course information of 103 - 1 | 0050 Garden Appreciation: Literature and Aesthetics(園林文學與美學)

Taught In English0050 - 園林文學與美學 Garden Appreciation: Literature and Aesthetics

教育目標 Course Target

1. 由東西方各國的園林設計的說明及園林書寫的閱讀,使學生瞭解各民族園林美學及其與所屬文化的關係 2. 由中國園林設計的說明及民國之前歷代園林相關書寫的分析,使學生瞭解中國園林藝術做為中國文化精神的體現其內涵所在 3. 由現當代園林書寫及由園林美學所轉化的藝術創作,使學生瞭解中國園林美學做跨藝術轉化的可能,進而認識中國園林美學在當代文化及數位時代所可能扮演角色 4. 透過「園林書寫資料庫」的實際建置與網頁介面設計的發想…等活動,使學生在實際參與中國園林美學在當代的跨藝術轉化創作過程中,學習建置「文學性資料庫」與結合資料庫運作的網站設計概念及方法。1. Through the description of garden designs from Eastern and Western countries and the reading of garden writings, students can understand the garden aesthetics of various ethnic groups and their relationship with their respective cultures. 2. Through the description of Chinese garden design and the analysis of garden-related writings of previous dynasties before the Republic of China, students can understand the connotation of Chinese garden art as a manifestation of the spirit of Chinese culture. 3. From modern and contemporary garden writing and artistic creation transformed from garden aesthetics, students will understand the possibility of cross-art transformation of Chinese garden aesthetics, and then understand the possible role of Chinese garden aesthetics in contemporary culture and the digital era. 4. Through activities such as the actual construction of the "Garden Writing Database" and the development of web interface design, students can learn to build a "literary database" while actually participating in the contemporary cross-art transformation and creation process of Chinese garden aesthetics. ” and website design concepts and methods combined with database operation.

參考書目 Reference Books

陳從周,《說園》。上海市 : 同濟大學出版社, 1984。
陳從周編,《園綜》。上海市 : 同濟大學出版社, 2004。
趙雪倩編,《中國歷代園林圖文精選》。上海市 : 同濟大學出版社, 2005。
Chambers, Sir William.(1773) 《東方造園論》(A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening)。邱博舜譯。台北:聯經,2012。
Hobhouse, P. 《造園的故事》(The Story of Gardening)。北京:清華大學,2013。
Jencks, Charles(1977).The Language of post-modern Architecture.New York : Rizzoli, 1977.
Jencks, Charles(1978). “Meaning of Chinese Garden”. In Maggie Keswick. The Chinese Garden: History, Art and Architecture. Cambridge, MA. : Harvard UP, 2003[1978]. 209-217.
Keswick, Maggie. The Chinese Garden : History, Art and Architecture; contributions and conclusion by Charles Jencks, Allison Hodie. Cambridge, MA : Harvard UP, 2003[1978].
Morris, Edwin T.The Gardens of China: History, Art, and Meanings. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1983.
Schwarcz,Vera. Place and Memory in the Singing Crane Garden. Philadelphia: U. of Penn. P, 2008.
Yang, Xiaoshan. Metamorphosis of the Private Sphere: Gardens and Objects in Tang-Song Poetry. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Asia Center, 2003.
Wang Anyi, "Heavenly Fragrance". Taipei: Maitian, 2009.
Li Ruizong, Cai Siwei. "The Imagination of Landscape: The Garden of Lin Benyuan Mansion in Banqiao". Banqiao: Taipei County Cultural Affairs Bureau, 2010.
Ji Cheng, "Yuanye Commentary", annotated by Chen Zhi. Beijing: China Construction Industry Press, 1988.
Zhan Wang, "Garden Utopia", Changsha: Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009.
Cao Shujuan, "Writing in Change—A Discussion of Qi Biaojia and Yushan Gardens". Taipei: Liren, 2006.
Chen Congzhou, "Shuo Yuan". Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 1984.
Edited by Chen Congzhou, "Yuan Zong". Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2004.
Selected annotations by Chen Zhi and Zhang Gongchi, "Selected Annotations on Famous Gardens in Ancient China", Hefei: Hefei Publishing House, 1993.
Yang Hongxun, "Jiangnan Garden Theory". Taipei: Nantian, 1994.
Han Baode, "Objects and Moods - Chinese Gardens". Taipei: Young Lion, 1990.
Edited by Zhao Xueqian, "Selected Pictures and Texts of Chinese Gardens in Past Dynasties". Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2005.
Chambers, Sir William. (1773) A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening. Translated by Qiu Boshun. Taipei: Lianjing, 2012.
Hobhouse, P. The Story of Gardening. Beijing: Tsinghua University, 2013.
Jencks, Charles (1977). The Language of post-modern Architecture. New York: Rizzoli, 1977.
Jencks, Charles (1978). “Meaning of Chinese Garden”. In Maggie Keswick. The Chinese Garden: History, Art and Architecture. Cambridge, MA. : Harvard UP, 2003[1978]. 209-217.
Keswick, Maggie. The Chinese Garden : History, Art and Architecture; contributions and conclusion by Charles Jencks, Allison Hodie. Cambridge, MA : Harvard UP, 2003[1978].
Morris, Edwin T. The Gardens of China: History, Art, and Meanings. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1983.
Schwarcz,Vera. Place and Memory in the Singing Crane Garden. Philadelphia: U. of Penn. P, 2008.
Yang, Xiaoshan. Metamorphosis of the Private Sphere: Gardens and Objects in Tang-Song Poetry. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Asia Center, 2003.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
term report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:朱衣仙
修課班級 Class:中文系3
選課備註 Memo:中文三優先
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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