course information of 103 - 1 | 0046 Theory and Practice of Reportage(報導文學理論與實務)

Taught In English0046 - 報導文學理論與實務 Theory and Practice of Reportage

教育目標 Course Target

※課程目標 (Course Objectives) 
1.觀點建立:報導工作,是「第四權」(相對於憲法三權:行政、立法、司法)。 2.權力基礎?「不平等」的意識→調查權益不對等的行動→以文字圖像形塑影響力。而本課程將著重於磨練「不平等」的問題意識。 3.權力的目的:改變現況以使各方權益更趨對等,督促受到權力運作影響所及的各方參與對話。 ※課程進行─分三個階段 1.學期前半段,將與「東海香蕉船」社團配合(※該社團為「推動東海學生自治」而成立。),練習「作民調,調查:東海十大民怨與確幸」 2. 推廣運用:行銷、企畫案書寫,打動感情性質的語文運用。 3. 文化的故事:個人傳記,家族,社會變遷的書寫。※Course Objectives 1. Point of view establishment: Reporting work is the "fourth power" (compared to the three powers of the Constitution: executive, legislative, and judicial). 2. Power base? Awareness of "inequality" → Action to investigate inequality of rights → Use words and images to shape influence. This course will focus on honing the problem awareness of "inequality". 3. The purpose of power: to change the current situation so that the rights and interests of all parties are more equal, and to urge all parties affected by the operation of power to participate in dialogue. ※The course is divided into three stages 1. In the first half of the semester, we will cooperate with the "Tunghai Banana Boat" club (※This club was established to "promote Tunghai student autonomy.") to practice "Conducting Polls and Investigations: Tunghai's Top Ten Public Grievances and Confirmed Fortunes" 2. Promotional application: marketing, planning proposal writing, and the use of language that touches people’s emotions. 3. Cultural stories: writing of personal biography, family, and social changes.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. "Renjian Magazine" (collected by the library), Taiwan's first report from a public perspective
2. "The Core Value of Reportage—Analysis on "Human Magazine"/by Ruan Taoyuan, 2011/June
3. "Practical News Editing and Writing"/Shen Zhenglang, Taipei, Lianjing Publishing House.
4. "Media Control"/written by Hang Shiji (Noam Chomsky), translated by Jiang Limei, Taipei, Wheatfield Publishing House.
5. "Theory of Novel"/written by Lukacs, translated by Yang Hengda/Qiu Weijun.
6. Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology/Small Places, Big Topics/[written by Thomas Xuland Erikson/translated by Dong Wei, Beijing/Commercial Press Press/2008

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Discuss the occurrence of problems and form a team
Interviewing and seeking knowledge: causes and solutions to problems
Interview writing practice

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:阮桃園
修課班級 Class:中文系2
選課備註 Memo:中文二優先
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 40 人。

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