course information of 103 - 1 | 0018 Readings on Chinese Poetry with Writing Practice(詩選及習作)

Taught In English0018 - 詩選及習作 Readings on Chinese Poetry with Writing Practice

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要為講解中國詩歌發展演變史,詩歌格律及習作,並加強學生閱讀詩歌史上重要作家及其代表作品,透過學習使學生瞭解古典詩的形成發展演變,能鑑賞歷代名家詩作,並進而能寫作古典詩。古典詩為中國文學中最璀燦的文類,透過學習以提升學生文學審美能力,創作能力,從詩作中學習古人美好品格心性,並奠定未來古典詩歌學術研究基礎。This course mainly explains the history of the development and evolution of Chinese poetry, poetry rhythm and exercises, and strengthens students' reading of important writers and their representative works in the history of poetry. Through learning, students can understand the formation, development and evolution of classical poetry, be able to appreciate the poems of famous writers of the past, and then be able to Write classical poetry. Classical poetry is the most brilliant genre in Chinese literature. Through learning, students can improve their literary aesthetic ability and creative ability, learn the beautiful character and character of the ancients from their poems, and lay the foundation for future academic research on classical poetry.

課程概述 Course Description

A班;古典詩學在中國文學發展中極具代表性,是以「詩選與習作」乃中文系必修基礎課程之一。本課程從古詩至近體詩演變過程中,擇選名家詩作,加以研讀,由於本課程乃學年課,課程安排以上學期教授古體詩,下學期教授近體詩為原則,配合習作原則講授,以期訓練學生具備讀詩-賞詩─吟詩─作詩之能力。主要授課內容包含:詩學基礎知識、歷代詩選讀、古典詩習作三個主軸。教學目標有四:建構基礎古典詩學知識、掌握中國詩學發展脈動、重要詩家作品認識及品鑒、奠定古典詩創作興趣及基礎。預期通過本課程之學生可培養「登高能賦,可以為大夫」,「不學詩無以言也」的能力,達到「溫柔敦厚」的詩教涵育。 B班:本課程為大二必修課程,針對中國文學最為燦爛的文類—古典詩,選講先秦漢魏晉南北朝詩、唐宋詩、明清詩,並講解詩歌格律及作法,期望培養學生古典詩歌之閱讀、鑑賞與寫作能力,並進而能深入研究古典詩相關論題。
Class A: Classical poetry is very representative in the development of Chinese literature, so "Poem Selection and Composition" is one of the compulsory basic courses in the Chinese Department. In the evolution process from ancient poetry to modern poetry, this course selects and studies the poems of famous writers. Since this course is an academic year course, the curriculum is arranged on the principle that ancient poetry will be taught in the first semester and modern poetry will be taught in the next semester, and the teaching will be based on the principles of practice, in order to train students to have the ability to read poetry. - Appreciating poetry - reciting poetry - the ability to compose poetry. The main teaching content includes three main axes: basic knowledge of poetry, selected poetry readings from past dynasties, and classical poetry practice. There are four teaching objectives: construct basic knowledge of classical poetry, grasp the pulse of the development of Chinese poetry, understand and appreciate the works of important poets, and lay the interest and foundation for classical poetry creation. It is expected that students who pass this course can develop the ability to "climb high and be able to become a doctor", "can't express words without learning poetry", and achieve a "gentle and honest" poetic education. Class B: This course is a compulsory course for sophomores. It focuses on classical poetry, the most brilliant genre of Chinese literature. It selects poetry from the pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang and Song poetry, and Ming and Qing poetry. It also explains the rhythm and practice of poetry, hoping to cultivate students in classical poetry. The ability to read, appreciate and write poetry, and then be able to conduct in-depth research on topics related to classical poetry.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Annotations on selected poems of the past dynasties, selected annotations by Zheng Wenhui and others, Liren Bookstore
2. The source of ancient poetry, Shen Deqian, Zhonghua Book Company
3. Essential Poems of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Gao Buying, Minglun Book Company

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Being diligent, participating in discussions in class, doing homework, etc.

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0021 Readings on Chinese Poetry with Writing Practice / 詩選及習作 (中文系2B,授課教師:呂珍玉,五/2,3[H308])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/7,8[H106]
授課教師 Teacher:呂珍玉
修課班級 Class:中文系2A
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 64 人。

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