course information of 103 - 1 | 0035 Survey of Chinese Studies(國學導讀)

Taught In English0035 - 國學導讀 Survey of Chinese Studies

教育目標 Course Target

國學導讀課程主要目的在於引導學生瞭解國學的全貌,掌握國學的體系,以及國學的發展演變,進而省思中國傳統學術文化的過去,現在與未來。這是對中國傳統學術的入門課程,也是對中國傳統學術的基礎訓練。The main purpose of the introductory course on Chinese studies is to guide students to understand the overall picture of Chinese studies, master the system of Chinese studies, and the development and evolution of Chinese studies, and then reflect on the past, present and future of Chinese traditional academic culture. This is an introductory course to traditional Chinese academics and also a basic training for traditional Chinese academics.

課程概述 Course Description

There are so many Chinese classics and references in the past dynasties that it is not easy to get a glimpse of them. This course aims to systematically classify and analyze the classics and references from past dynasties. The main content includes: classification of books in the past dynasties, introduction to the classics, history, sub-parts, collections, important classics and borrowings from past dynasties, how to use reference books, etc. Through lectures and discussions, beginners can master the basic basic knowledge of Chinese studies in the shortest possible time, laying the best and solid foundation for the advanced courses of the Chinese Department in the next three years.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 羅聯添、張蓓蓓,《國學導讀》(臺北:巨流圖書公司,1990)\
2. 張蓓蓓,《認識國學》(臺北:台灣書店,2000)
3. 程發軔,《國學概論》(臺北:國立編譯館,1969)
4. 邱燮友、周何、田博元,《國學導讀》(臺北:三民書局,1993)
5. 周予同,《群經概論》(臺北:台灣商務印書館,1997)
6. 葉國良、夏長樸、李隆獻,《經學通論》(臺北:大安出版社,2005)
7. 本田成之,《中國經學史》(臺北:廣文書局,1979)
8. 錢穆,《中國史學名著》(臺北:三民書局,1998)
9. 嵇哲,《先秦諸子學》(臺北:洪氏出版社,1970)
10. 蔣伯潛,《諸子通考》(臺北:正中書局,1978)
11. 梁啟超,《先秦政治思想史》(臺北:東大圖書公司,1980)
12. 張滌華,《古代詩文總集選介》(臺北:國文天地出版社,1990)
13. 劉葉秋,《類書簡說》(臺北:國文天地出版社,1990)
14. 張舜徽,《中國文獻學》(臺北:木鐸出版社,1983)
15. 永瑢、紀昀,《四庫全書總目提要》(臺北:藝文印書館,1979)(臺北:商務印書館,1965)
1. Luo Liantian and Zhang Beibei, "Introduction to Chinese Studies" (Taipei: Juliu Book Company, 1990)\
Please refer to the e-book information: http://www.airitibooks.com/detail.aspx?PublicationID=P20100618015
2. Zhang Beibei, "Understanding Chinese Studies" (Taipei: Taiwan Bookstore, 2000)
3. Cheng Fa-hen, "Introduction to Chinese Studies" (Taipei: National Translation and Translation Center, 1969)
4. Qiu Xieyou, Zhou He, and Tian Boyuan, "Introduction to Chinese Studies" (Taipei: Sanmin Bookstore, 1993)
5. Zhou Yutong, "Introduction to Qunjing" (Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1997)
6. Ye Guoliang, Xia Changpu, and Li Longxian, "General Theory of Confucian Classics" (Taipei: Daan Publishing House, 2005)
7. Honda Shigeyuki, "History of Chinese Classics" (Taipei: Guangzhou Publishing House, 1979)
8. Qian Mu, "Masterpieces of Chinese History" (Taipei: Sanmin Book Company, 1998)
9. Ji Zhe, "Pre-Qin Scholars" (Taipei: Hong's Publishing House, 1970)
10. Jiang Boqian, "Tongkao of Zhuzi" (Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Company, 1978)
11. Liang Qichao, "History of Political Thought in Pre-Qin Dynasty" (Taipei: Dongda Book Company, 1980)
12. Zhang Dihua, "Selected Collection of Ancient Poetry and Prose" (Taipei: Chinese World Publishing House, 1990)
13. Liu Yeqiu, "Lei Shu Jian Shuo" (Taipei: Chinese World Publishing House, 1990)
14. Zhang Shunhui, "Chinese Philology" (Taipei: Muduo Publishing House, 1983)
15. Yong Rong and Ji Yun, "Summary of the General Catalog of Sikuquanshu" (Taipei: Art and Literature Press, 1979) (Taipei: Commercial Press, 1965)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Daily performance, homework results

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[H306]
授課教師 Teacher:李金星
修課班級 Class:中文系1
選課備註 Memo:中文一優先
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 67 人。

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