-134.
2. Cao Yonghe, "Taiwan during the Dutch and Spanish Occupations", in Cao Yonghe, "Research on the Early History of Taiwan", Taipei: Lianjing, 1979, pp. 25-44.
3. Chen Zongren, "Jilong Mountain and Tamsui Ocean: Research on East Asian Seas and Early History of Taiwan 1400-1700", Taipei City: Lianjing, 2005.

Week 8: Taiwan in the Age of Discovery (2)
1. Murakami Naojiro et al., translated by Xu Xianyao, "Essays on the History of Taiwan in the Dutch Era", Yilan: Foguang College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2001.
2. Written by Takashi Nakamura, compiled by Wu Micha and Weng Jiayin, "Research on the History of Taiwan in the Dutch Era Volume 1 - Overview, Industry" Taipei: Daoxiang, 1997.
3. Written by Nakamura Takashi, compiled by Wu Micha and Weng Jiayin, "Research on the History of Taiwan in the Dutch Era Volume 2 - Society and Culture" Taipei: Daoxiang, 2002.

Week 9: Film Appreciation and Discussion

Week 10: Midterm exam

Week 11: Ming and Zheng Dynasty
1. Cao Yonghe, "Taiwan Reclamation in the Zheng Era", in Cao Yonghe, "Research on Early Taiwan History", Taipei: Lianjing, 1979, pp. 155-193.
2. Zheng Ruiming, "A Preliminary Study on the Trade Relations between Taiwan and Southeast Asia during the Ming Dynasty - Motivations, Practices and the Arrival of Foreign Businessmen to Develop Southeast Asian Trade", "Journal of History of National Taiwan Normal University" 14 (1986).
3. Weng Jiayin, "Hoklo Maritime Traders in the Seventeenth Century", collected in "Essays on the History of China's Marine Development" edited by Tang Xiyong, seventh volume, Taipei: Institute of Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 1999.

Week 12: The Qing Dynasty’s Rule over Taiwan (1)
1. Tang Xiyong, "On the Taiwanese Controversy and Taiwan's Development Policy during the Kangxi Period", "Taipei Documents" 114, pp. 25-53, December 1995.
2. Zhuang Jifa, "Oppression of Fujian and Guangdong Population and Smuggling to Taiwan in the Early Qing Dynasty", "Mainland Magazine", Volume 60, Issue 1 (1970/01), pp. 25-33.
3. Huang Xiuzheng, "Reexamination of the Qing Dynasty's Policies for Governing Taiwan", collected in Huang Xiuzheng, "Research on Taiwan History", Taipei: Student Bookstore, 1992, pp. 145-173.

Week 13: The Qing Dynasty’s Rule over Taiwan (2)
1. Chief editor Gao Mingshi, edited by Hong Liwan, Zhang Yongzhen, Li Liyong, and Wang Zhaowen, "Taiwan History", Taipei: Wunan, 2010.
2. Ke Zhiming, "Fantou Jia: Ethnic Politics and Land Rights in Qing Dynasty in Taiwan", Taipei: Institute of Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 2000.

Week Fourteen: Social Structure of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty
1. Cai Yuanqiu, "Changes in the Nature of Taiwan's Social Leadership in the Qing Dynasty", "Shilian Magazine", Issue 3 (1983/06), pp. 34-64.
2. Lin Weisheng, "The Reasons for the Occurrence of Classified Armed Fighting in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty", in "Selected Essays on Taiwan History (Part 1)" edited by Li Xiaofeng and others, Taipei: Yushan Society), pp. 263-288.
3. Chen Qinan, "Traditional Chinese Society in Taiwan", Taipei: Yun Chen, 1987.
4. Chen Shirong, "Local Elites and "Public Space" in Beitaoyuan in the Qing Dynasty", "Journal of National Chengchi University History" 18 (2001), pp. 203-242.

Week 15: The social economy of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty
1. Lin Manhong, "Tea, Sugar, Camphor and Taiwan's Social and Economic Changes, 1860-1895", Taipei: Lianjing, 1997.
2. Lin

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and Class Participation
midterm exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H304]
授課教師 Teacher:劉超驊
修課班級 Class:歷史系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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