course information of 103 - 1 | 0242 History of Western World (I)(世界史〈上〉)

Taught In English0242 - 世界史〈上〉 History of Western World (I)

教育目標 Course Target

1.本課程著重於培養同學們透析世界歷史發展趨勢與特質的能力,祈能建立一套解釋歷史觀來建構歷史脈絡,並評估世界歷史於未來的 走向。 2. 希望能引導同學了解世界文明發展過程,並思考其歷史的演變,以「大歷史」的宏觀角度來看歷史,從而培養宏大的世界觀。 3. 訓練同學們獨立思考的能力、培養對人文世界的關懷,以建立理性與感性兼備之獨立人格。 4. 通過跨歷史、跨文化與跨社會的方法為背景來為學生闡述世界歷史的形成。 5. 透過引導誘發同學們批判性思考的能力,以及對歷史文化問題探索的興趣,從中學習如何發現問題、解決問題。1. This course focuses on cultivating students' ability to analyze the development trends and characteristics of world history, and hopes to establish a set of historical interpretation concepts to construct historical context and evaluate the future direction of world history. 2. We hope to guide students to understand the development process of world civilization, think about its historical evolution, and look at history from the macro perspective of "big history", thereby cultivating a grand world view. 3. Train students’ ability to think independently and cultivate care for the humanistic world, so as to build an independent personality that is both rational and emotional. 4. Elucidate the formation of world history for students in the context of cross-historical, cross-cultural and cross-society methods. 5. Through guidance, students can be stimulated to think critically and be interested in exploring historical and cultural issues, so as to learn how to discover and solve problems.

課程概述 Course Description

1.本課程著重於培養同學們透析世界歷史發展趨勢與特質的能力,祈能建立一套解釋歷史觀來建構歷史脈絡,並評估世界歷史於未來的走向。 2. 希望能引導同學了解世界文明發展過程,並思考其歷史的演變,以「大歷史」的宏觀角度來看歷史,從而培養宏大的世界觀。 3. 訓練同學們獨立思考的能力、培養對人文世界的關懷,以建立理性與感性兼備之獨立人格。 4. 通過跨歷史、跨文化與跨社會的方法為背景來為學生闡述世界歷史的形成。 5. 透過引導誘發同學們批判性思考的能力,以及對歷史文化問題探索的興趣,從中學習如何發現問題、解決問題。
1. This course focuses on cultivating students' ability to analyze the development trends and characteristics of world history, and hopes to establish a set of historical interpretation concepts to construct historical context and evaluate the future direction of world history. 2. We hope to guide students to understand the development process of world civilization, think about its historical evolution, and look at history from the macro perspective of "big history", thereby cultivating a grand world view. 3. Train students’ ability to think independently and cultivate care for the humanistic world, so as to build an independent personality that is both rational and emotional. 4. Elucidate the formation of world history for students in the context of cross-historical, cross-cultural and cross-society methods. 5. Through guidance, students can be stimulated to think critically and be interested in exploring historical and cultural issues, so as to learn how to discover and solve problems.

參考書目 Reference Books

指定參考書目:Donald Kagan et al., The Western Heritage, 10th edn., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2010.
Jean Bottero&, Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Jeremy Black&, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. University of Texas Press, 1992.
Marc Van De Mieroop, The Ancient Mesopotamian City. Oxford University Press, 1999.
Theodor Mommsen, The History of Rome. Indypublisher, 2004.
Michael Coogan, The Oxford History of the Biblical World. Oxford Press, 2001.
James S. Jeffers, The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity. Intervarsity Press, 1999.
Ian Shaw, The Oxford History of Ancient. Oxford Press, 2002.
Fernand Braudel, Memory and the Mediterranean. Knopf, 2001.
Michael Grant, The Founders of the Western World: A History of and Rome. New York : Scibner, 1991.
Mary R. Lefkowitz, eds., Women’s Life in and Rome : A Source Book in Translation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Theodor Mommsen, The History of Rome. Indypublisher, 2004.
Brian Tierney and Sidney Painter, Western Europe in the Middle Ages, 300-1475, 5th edn., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Judith M. Bennett and C. Warren Hollister, Medieval Europe: A Short History, 10th edn., Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Judith G. Coffin, Robert C. Stacey. Western Civilizations: Their History and Their Culture. Brief ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005.
Lynn Hunt and others. The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures. 2 Vols. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2005.
BenAicha, Hedi, Mosques as libraries in Islamic civilization, 700-1400 A.D., Journal of Library History 21, 1986 pp. 253-260.
J. M. Roberts, The New Penguin History of the World, Penguin Books, 2004.
Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western Civilization: A Brief History, Thomson Wadsworth, 2005.
Specified bibliography: Donald Kagan et al., The Western Heritage, 10th edn., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2010.
Jean Bottero&, Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Jeremy Black&, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. University of Texas Press, 1992.
Marc Van De Mieroop, The Ancient Mesopotamian City. Oxford University Press, 1999.
Theodor Mommsen, The History of Rome. Indypublisher, 2004.
Michael Coogan, The Oxford History of the Biblical World. Oxford Press, 2001.
James S. Jeffers, The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity. Intervarsity Press, 1999.
Ian Shaw, The Oxford History of Ancient. Oxford Press, 2002.
Fernand Braudel, Memory and the Mediterranean. Knopf, 2001.
Michael Grant, The Founders of the Western World: A History of and Rome. New York: Scibner, 1991.
Mary R. Lefkowitz, eds., Women’s Life in and Rome : A Source Book in Translation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Theodor Mommsen, The History of Rome. Indypublisher, 2004.
Brian Tierney and Sidney Painter, Western Europe in the Middle Ages, 300-1475, 5th edn., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Judith M. Bennett and C. Warren Hollister, Medieval Europe: A Short History, 10th edn., Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Judith G. Coffin, Robert C. Stacey. Western Civilizations: Their History and Their Culture. Brief ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2005.
Lynn Hunt and others. The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures. 2 Vols. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2005.
BenAicha, Hedi, Mosques as libraries in Islamic civilization, 700-1400 A.D., Journal of Library History 21, 1986 pp. 253-260.
J. M. Roberts, The New Penguin History of the World, Penguin Books, 2004.
Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western Civilization: A Brief History, Thomson Wadsworth, 2005.
Luo Yu, "Ancient History of the West" in two volumes. Taipei: Chinese Culture University, 1988.
Liu Zengquan, "Ancient History of the West". Taipei: Wunan, 2002.
Translated by Li Zongtong (Coulanges), "History of Ancient Greek and Roman Society". Taipei: Chinese Culture University, 1988.
Liu Jinghui, "

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
20 申論題型
final exam
20 申論題型
usual test
20 由第三週始,每兩週進行一次平時小考(第3,5,7,11,13,15,17週,單數週)
Attendance and Class Performance
30 除出席率外,預習之指定閱讀內容會於上課抽問,以瞭解同學修習情形
Report on your experience after reading English articles
10 閱讀英文文章後的心得撰寫一篇

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Course Information


學分 Credit:4-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H103] Tuesday/6,7[H104]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇信恩
修課班級 Class:歷史系1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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